Anthropology and Archaeological Excavation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Unità didattica: Scavo geoarcheologico
The student will acquire basic knowledge about the archaeological excavation and about the main types of archaeological material acquired by means of it. The approach is focused on a geoarchaeological perspective
Unità didattica: Antropologia
The course aims at increasing the knowledge of students concerning osteology, anthropology and paleopathology especially for use on the field , during the stages of excavation and recovery
Expected learning outcomes
Unità didattica: Scavo geoarcheologico
Basic techniques for archaeological excavations and ability to identify the main types of archaeological material in a geoarchaeological perspective.
Unità didattica: Antropologia
Basic knowledege and skills in the fields of Osteology and Anthropology within the context of archaeological excavation and recovery.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to prepare students in the study of human remains in order to reconstruct the past and solve crime. It aims also to give the basic principles for the collection, recovery and preparation of the biological profile of human osteological remains. It also aims to educate on the importance of human remains as cultural heritage and on how to preserve them.
The course also aims to document techniques for the reconstruction of material culture, subsistence techniques, and the relationship between archaeological communities and the environment.

- Introduction, evolution and development of anthropology; basics of cultural, biomolecular and biological anthropology
- Macrosopcic and microscopic human osteology and odontology
- Biomolecular diagenesis and biomolecular techniques on bones
- Metric and non metric analyses
- Skeletal taphonomy
- Determination of species
- Determination of sex
- Age estimation
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites are requested
Teaching methods
The course will consist of standard lectures, seminars, case studies and a practical a series of practicals on human skeletal remains. PPts and readings will be available on the Ariel site.
Teaching Resources
- Antropologia e odontologia forense. Guida allo studio dei resti umani. Testo atlante, Grandi Cattaneo 2005, Monduzzi editore
- Atlante di osteologia umana (qualsiasi)
- Biehler Gomez, Cattaneo, 2020, Interpreting Bone lesions and Pathology for Forensic Practice, Academic Press
- Materiale e letture su ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination is oral and includes a practical examination concerning the identification of skeletal remains; there is no auxiliary material for the final examination is permitted; the results of the exam will be communicated at the end of the exam; there is no obligation to skip a session in case of failure.
BIO/08 - ANTHROPOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professors: Cattaneo Cristina, Trombino Luca
On appointment
In my office, Via Mangiagalli 34, 2nd floor, room 77