
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course provides basic knowledge of written and spoken Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), introducing the alphabet and writing system, principles of grammar and syntax as well as simple set texts and basic conversation skills.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the alphabet and writing system and of key MSA grammatical and syntactical concepts. Ability to hold a simple conversation and to understand, translate and produce simple texts on known topics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus

Starting with the foundations of orthography and phonetics, the course will introduce the Arabic alphabet (writing, pronunciation and transcription systems) and to the root-pattern system. Grammar instruction will include: tripartition into "name" (al-ism), "verb" (al-fi'l) and "particle" (al-ḥarf); the name; isolated personal pronouns and suffixes; the noun phrase (al-ǧumla al-ismiyya) and its elements; the adjective (position and agreement) as an attribute and predicate; the prepositions; the construct (iḍāfa).

Introduction to the Arab World

This part of the course will provide historical, political and socio-cultural notions necessary to understand the linguistic phenomena taking place in the Arab World.

Language Practice

Practice with native language tutors will focus on basic oral and written production. Attendance is compulsory.
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge of Arabic is required
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures and language practice classes. Attendance is compulsory for practice classes and strongly recommended for lectures. The MyAriel website for the course contains a Course Blog, detailing the contents and activities for each class as well as additional references and practice material.
Teaching Resources
M. Ruocco, D. Potenza, L. D'Anna, S. Fatayer, M. Hussein Eid, "Comunicare in arabo", volume 1, Hoepli, Milano 2022.
Francesco De Angelis, Cristina Dozio, Marco Aurelio Golfetto, Letizia Osti (a cura di), "Letture guidate in arabo", Unicopli, Trezzano sul Naviglio, 2022.
L. Veccia Vaglieri, M. Avino, "Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba", Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2017.

Other teaching material will be indicated by the teacher during the course.

R. Traini, "Vocabolario arabo-italiano", Istituto per l'Oriente, Roma 1966.
E. Baldissera, "Arabo compatto : dizionario arabo italiano, italiano arabo", Zanichelli, Bologna 2008.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will test the student's acquisition of the course's contents and is based on the syillabus material as well as the additional materials available on the MyAriel platform. It consists of a written and an oral exam. Students are admitted to the oral exam after successfully completing the written exam.
The written exam (May, September, January) counts for 30% of the final grade and includes:
1- translation of a text from Arabic into Italian and of a short text from Italian into Arabic;
2- grammar exercises, including multiple choice questions and translation of sentences from Italian into Arabic.

The oral exam (50% and 20% of the final grade respectively) includes:
1- Conversation in Arabic on the topics covered in the language practice classes (at the end of each semester, students who have attended classes will have the opportunity to take in two parts at the end of each semester)
2-reading, translation and analysis of a known text extemporaneous translation exercises (this part of the exam can only be taken at the end of the year).
In order to pass the exam, it is necessary to obtain a passing grade in each part of the exam.
Both the written and the oral exam, if passed, will remain valid for one calendar year.
Unità didattica 1
L-OR/12 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unità didattica 2
L-OR/12 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unità didattica 3
L-OR/12 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Monday 10:00
Floor 4, room 4012 Sesto San Giovanni (p.zza Indro Montanelli)