Applied Research and Quality Assessment Methodologies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/11 M-FIL/03 SECS-S/02 SECS-S/05
Learning objectives
Use and apply epidemiological and statistical methods and tools for:
- Evaluate the quality of the services provided within the technical health disciplines;
- Plan and carry out applied research in the field of technical health disciplines.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to:
understand the content of scientific publications in the sector;
prepare the documentation for the authorization of the research studies of the Ethics Committee;
build questionnaires for data collection for social research activities;
understand the quality of the services provided in the health sector and the tools available for its evaluation;
understand the results of interventions in the field of research and health promotion;
know about some research activities in the health prevention disciplines.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
It is required to pass the exams of the computer science and statistics and epidemiology courses
Assessment methods and Criteria
The profit exam will consist of several modules.
A written test consisting of multiple choice questions will be proposed with the addition of some open questions, including the analysis, from a legal and moral point of view, of a practical case.
A group work led by the teacher on the critical analysis of articles in the scientific literature will be evaluated with the reworking of the content in slides and the oral presentation of the paper.
Molecular biology
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the structure and formation of life's macromolecules and to cellular bioenergetics
- Structure and function of proteins
- From DNA structure to genes, genomes and chromatin
- Conservation of DNA: replication and mechanisms of DNA repair
- Production of proteins: from genes' transcription t protein synthesis
- Visualization of proteins and DNA sequencing
- Pathological implications
Teaching methods
The teachings will include lectures with discussion of case studies and group work led by the teacher.
Teaching Resources
- Biologia Molecolare della Cellula di Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis
Moral philosophy
Course syllabus
- Philosophical ethics: meta-ethics, normative ethics, applied ethics; moral dilemmas.
- Normative ethics and theories of justice.
- Distributive justice and medical resources.
Teaching methods
Teaching is delivered through face-to-face classroom lectures with the aid of PowerPoint presentations. Students will be encouraged to express and argue their views on the issues covered.
Teaching Resources
Slides and other material uploaded on the Ariel website.
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Course syllabus
- Methods of epidemiological surveillance of professional cancers in Italy
- Explanation of the scientific article structure and critical reading methods;
- Division of the class into four groups and delivery of 3 recent articles on professional cancer surveillance to each group. The content of the articles concerns practical examples and different methodological approaches for the research / surveillance of professional tumors.
- Critical reading of the articles and preparation of summary slides that will be presented to colleagues.
Teaching methods
The teachings will include lectures with discussion of case studies and group work led by the teacher.
Teaching Resources
- PA Bertazzi. Medicina del Lavoro. Cortina editore.
- Articoli forniti per il lavoro di gruppo:
· Oddone E., et al. Approcci allo studio delle neoplasia occupazionali a bassa frazione eziologica. GIMLE 2016; 38(4):311-314.
· Porru S., et al. Reducing the underreporting of lung cancer attributable to occupation: outcomes from a hospital‑based systematic search in Northern Italy. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2016) 89:981-989.
· Ferrante P., et al. I sistemi nazionali di sorveglianza dei casi di mesotelioma. Epidemiol Prev 2016; 40(5): 336-343.
· Van Gerwen M et al. An overview of existing mesothelioma registries worldwide, and the need for US Registry. Am J Ind Med 2019; 1-6, DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23069.
· Consonni D, De Matteis S. Cancro e lavoro: stime di impatto mondiali. Epidemiol Prev 2017; 41(5-6): 308-309.
· Mensi C, et al. Ricerca sistematica dei tumori professionali: il Registro Tumori dei Seni nasali e paranasali della Lombardia. Med Lav 2010; 101(1): 19-25.
· Mensi C, et al. Il Registro Mesoteliomi Lombardia, Centro operativo regionale (COR) del registro nazionale mesoteliomi: aspetti organizzativi. Epidemiol Prev 2007; 31(5): 283-289.
Social statistics
Course syllabus
Quantitative research and qualitative research
· The sample survey
· The technique of stairs
· The official statistical sources
· Participant observation
· The qualitative interview
Teaching methods
The teachings will include lectures with discussion of case studies and group work led by the teacher.
Teaching Resources
- Corbetta Piergiorgio, Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, seconda edizione 2014 (Capitoli II, V, VI, VII, VIII, X e XI)
- Materiale distribuito a lezione
Molecular biology
BIO/11 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Pasini Diego
Moral philosophy
M-FIL/03 - MORAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
Professor: Ferraro Francesco
Social statistics
SECS-S/05 - SOCIAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Lessons: 32 hours