Astroparticle Physics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course provides an overview of astroparticle physics, with an accent on experimental techniques of common use in both particle physics and astrophysics. The course covers cosmic rays physics, dark matter searches and neutrino astrophysics.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have understood:
1. Basic theoretical knowledge of the discussed themes;
2. Common characteristics of measures in underground and cosmic rays physics as well as their problematics;
3. Design ideas and functioning principles used in astroparticle physics;
4. Methods in use for data analysis in several astroparticle physics experiments;
5. Main experimental results of last years in astroparticle physics, their critical analysis and implications.
1. Basic theoretical knowledge of the discussed themes;
2. Common characteristics of measures in underground and cosmic rays physics as well as their problematics;
3. Design ideas and functioning principles used in astroparticle physics;
4. Methods in use for data analysis in several astroparticle physics experiments;
5. Main experimental results of last years in astroparticle physics, their critical analysis and implications.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
The course will be delivered entirely remotely in case of travel
restrictions due to Covid-19. In this case, the lectures will be offered
in virtual classrooms (zoom platform) in synchronous connection, with the
possibility of real-time interaction between the students and the teacher.
restrictions due to Covid-19. In this case, the lectures will be offered
in virtual classrooms (zoom platform) in synchronous connection, with the
possibility of real-time interaction between the students and the teacher.
Course syllabus
Neutrino Physics:
· Massive Neutrinos and connection with Grand Unified hypothesis.
· Direct measurements of neutrino masses.
· Neutrino Oscillation in vacuum and in matter with 3 and 4 flavors.
· Experiments with solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos and neutrinos form accelerators and reactors.
· Majorana neutrinos and zero neutrinos double beta decay.
· Neutrinos mass hierarchy and sterile neutrinos.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
· Adronic interactions at very high energies.
· Cosmic Rays from a particle physics point of view.
· Experiments at Ultra High Energies.
Gamma Ray Astronomy
· Satellite experiments.
· Diffuse gamma ray background.
· Gamma Rays with Cherenkov telescopes.
Neutrino Astronomy
· The need for a neutrino astronomy.
· Neutrino astrophysics sources.
· Neutrino telescopes.
Evidences of Dark Matter
· Candidates and production mechanisms
· Direct search: phenomenology, detection and results(scintillating crystals, solid state detectors, bolometers,time projection chambers, superheated liquids, directional detectors)
· Indirect search
· Search at colliders
· Search for axions
· Massive Neutrinos and connection with Grand Unified hypothesis.
· Direct measurements of neutrino masses.
· Neutrino Oscillation in vacuum and in matter with 3 and 4 flavors.
· Experiments with solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos and neutrinos form accelerators and reactors.
· Majorana neutrinos and zero neutrinos double beta decay.
· Neutrinos mass hierarchy and sterile neutrinos.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
· Adronic interactions at very high energies.
· Cosmic Rays from a particle physics point of view.
· Experiments at Ultra High Energies.
Gamma Ray Astronomy
· Satellite experiments.
· Diffuse gamma ray background.
· Gamma Rays with Cherenkov telescopes.
Neutrino Astronomy
· The need for a neutrino astronomy.
· Neutrino astrophysics sources.
· Neutrino telescopes.
Evidences of Dark Matter
· Candidates and production mechanisms
· Direct search: phenomenology, detection and results(scintillating crystals, solid state detectors, bolometers,time projection chambers, superheated liquids, directional detectors)
· Indirect search
· Search at colliders
· Search for axions
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledges of the Standard Model of particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics and interaction of radiation with matter.
Teaching methods
The didactic method adopted foresees frontal lessons in which we will use slides (downloadable from the web) and on the blackboard.
Beside, during the course, scientific articles with the latest results and recommended texts will be indicated.
Beside, during the course, scientific articles with the latest results and recommended texts will be indicated.
Teaching Resources
- Course slides: available on our websites
- Alessandro De Angelis, Mário João Martins Pimenta - Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics (Springer 2015, Springer 2018)
- Maurizio Spurio - Particles and Astrophysics (Springer 2014)
- Maurizio Spurio - The Probes of Multimessanger Astrophysics (Springer 2018)
- Alessandro De Angelis, Mário João Martins Pimenta - Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics (Springer 2015, Springer 2018)
- Maurizio Spurio - Particles and Astrophysics (Springer 2014)
- Maurizio Spurio - The Probes of Multimessanger Astrophysics (Springer 2018)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consist in an oral discussion concerning all arguments deal with during the course and in a presentation about a topic chosen by the student.
FIS/04 - NUCLEAR AND SUBNUCLEAR PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
D'Angelo Davide, Miramonti Lino
by appointment
Office: Phys. Dep. - v. Celoria, 16 - Lita building, 3rd floor.