Animal Nutrition, Supply and Quality of Animal Products

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/18 AGR/19
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the interactions between the primary production, quality control, the needs of the processing industry, consumer demand, the food supply chain and markets of products of animal origin. Particular attention will be given to the effects of animal feeding and husbandry on the nutritional, organoleptic and sensory properties of animal products for human consumption, with prevailing reference to milk, meat and fish products.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: by the end of the course, the student should demonstrate knowledge of the factors in production systems that influence the quality of animal products, considering the needs of consumers and of the processing industry.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: the student should demonstrate to have a thorough knowledge of concepts useful for evaluating nutritional and farming factors that can affect the nutritional, sensory, and safety characteristics of animal foods.
3. Making judgments: the student should demonstrate the ability to critically discuss the acquired information. Specific practical lab exercises and work group are directed towards this goal.
4. Communication: the student should demonstrate the ability to express themselves using scientifically appropriate terminology, particularly concerning animal nutrition, food raw materials, processing technologies, product classification, and relevant regulations. The exercises are intended to stimulate the ability to express oneself correctly and to discuss scientifically with peers.

5. Lifelong learning skills: the student should demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge to undertake new levels of training, utilizing available knowledge sources and good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview aimed at evaluating the acquisition, correct understanding and ability to rework the course content. The educational material available on the Ariel platform allows the formulation of questions aimed at verifying the knowledge of the topic, the exhibition capacity, the ability to critically analyze the contents. The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers, as well as the communicative ability and the ability to adequately motivate statements, analyzes and judgments during the interview.
Nutrition and quality of animal products
Course syllabus
The course will provide students information regarding the relationship between nutrition and meat characteristics
Introduction and food consumption (1 hour)
Concept of quality (2 hours)
Sensory analysis (3 hours)
Nutrition and pork quality (4 hours)
Nutrition and beef quality (3 hours)
Nutrition and quality of poultry and rabbit meat (3 hours)

Practical training
Workshop on nutritional strategies and product quality (4 hours)
Applications of sensory analysis (4 hours)
Physico-chemical analyses of meat products (2 hours)
Bibliographic research on course subjects (2 hours)
Visit to Fiera Cremona (4 hours)

The course will provide students information regarding the relationship between nutrition and meat characteristics
Nutrition and milk fat content (3 hours )
Nutrition and fatty acid composition of milk fat (2 hours)
Nutrition and milk protein content(3 hours)
Nutrition and milK urea content (2 hours)
Nutrition and milk somatic cell count (2 hours)
Nutrition and milk micronutrients (2 hours)
Carry over of toxic substances to the milk (2 hours)
Practical work
Milk panel test to appreciate the different origin and composition (2 hours)
Milk analysis and analysis of milk fatty acids (2 hours)
Visit to dairy farms (4 hours)
Practical work at the Research and Teaching Center for Animal Production at the Lodi site (8 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and laboratory activities. Technical visits to industries and farms.
Teaching Resources
Course slides in pdf format on the Ariel portal on the course website.
Food Security
Course syllabus
Students will be introduced to the concept of a food supply chain. The course aims to deepen the knowledge of students on national and international animal food supply chains, starting from the factors affecting the quality and safety of primary production to the processing, distribution, consumption and disposal of food of animal origin for human consumption.
An introduction to the Italian agri-food system (2 hours).
The bovine meat sector: production and consumption, chemical composition and nutritional value of bovine meats (4 hours).
The fisheries and aquaculture products: consumption, nutritional properties and quality requirements (8 hours).
The chain of pig meats and processed products: primary production, processing technology, consumption and quality properties (4 hours).
The dairy chain. Ruminant milk: production and consumption, chemical composition and nutritional properties (4 hours).
Cheese production: classification, chemical composition, quality and nutritional properties, consumption and markets (4 hours).
The norms sand regulations on agri-food traceability and the provision of information on foodstuffs to consumers (4 hours).
Dietary lipids: sources, extraction technology and products, quality and laboratory analysis (2 hours).
Laboratory work on food lipid analysis (6 hours).
Seminars on supply systems and food controls in the distribution chain (4 hours).
Technical visits to food industry and distribution companies (6 hours).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and laboratory activities. Technical visits to industries and farms
Teaching Resources
Course slides in pdf format on the Ariel portal on the course website.
Trasformazioni e produzioni agroalimentari. Zanichelli, 2016.
Chimica degli alimenti. Conservazione e trasformazione. Zanichelli, 2005.
Il Mercato del latte. Rapporto 2014. Ed. Franco Angeli.
Il Mercato della carne Bovina. Rapporto 2014. Ed. Franco Angeli.
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO 2016.
Food Security
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Moretti Vittorio Maria
Nutrition and quality of animal products
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
The teacher is happy to help students after a requested appointment by email
Via dell'Università 6, 26900 Lodi