Applied Social Research

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course follows the course of Methodology of Social Research. The objectives lead to the learning of competences related to the practical application of the basic knowledge acquired on the theoretical level: construction of a research design, epistemological reflection, correct use of quantitative and qualitative techniques and methods for social research.
Expected learning outcomes
In this course students are introduced to the construction of an empirical research starting from a theoretical question: definition of hypothesis and indicators, construction of a questionnaire, data analysis and interpretation of results. By the end of the course students should have practice tools to: a) understand the main problems of the qualitative and quantitative research process, b) critically evaluate the aspects of the empirical research methods.
The students will be introduced to the use of a statistical software for data analysis and hypothesis testing (Modules I-II) and to the application of qualitative technique of research (Module III).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course is in Italian.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is in Italian.
Teaching methods
The course is in Italian.
Teaching Resources
The course is in Italian.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The course is in Italian.
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Sarti Simone
Professor: Sarti Simone