Applied Entomology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide an advanced knowledge on the innovative strategies addressed to protect crops and forests, as the integrated pest management, and molecular tools addressed to investigate the multi level systems.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire specific skills on: innovative strategies addressed to protect crops, as the integrated pest management; population dinamics of insects pests; symbiotic control and the sterile insect technique; molecular tools addressed to investigate insect-symbiont interactions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Applied entomology deals with the dual nature (useful and harmful) of insects that live in anthropic areas.
The course wants to deepen different aspects of applied entomology which insight was not given in the courses of general entomology already followed by the students during their career.
A series of topics will be developed that will address various issues passing from the infinitely small (molecules and genes) to an approach on a larger scale: the insect first and the environment later.
In detail:
1) communication in insects.
a. Communication. The perception of odors in insects.
i. pheromones
ii. effect of pheromones- Hydrocarbons
iii. insect perception of pheromones
iv. how to detect pheromones - chemicals - electronic nose.
b. Tritrophic interaction. How insects find hosts for feeding.
2) the phytosanitary products on insects.
a. mode of action
b. Resistance strategies
c. Phytosanitary measures

a. genes-
b. sex determination in insects. Mode of reproduction (sex ratio) polyploidy-aploidy
c. the success of parthenogenesis
d. biotechnology
e. diagnostic
f. barcoding
g. metabarcoding

1) Alimentary needs in insects.
2) pest insect management
a. Exotic species
b. theories of settlement of exotic species
c. Mapping Diffusion
d. Modelling interaction with environment
3) Biological control
a. Perspectives
b. Rearing insect species - problem linked to mass rearing
c. Bioethology
d. The importance of laboratory studies for insect rearing.
e. Applications

Entomological problems and control

4) Landscape management
5) Useful insect enhancement
6) Habitat management
Prerequisites for admission
General entomology.
Knowledge of the external anatomy and of Systems and apparatus of insects; of the principal control strategies.
Teaching methods
Lessons will follow the calendar of the course and Atheneum prescriptions. Information on lessons, modalities to access Microsoft Teams and course updates will be posted on the Ariel page of the course. For this reason, it is recommended to visit myAriel regularly.
Teaching Resources
1. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 5th Edition - P.J. Gullan, P.S. Cranston. Wiley-Blackwell 2014. (General entomology)
2. Gli Insetti e il loro controllo - a cura di Francesco Pennacchio. Liguori Editore 2014.
3. Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach. Timothy Schowalter. Academic Press 2006
4. Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids. Eric Wajnberg and Stefano Colazza, Wiley 2013
5. Selected scientific papers
Assessment methods and Criteria
During the oral exam 4-5 questions will be formulated on the entire course program. Students should evidence they have learnt knowledge in appliede entomolgy that overcome the basic knowledge in general entomolgy. Final mark will be the results of all marks in singular questions.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Lupi Daniela
Professor: Lupi Daniela
Educational website(s)
upon appointment throug e.mail
in my office/online