Basic Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/10 BIO/13 FIS/07
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is:
Know the fundamentals of chemistry necessary for the understanding of living matter and organic compounds of interest for biochemistry;
Know the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the vital processes and related metabolic activities;
Know the fundamental concepts of physics useful for understanding and interpreting physiological phenomena;
Know the structure and functions of the eukaryotic cell; Know the mechanisms of transmission and expression of genetic information.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student:
- will learn the behavior of biologically active molecules, gaining the appreciation of the chemical transformations in the life processes;
- will expose and explain, in a simple but rigorous manner, the chemical and biochemical phenomena or processes that are the basis of life;
- will be able to describe the structure and functions of a cell, including cell-cell communication;
- will be able to explain the content of Mendelian laws, about the transmission of monogenic characters and will know the mechanisms of gene expression and of the transmission of genetic information;
-will be able to provide a physical description of some key physiological processes;
- will understand the connections between chemistry, physic and biology;
- will be able to do exercises based on the fundamental concepts of physics and metrology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Fondazione Sacra Famiglia

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Giavazzi Fabio
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Francolini Maura

Sezione - Istituto Oncologico Europeo

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Ricci Caterina
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Chiricozzi Elena
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Venturin Marco

Sezione Ospedale di Magenta

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Ricci Caterina
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Chiricozzi Elena
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Venturin Marco

Sezione San Giuseppe

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Battaglia Cristina
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Grassi Fabio Maria

Sezione: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Bari Vlasta
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Galimberti Daniela
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours

Sezione: Ospedale di Crema

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Assandri Roberto
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Bonaldi Tiziana

Sezione: Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi.

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Giardina Monica
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Gavina Manuela
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Pezzotta Alex

Sezione:Fondazione Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Giavazzi Fabio
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Francolini Maura

Sezione:Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,Mangiagalli e Regina Elena

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Mauri Laura
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours

Sezione:Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Tenconi Chiara
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours

Sezione:Ospedale di circolo di RHO

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours

Sezione:Ospedale Fatebenefratelli

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Ricci Caterina
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Chiricozzi Elena
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Venturin Marco

Sezione:Ospedale Luigi Sacco

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Porta Alberto
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Ottria Roberta
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours

Sezione:Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Giavazzi Fabio
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Francolini Maura

Sezione:Ospedale San Carlo

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Ricci Caterina
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Chiricozzi Elena
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Venturin Marco

Sezione:Ospedale San Paolo

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium : equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Mauri Giovanni
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professors: Dei Cas Michele Vittorio, Signorelli Paola
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Gallina Andrea

Sezione:Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Atomic structure: chemical bonds: ionic and covalent bonds.
Intermolecular bonding: van der Waals forces and hydrogen bond.
Water: structure and properties; weak interactions in aqueous systems.
Aqueous solutions: concentration of solutions; colligative properties; osmosis.
Chemical reactions: basic concepts; reactions and chemical equilibrium; catalysts; redox reactions.
Ionic equilibrium: equilibrium of water autoionization; pH; acids and bases; buffer solutions.
Bonding in carbon compounds: common classes of organic compounds.
Biomolecules and their structures.
Enzymes: structure, regulation and mechanism of action.
Metabolism: overview of metabolism; anabolic and catabolic pathways.
Energy metabolism: high energy molecules; ATP cycle; mechanisms of ATP synthesis; Krebs cycle; electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.
Carbohydrate metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of glucose; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
Lipid metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of fatty acids; regulation of lipid metabolism.
Amino acids metabolism, basic concepts: digestion; origin and metabolic pathways of amino acids; regulation of amino acids metabolism.
Proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. Hemoglobin.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M, Paroni R. Chimica e Biochimica per le lauree triennali dell'area Biomedica. Padova: Piccin,2017
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
Characteristics of the living matter: the cell theory; Methods to study the cell; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Levels of organization in Biology; Bases of biological evolution
Biological Macromolecules: Lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins.
Structure and organization of the eukaryotic cell: cellular compartmentalization; intracellular organelles; ribosomes; cytoskeleton; intercellular junction and extracellular matrix.
Structure and function of biological membranes: Fluid mosaic and transport across membranes
Cell-cell communications: How cells communicate with each other.
Cell cycle and cell-cycle regulation: Phases and control; cell death and transformation
Reproduction in living organisms: Sexual and asexual reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and differentiation.
DNA replication: the central dogma of molecular biology; DNA duplication and repair.
Transcription: Different types of RNA, RNA synthesis and maturation
Genetic code and protein translation: properties of the genetic code; protein synthesis and maturation.
The eukaryotic genome: chromatin structure; gene structure and control of gene expression.
Viruses: classification, structure and interaction with the host.
The Mendelian Laws and the transmission of monogenic traits: Genotype and phenotype; dominant, co-dominant and recessive alleles.
Monogenic genetic disease transmission: Cystic fibrosis; Thalassemia
Blood groups and multiple alleles
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chiricozzi E. et al. Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica. Napoli: Edises; 2022
Bonaldo P, Crisafulli C, D'Angelo R, Francolini M, Grimaudo S, Rinaldi C, Riva P, RomanelliMG. Elementi di biologia e genetica. Napoli: EdiSES 2019
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Introduction: Measurements in Physics. Fundamental and derived quantities. The International System of Units. Vector algebra.
Kinematics: Trajectory, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion.
Dynamics - Newton's laws, gravitational force, force field, work, energy, power.
Statics - Equilibrium of a point particle, rigid body, torque, equilibrium of a rigid body, center of mass, stability, levers in the human body.
Statics e Dynamics of fluids - Aggregation states, density, pressure, Pascal's law, Stevin's law, Archimedes' principle, buoyancy, measurement of the pressure, flow rate, Hagen-Poiseuille's law.
Thermodynamics - Temperature, equation of state of an ideal gas, heat, specific heat, heat transfer.
Electrostatics and currents -Electric charge, Coulomb's law, potential energy and voltage, conductors and insulators, condenser, electrical current, Ohm's laws.
Radiations - Ionizing radiations, natural and artificial sources, radioactivity, radioactive decay, X ray.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Borsa F, Lascialfari A, Principi di fisica. Napoli: Edises , 2020.
Contessa GM, Marzo GA. Fisica applicata alle scienze mediche. Bologna: Casa Editrice Ambrosianai, 2019
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Online courses: 5 hours
Professor: Spitaleri Andrea
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Online courses: 10 hours
Professor: Massa Valentina
to be defined by email
Palazzo LITA, via Fratelli Cervi 93, 20054, Segrate
to be defined by appointment, via email or telephone
Building 13, Floor 1 of the Department of Experimental Oncology of the European Institute of Oncology, Via Adamello 16, Milan
By appointment
14.30 - 15.30
via Saldini 50
Please contact [email protected] to schedule a meeting
Via Fratelli Cervi 93 Segrate Milano Dept. Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine
by appointment
Building LITA Vialba, 4 floor, room 4028
on appointment
TEAMS platform; LITA, Via fratelli Cervi 93, 20054, Segrate (MI)
by appointment to be agreed via e-mail
San Donato Milanese - via R. Morandi 30