Animal Reproduction and Herd Health

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching of Animal Reproduction and Herd Health aims to integrate the basic knowledges previously acquired with the most modern methods available to effectively manage these two fundamental aspects of animal breeding.
In the field of reproduction, the knowledge of the main advanced reproductive techniques will be broaden starting from the techniques used for the recognition and synchronization of estrous cycles to the techniques for the effective management of insemination. The teaching will also deal with the technologies of superovulation, the collection and evaluation of gametes, the production and transfer of embryos using the approach of genetic selection, the methods of semen sex sorting, the cryopreservation of gametes and embryos and the methods used to shorten the generation intervals.
In the field of herd health, the objective is to provide basic knowledges of immunology and the good general hygiene practices related to the health and the prevention of infectious diseases in the various breeding systems. The aspects to which greater attention should be paid during the various phases of the productive and reproductive cycle of domestic animals in modern intensive farms will be described.
Expected learning outcomes
In the part of animal reproduction, the student will need to recognize and understand advantages and disadvantages, potentiality and limitations of advanced reproductive techniques used in the different domestic species. In particular, the student will need to acquire the competences and methodological tools to be able to recognize and describe the most suitable approaches to be used to improve the management strategies of breeding farms and the productive and reproductive performance of the raised animal.
In the part of herd health, the student will need to demonstrate the ability to understand how the animal immune system responds to the contact with pathogens and how to limit this possibility. The student will be able to select the best hygienic-sanitary procedures to be adopted for the prevention and control of infections at all levels of the farm activities: from feeding to milking, to the best practices for artificial insemination and parturition management.
The knowledge acquired in this course, which will also provide the ability to use the correct scientific terminology, and will train the student to select the most suitable tools for improving animal welfare and breeding efficiency.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
LECTURES (3,5 CFU: 24 h)
Anatomy of male and female reproductive organs including differences between farm animal species (2 h).
Physiology of male and female gametogenesis (2 h).
The estrus cycle in farm animal species (2 h).
Artificial Insemination (2 h).
Semen cryopreservation (2 h).
Control and manipulation of the estrus cycle (2 h).
Embryo transfer and embryo cryopreservation (2 h).
Ovum pick up and in vitro fertilization (2 h).
Genomics applied to animal reproductions, Cloning and genome editing (2 h). Basic principles of hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases (2h).
Basic principles of immunology and immune response following inflammation and infection (2h).
Vaccines and vaccination of domestic animals in modern intensive farms (2h).

Thawing and evaluation of bovine semen (4 h).
Collection of oocytes from ovaries and evaluation of their quality (4 h)

Visit to a private company the steps for preservation of bovine semen (4 h).
Visit to a private lab of artificial reproductive techniques (4 h).
Prerequisites for admission
For the Teaching of 'Animal Reproduction and Hygiene' it is necessary to have a solid knowledge of Anatomy and physiology of Domestic Animals.

The prerequisites and the procedure of examination is the same for the students that will or will not attend the classes.

It is strongly recommended to attend the classes.
Teaching methods
The Teaching of 'Animal reproduction and hygiene' is organized into: classes for 3 CFU (24 h), practical trainings for 0.5 CFU (8 h) and field activity for 0.5 CFU (8 h).
The practical trainings will be carried out in the laboratory, whereas the field activity will be organized as visits at farms and centers of animal reproduction.
The student will acquire the updated knowledge on the theory of the teaching during classes.
During practical trainings, the student will be trained on the techniques of manipulation of spermatozoa and oocytes obtained from cattle. Finally, the visits will allow the student to see local companies related to the management of animal reproduction in zootechnical field.
Teaching Resources
The reference textbooks of the Teaching are:
In Italian:
'Riproduzione negli animali d'allevamento' by E. S. Hafez, B. Hafez, Editor:
- Fisiologia degli animali domestici di O.V. SJAASTAD, O. SAND, K. HOVE, editore: casa editrice ambrosiana
- Biologia e tecniche della riproduzione a cura di Lucia Rocco, editore: edi-ermes
- Immunologia, un percorso breve a cura di Umberto Dianzani, editore: edi-ermes

In English:
Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition, 3rd Edition, a cura di L. Senger

Moreover, scientific papers of the topics of the Teaching and power point presentations of the classes will be uploaded on the website of the Teaching (Url:

The materials to study are identical for attending and not-attending students. Not-attending students are recommended to contact the professor using the e-mail address to ask for having clarifications.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be an oral examination. In particular, the exam will be to discuss a topic freely selected by the student as well as questions on other topics or questions to solve problems related to the subjects of the program.
The exam mark will be based on:
- ability to discuss the state of the art of a topic that the student will freely choose between the discussed subjects during classes;
- theoretical knowledge of the topics of Teachings;
- practical knowledge of the subject matter of Teachings;
- ability to speak technical language correlated with Teachings.
Specific materials are not necessary for taking the exam.

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 4
Field activity: 8 hours
Laboratories: 8 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Pasquariello Rolando
On request with appointment by e-mail
Via Domenico Trentacoste 2, 20134, Milano