Biology and Genetics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/12 BIO/13 MED/03
Learning objectives
- The student must learn notions on the structure and function of the main macromolecules and cellular differentiation as well as the molecular basis of the expression of genetic information, its regulation and the transmission mobility of hereditary characters;
- It must also acquire chemical, biological and biochemical knowledge at the base of life sciences, including fundamental chemical reactions, biochemical processes and the cellular and sub-cellular structures assigned to them, the modes of transmission and expression of genetic information and fundamental dynamics of the processes that regulate the life of living organisms.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquiring chemical, biological and biochemical knowledge at the base of life sciences. Acquisition of essential concepts to be able to follow with success lessons of the following years.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Not required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test with multiple choice questions (1 correct answer only). Each question is worth from 1 to 2 points for a total of 30 points for each module. For each session there will be at least 2 appeals concerning all modules. An on-going test will be carried out at the end of the course for the Applied Biology module that will allow students to evaluate their preparation in anticipation of the exam sessions. The results will be communicated immediately at the end of the test as the correction of the task is immediate. If a student in a test passes a mark of 18/30 or higher but not the others modules, the mark will remain valid for the entire academic year but can be recorded only when the student also passes the others modules. The final mark will be the mathematical average of the marks taken in the individual modules.
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of living organisms: cell theory; cell study methods; prokaryotic cells; eukaryotic cells; hierarchical organization in biology; evolution of organisms.
· Characteristics of biological marcomolecules: lipids, nucleic acids and proteins.
· Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cell compartmentalization; cell organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; junctions; matrix.
· Structure and function of biological membranes: fluid mosaic model; transport through the membrane.
· Cellular communication: communication mode between cells.
· Cell cycle and its regulation: cycle phases; control system.
· DNA replication: central dogma of biology; Meselson and Stahl experiment; molecular replication; DNA damage repair.
Transcription: various types of RNA; synthesis of RNA; maturation of messenger RNAs.
· Translation and genetic code: genetic code and its properties; protein synthesis mechanism; post-synthetic fate of proteins.
· The genome of eukaryotes: structure of chromatin; the nucleosome; gene structure (intron-exons); control of gene expression.
· Virus: structure; bacterial, animal and plant viruses; cell-virus interactions
Teaching methods
The teaching will be delivered in the form of lectures. The course program, slides and review material will be provided to students by the teacher at the start of the course on the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
· Chiara Donati, Massimo Stefani, Niccolò Taddei "Biologia e Genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Solomon, Berg, Martin "Elementi di biologia" EDISES
· Curtis, Barnes, Schnek, Massarini "Le basi della biologia" ZANICHELLI
· Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum "Elementi di biologia e genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Campbell, Reece "Biologia e genetica" PEARSON
· Chieffi, Dolfini, Malcovati, Pierantoni, Tenchini: "Biologia e Genetica" EDISES
· Barbieri L., Strocchi E., Lezioni di Patologia generale, II edizione digitale, Rimini, Polo Scientifco Didattico di Rimini, 2012
· Federici G., Medicina di laboratorio, Milano, MC GRAW HILL, 2008
· Ciaccio M., "Elementi di biochimica Clinica e medicina di Laboratorio" EDISES, 2020
· Panteghini M., "Interpretazione degli esami di laboratorio". Trattato italiano di medicina di laboratorio; volume VII, Piccin, 2008.
Medical genetics
Course syllabus
· Molecular basis of heredity: genes, chromosomes; somatic and germ cells; karyotype and ploidy; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis and fertilization; sex determination
· Mendelian genetics: gene, allele, locus; Mendel's laws; genotype and phenotype; interactions between alleles; multiple allelism (ABO)
· Traits and Inheritance: pedigrees; autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and sex-linked inheritance; monofactorial diseases; mitochondrial inheritance; multifactorial inheritance
· Genetic, chromosomal and genomic mutations: point mutations, deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations; X-inactivation; polyploidies, aneuploidies; main aneuploidies of autosomes and sex chromosomes in humans; genomic diseases.
· Prenatal diagnosis: amniocentesis, villocentesis; non-invasive diagnosis
Teaching methods
The teaching will be delivered in the form of lectures. The course program, slides and review material will be provided to students by the teacher at the start of the course on the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
· Chiara Donati, Massimo Stefani, Niccolò Taddei "Biologia e Genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Solomon, Berg, Martin "Elementi di biologia" EDISES
· Curtis, Barnes, Schnek, Massarini "Le basi della biologia" ZANICHELLI
· Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum "Elementi di biologia e genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Campbell, Reece "Biologia e genetica" PEARSON
· Chieffi, Dolfini, Malcovati, Pierantoni, Tenchini: "Biologia e Genetica" EDISES
· Barbieri L., Strocchi E., Lezioni di Patologia generale, II edizione digitale, Rimini, Polo Scientifco Didattico di Rimini, 2012
· Federici G., Medicina di laboratorio, Milano, MC GRAW HILL, 2008
· Ciaccio M., "Elementi di biochimica Clinica e medicina di Laboratorio" EDISES, 2020
· Panteghini M., "Interpretazione degli esami di laboratorio". Trattato italiano di medicina di laboratorio; volume VII, Piccin, 2008.
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Course syllabus
· Main indications for requesting the laboratory tests; types of biological samples with particular attention to blood sample; main sources of pre-analytical variability: patient preparation, specimen collection, storage and treatment; acceptability criteria of a biological sample.
· Types of laboratory exams; variability of laboratory results: biological and analytical variability; reliability of analytical methods: concepts of precision and trueness; types of errors; validation of the results: procedures of quality control.
· Interpretation of the results: reference intervals; decisional limits; critical difference; the medical report; criteria of diagnostic utility: diagnostic specificity and sensibility, prediction values.
· Biochemical-clinical aspects concerning the measurement of hemoglobin concentration in blood; total blood count test; laboratory tests useful for the evaluation of the iron metabolism alterations.
· Laboratory diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus.
· Laboratory role in the evaluation of the disorders of lipids and lipoproteins.
· Laboratory markers of kidney function; urine test.
· Laboratory markers of liver disease; electrophoresis of serum proteins.
Teaching methods
The teaching will be delivered in the form of lectures. The course program, slides and review material will be provided to students by the teacher at the start of the course on the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
· Chiara Donati, Massimo Stefani, Niccolò Taddei "Biologia e Genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Solomon, Berg, Martin "Elementi di biologia" EDISES
· Curtis, Barnes, Schnek, Massarini "Le basi della biologia" ZANICHELLI
· Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum "Elementi di biologia e genetica" ZANICHELLI
· Campbell, Reece "Biologia e genetica" PEARSON
· Chieffi, Dolfini, Malcovati, Pierantoni, Tenchini: "Biologia e Genetica" EDISES
· Barbieri L., Strocchi E., Lezioni di Patologia generale, II edizione digitale, Rimini, Polo Scientifco Didattico di Rimini, 2012
· Federici G., Medicina di laboratorio, Milano, MC GRAW HILL, 2008
· Ciaccio M., "Elementi di biochimica Clinica e medicina di Laboratorio" EDISES, 2020
· Panteghini M., "Interpretazione degli esami di laboratorio". Trattato italiano di medicina di laboratorio; volume VII, Piccin, 2008.
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Paleari Renata
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Medical genetics
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Fontana Laura
to be scheduled, please email me for additional information
LITA, Via Fratelli Cervi 93, Segrate, MI