Aspetti organizzativi e giuridici in psichiatria
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Prior knowledge is not required
Assessment methods and Criteria
They must pass a written multiple choice test
Istituzioni di diritto pubblico
Course syllabus
The protection of the rights of the minor
-Role of the Terp
-Role of the Terp
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Medicina legale
Course syllabus
- Informed consent;
- State of necessity VS private violence crimes or injuries;
- Interdiction, incapacitation, supporting administration;
- Neglicence, imprudence, inexperience, compensation for damage;
- Professional secrecy: admissibility, exonerating circumstances, risks of damaging behaviors;
- Self-injurious behaviors;
- End-of-life (do-not-resuscitate order and ordinance number 207, November 16th, 2018, of the Constitutional Court);
- Cause-and-effect relationship in Forensic Medicine.
Some knowledge about forensic psychopathology and criminology of domestic violence will also be delivered.
Theoretical aspects will be more comprehensive by adding several case studies (decisions in the matter responsability, clinical cases, forensic reports).
- State of necessity VS private violence crimes or injuries;
- Interdiction, incapacitation, supporting administration;
- Neglicence, imprudence, inexperience, compensation for damage;
- Professional secrecy: admissibility, exonerating circumstances, risks of damaging behaviors;
- Self-injurious behaviors;
- End-of-life (do-not-resuscitate order and ordinance number 207, November 16th, 2018, of the Constitutional Court);
- Cause-and-effect relationship in Forensic Medicine.
Some knowledge about forensic psychopathology and criminology of domestic violence will also be delivered.
Theoretical aspects will be more comprehensive by adding several case studies (decisions in the matter responsability, clinical cases, forensic reports).
Teaching methods
Lectures using Powerpoint presentations, which will all be provided to the students in order to prepare the final exam.
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Medicina del lavoro
Course syllabus
- La maturità e l'assunzione del lavoro
- Il concetto di rischio, in particolare di rischio psicosociale
- I fattori psicosociali
- Lo stress
- Burnout - Engagement
- Il mobbing
- Il concetto di salute e di prevenzione primaria, secondaria e terziaria in medicina del lavoro
- Le figure responsabili della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro
- La normativa vigente in medicina del lavoro e la sua evoluzione
- La prevenzione del rischio psicosociale
- Il concetto di rischio, in particolare di rischio psicosociale
- I fattori psicosociali
- Lo stress
- Burnout - Engagement
- Il mobbing
- Il concetto di salute e di prevenzione primaria, secondaria e terziaria in medicina del lavoro
- Le figure responsabili della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro
- La normativa vigente in medicina del lavoro e la sua evoluzione
- La prevenzione del rischio psicosociale
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
Lombardy Guidelines for Rehabilitation Activities:
- Professional profiles of the Rehabilitation Class: skills, roles and activities
- Regulations for rehabilitation activities in Lombardy: Rehabilitation Unit; Structure project; Rehabilitation Project and Rehabilitation Program
- Generalities on the concept of Accreditation and Certification
The organization and the organizational context
- Definition
- Roles and functions in Health Trusts
- Leadership styles
Management tools in organizations
- Planning
- Making decisions
- The delegation
- The motivation
- Teamwork
- The comunication
- Conflict management
Continuing medical education
Evaluation tools and quality indicators in rehabilitation
- The evaluation process
- The quality and its size
- Some examples of quality indicators in Healthcare
Prison/REMS psychiatric rehabilitation
- Strategies and techniques of rehabilitation in prison/REMS
- Skills-competences of the rehabilitator
- Professional profiles of the Rehabilitation Class: skills, roles and activities
- Regulations for rehabilitation activities in Lombardy: Rehabilitation Unit; Structure project; Rehabilitation Project and Rehabilitation Program
- Generalities on the concept of Accreditation and Certification
The organization and the organizational context
- Definition
- Roles and functions in Health Trusts
- Leadership styles
Management tools in organizations
- Planning
- Making decisions
- The delegation
- The motivation
- Teamwork
- The comunication
- Conflict management
Continuing medical education
Evaluation tools and quality indicators in rehabilitation
- The evaluation process
- The quality and its size
- Some examples of quality indicators in Healthcare
Prison/REMS psychiatric rehabilitation
- Strategies and techniques of rehabilitation in prison/REMS
- Skills-competences of the rehabilitator
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Organizzazione aziendale
Course syllabus
- Historical notes on the birth of psychiatry as a discipline and practice
- Law of 1904 and its regulation
- Law of 1978 (law 180)
- Conditions for the implementation of the TSO
- Definitions and functions of the Department of Mental Health, of the Psychiatry Operative Unit, of hospital (SPDC), territorial (CPS), residential and semi-residential structures (CRA , CRM , CPA , CPM , RL , CD)
- Community psychiatry and networking.
- Examples of user and family involvement in the organization of psychiatric services
- Law of 1904 and its regulation
- Law of 1978 (law 180)
- Conditions for the implementation of the TSO
- Definitions and functions of the Department of Mental Health, of the Psychiatry Operative Unit, of hospital (SPDC), territorial (CPS), residential and semi-residential structures (CRA , CRM , CPA , CPM , RL , CD)
- Community psychiatry and networking.
- Examples of user and family involvement in the organization of psychiatric services
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
- Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di Medicina Legale, Franco Angeli, 2011.
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Istituzioni di diritto pubblico
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Barbagallo Federico, Randazzo Barbara
Medicina del lavoro
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Carrer Paolo
Medicina legale
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Merzagora Isabella
Organizzazione aziendale
Lessons: 10 hours
Fusi Antonio
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 20 hours
Bernardelli Giuseppina, Scolari Novella
Educational website(s)