Applications in Food Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
CHIM/06 MED/38 VET/06
Learning objectives
Aims of the course are to provide students with the following competencies in nutritional science: (i) nature and feature of pediatric diseases affecting the nutrition of toddlers, children and teenagers; (ii) principle of parasitology and features of food-related parasitic diseases; (iii) introduction to the instrumental chemical analysis of food and knowledge of food manipulations for the preparation of analytical samples.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should have acquired (i) knowledge and understanding of most common nutrition-linked pediatric diseases, as well as of their diagnosis and treatment; (ii) understanding of main food-related parasitic diseases; (iii) theoretical notions in the field of food chemical analysis. Thanks to laboratory practical activities on a variety of foods, students should have acquired manual skills required for the preparation of analytical samples and for applying food analysis procedures. Students are expected to have become able to consult the scientific literature to learn and apply specific procedures for the analysis of individual food components.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Unit of pediatric nutrition - Breastfeeding and formula feeding, weaning and dietary guidelines, physiopathology of growth and puberty, type I diabetes, obesity, eating behaviour disorders, nutritional supplements and probiotics, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases. Research and interpretation of scientific papers in the nutritional field implemented by PubMed. Clinical cases: how to interpret percentiles in the pediatric age.
Unit of parasitology - Concepts of general parasitology with focus on food-borne parasitosis. PLATYHELMINTHES, Class CESTODA, Order Cyclophyllidea (Taenia solium, Taenia saginata), Order Pseudophyllidea (Diphyllobothrium spp.);PLATYHELMINTHES, Class CESTODA Order Cyclophyllidea (Echinococcus spp.); NEMATODES: Order TRICHOCEPHALIDA (Trichinella spp.), Order ASCARIDIDA (Anisakidae) APICOMPLEXA (Toxoplasma sp.).
Unit of chemistry - Lessons on instrumental-chemical food analysis: chromatography, mass spectrometry, UV, MIR, NIR. Hands-on session: theoretical and practical description of the experiences. Lab: main techniques of isolation and purification of organic compounds from fresh foods: precipitation, filtration, extraction, column and TLC chromatography. Practical experiments will be performed by the Students in the lab.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of spoken Italian language in order to attend the lectures. Good knowledge of: structural and functional basis of nutrition, nutrition biochemistry, anatomy, zoology, biochemistry of nutrition, general Chemistry, organic Chemistry.
Teaching methods
For all units: intereactive lectures through slides. Attendance of the lessons is not compulsory but it is in any case recommended to acquire the study method and the notions useful for passing the exam. The lessons will be held during the first and second semester.
Handson session: practic demonstration by the lecturer. Chemistry Lab: the Student will work in pair. Attendance at the laboratory is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
- lectures' slides.
- G. V. Zuccotti,Elementi Essenziali di Pediatria per i corsi di laurea triennali, 1a Edizione, Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 2017.
- O. Brandonisio, F. Bruschi, C. Genchi, E. Pozio,De Carneri Parassitologia medica e diagnostica parassitologica, 14a Ed.,Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2012.
- G. Molteni, Introduzione all'analisi strumentale degli alimenti, II Ed., Aracne editrice, Roma, 2018.
Assessment methods and Criteria
If it will be allowed by the anti-covid rules, the final test of the Pediatry and Parasitology units will be written. In the case of Pediatry unit, it will be as multiple answers test, maximum time: 1 hour. In the case of the Parasitology unit it will be as multiple answer-open answer test, maximum time: 1,5 hour. The test will be written to allow the student to prove his/her acquired knowldge of all the arguments treated. Answers can be provided in English, if wished. Intermediate tests are recommended.
There are intermediate tests at the end of each module (2 tests per module). The final grade is expressed out of 30, with a passing mark of 18/30. The results of the intermediate tests will be communicated to the students on the Ariel platform.
Chemistry unit: a simple analytical problem will be submitted to any student. The evaluation, expressed out of 30, is made up of: 1) laboratory reports (50%), 2) exam question (50%). The text of the analytical problem will be published onto Ariel at the end of the lessons.
The final mark will be the average of the three different module marks.
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 3
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 3
Laboratories: 24 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Lessons (seminars): 12 hours
Appointment to be arranged by email
V. Buzzi Children's Hospital, via Castelvetro 32, Milan
to be defined. Please, contact me by email
to be defined. Please, contact me by email