Animal Genetics and Biotechnology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
In-depth knowledge of the theoretical fundaments of genetic improvement and of the application aspects of biotechnology to the main species of zootechnical interest.
To know and apply the classic techniques of genetic improvement and the advanced tools of biotechnology to contribute to the sustainability objectives of animal production.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to analyse the updates on the genetic and genomic indexes obtained by different breed associations.
Ability to evaluate the genetic and statistical parameters used for the evaluation of the animal and to get information based on the analysis of molecular data related to the animal breeding.
Ability to apply the principal statistical tools that can be used for the preservation of farm animal biodiversity and for traceability of animal products.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The syllabus for non-attending students is the same as for attending students. The study of the recommended text is strongly suggested. Lesson attendance is strongly encouraged
This teaching covers classical and genomic methods applied to genetic improvement and biotechnology useful for the study of animal genomes, population evolution in relation to selection goals from domestication, the importance of biodiversity conservation, and the evolution of selection goals with emphasis on sustainability, welfare, and climate challenges.
More in details:

History of genetic breeding and recalls of mendelian and population genetics.
Genetics and animal Breeding: an overview and a short history: from the pre-mendelian period to genome editing. Recalls of classical genetics: Mendel, Linkage disequilibrium. Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Evolution of animal populations.

Poligenic model and quantitative traits
Quantitative genetics: polygenic model, statistical parameters, selection tools; heritability and repeatability of traits of interest. Kinship and inbreeding: Path coefficient and tabular methods.

Prediction of genetic gain
Prediction of genetic gain and comparison of selection programs: Genetic gain by generation and by year: genetic variability, selection intensity, generation interval, accuracy. The four ways for genetic gain. Factors of variation of genetic progress: species, sex, method of reproduction, methods for genetic evaluation; phenotypic and genetic variability, heritability, correlation and repeatability.

Breeding goal and indexes
The evolution of the breeding goals toward sustainability, welfare and climate challenges.
Genetic indexes and evaluation of sire and dam. Evolution of methods and models for estimated breeding values: comparison between contemporaries, BLUP animal model, test day model. Reliability of the EBV. International evaluations: Interbull and ICAR. Genomic selection for sires and dams. Main genetic indexes used in the selection in Italy Genetic improvement in the farm: tools available to breeders for the choice of sires and dams

Applied biotechnology and evolution of animal genomes knowledge
Biotechnology applied to animal breeding. Basic techniques: PCR, restriction enzymes, sequencing. Molecular markers used in animal husbandry (microsatellites, SNPs). The genomes of the main farm animal species: evolution of methods and available information. Identifications of genomic regions under natural and anthropic selection. Genetic markers for the traceability of animal production, for the study and management of farm animal genetic resources, for the assessment of the genomic background of animals and breeds and for the estimation of genomic relationship.

Practical part
Practical part: web-sites of the breeders associations and other sources of information on the organization of animal breeding and genetics; using software to calculate the main genetic statistics for animal breeding and animal population management; animal genomic databases: searching for information about traits, genes, QTLs and pathway.
Prerequisites for admission
A good background in Mendelian Genetics and the ability to use spreadsheets is required.
Teaching methods
The teaching is organized into lectures for 5 CFU and exercises for 1 CFU. The latter will be conducted in the computer classroom and with technical visits to facilities dedicated to genetic improvement.
Lesson attendance is strongly encouraged.
Teaching Resources
Lecture slides and material supporting the course (analysis datasets, links to scientific articles and web pages of interest) will be uploaded to the MyAriel Site of the teaching. The recommended text is Genetica Animale - Pagnacco G., Ed. Zanichelli. Additional texts will be presented in the slides of the first lecture.
Assessment methods and Criteria
An oral interview aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired, the ability to connect the theoretical part and the practical applications of the topics covered in the course and the critical spirit developed on the subject will be the learning verification procedure.
The student may propose one topic from those covered in the course, followed by some questions on other topics in the program. The candidate's evaluation expressed in thirtieths will be based on:
the ability to present the state of the art of a topic of his or her choice from those presented in class: assessed by a score of up to 4 points
the theoretical knowledge of the subject matter being examined: up to 8 points
the applied knowledge of the subject being examined: up to 8 points
the property of using the technical language of the discipline: up to 5 points
the ability to link between different topics: up to 5 points
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
The learning verification methods for non-attending students are the same as for attending students.
Computer room practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Crepaldi Paola
Professor: Crepaldi Paola
keeping an appointment by e-mail
Sezione di Zootecnica Agraria, 1st floor, Via Celoria 2