Archival Records Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to develop the cognitive and methodological tools necessary to address the issue of the training and preservation of new digital archives, including aspects regarding current legislation and industry standards; It also aims to address the issues of the enhancement of historical archives through the use of descriptive IT resources.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be expected to have the necessary knowledge for a primary approach to digital archival training and management issues, and to have a knowledge and awareness of the critical issues of long-term retention of digital documents and possible operational solutions. Students are also expected to be able to access historical documents through the use of digital descriptive resources (especially through archival information systems)
In the exam, students will have to demonstrate that they know how to communicate their learned content clearly and correctly and that they have mastery of the specialist lexicon of the subject.
The lessons will be supported by one or more guided tours of actual archives and depots and through the experienced talks from professions active in the management of hybrid and digital archive storage systems or experts in the use of archival description software.
Students opting not to attend the course will be able to make use of the educational tools that the instructor may make available on Ariel, and deepen their knowledge on the main topics through reading suggested by the instructor.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
First of all, the course aims to illustrate the main techniques and practical experiences of reordering, conservation and digitization of documentary funds, as well as the virtualization methodologies (enhancement, communication, digital dissemination) of the archival cultural heritage updated to the most recent national regulatory developments, international standards and experimental technological applications by analyzing practical cases.
The course also aims to introduce the transversal and interdisciplinary terrain of Digital Humanities and the methods and tools available today for scholars in the various humanities disciplines. We will focus in particular on the phases of acquisition, management and return of data and we will examine the numerous research projects and tools existing in Italy and abroad. abroad.
[If useful, some experts may be invited to discuss specific topics during the lessons].
Part 1: Main techniques and practical experiences of reordering, conservation and digitization of document collections, as well as virtualization methodologies (enhancement, communication, digital dissemination) of the archival cultural heritage updated to the most recent evolutions in national regulations, international standards and experimental technological applications by analyzing practical cases.
Part 2: Historical evolution and context: characteristics, origins, history of computer archiving and digital humanities; sectors of humanistic research that can draw ideas for renewal from the application of IT tools and methods. Introduction of the concept of Linked open data and semantic Web.
Part 3: Principles and languages: data acquisition, representation, management and output (standards for the description of bibliographic, archival, museum cultural heritage resources, exchange formats, citation styles), elements of scientific communication and dissemination, open science and open access, social media.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the MA degree admission.
It is useful to have attended courses in Archiving, Library and information science and Digital librarianship.
Teaching methods
Attendance of the lessons is strongly recommended, although not mandatory.
The course consists of lectures aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and the appropriate language. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the course, many existing projects, resources and tools will also be shown, also useful to prepare the final exam.
Discussion with the professor is an essential part of the teaching method and aims at stimulating curiosity and critical attitude and facilitating the ability to apply the skills and knowledge acquired.
The teaching is also based on didactic and multimedia material provided on ARIEL platform.
It is advisable that all students, attending and non-attending, who intend to take the 9 or 6 credit exam first agree on the scope and development of the project with the teacher.
Teaching Resources
Program for 6 cfu (attending and non-attending students):
- knowledge of the topics covered in class (parts 1 and 2);

- knowledge of the AgID guidelines on document management and related attachments:
· guidelines -->
· Att. 1 -->
· Att. 2 -->
· Att. 3 -->
· Att. 4 -->
· All. 5 -->

- critical reading of the National plan for the digitization of cultural heritage and related attached guidelines,

Program for 9 cfu (attending and non-attending students):
- knowledge of the topics covered in class (parts 1, 2, 3);

- knowledge of the AgID guidelines on document management and related attachments:
· guidelines -->
· Attachment 1 -->
· Attachment 2 -->
· Attachment 3 -->
· Attachment 4 -->
· All. 5 -->

- knowledge of the National Plan for the digitization of cultural heritage and related attached guidelines,

- reading one of the following texts:
Introduzione allo studio dell'archivistica, a cura di Stefano Twardzik, Milano, Biblion, 2023;
Maria Pia Donato, L' archivio del mondo: quando Napoleone confiscò la storia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2019;
Philippe Daverio, Museo immaginato, Milano, Rizzoli, 2012;
Paola Carucci, Maria Guercio, Manuale di archivistica, Nuova ed., Roma, Carocci, 2021;
Francesco Martelli, La Cittadella degli archivi del Comune di Milano in Periferie europee: istituzioni sociali, politiche, luoghi, a cura di Andrea Maria Locatelli, Claudio Besana, Nicola Martinelli, Milano, Angeli, 2021, vol. 1, p. 309-322, available in open access at
Assessment methods and Criteria
Method and type of exam: oral exam (interview with discussion of a written paper delivered about ten days before to the teacher)

Evaluation criteria: ability to critically reflect on the issues dealt with in the paper and during the course; ability to demonstrate and process the knowledge acquired, both theoretical and practical; ability to hypothesize a project in the field of digital archiving and digital humanities; critical analysis and knowledge of the main problems and solutions in the field of digital archiving and digital humanities; quality and clarity in the presentation.
The interview will focus on the topics covered in the course, in the reference texts and in the chosen ones and on a paper to be delivered by email to the teacher at least ten days before the exam.

Type of evaluation: mark out of thirty

The examination methods for students with disabilities should be agreed with the professor, as well as the relevant Office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)
Every Wednesday from 3pm, at the university and on the Teams channel (e3eetcb).
Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Cortile della legnaia - Dept. of History, sector C, second floor; Microsoft Teams classroom, code e3eetcb