Ancient Greek Language Ma
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims for the acquisition of in-depth, autonomous analysis skills of Ancient Greek texts, from a linguistic stylistic and rhetorical point of view. Particular attention will be paid to their originality, their historical and poetic or prosaic context and to the theory of literary genres.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: students are expected to acquire a thorough knowledge of Ancient Greek, its historical developments as well as its dialectal peculiarities, building upon the knowledge acquired during the B.A. program and referring to up-to-date scholarly literature.
Skills: students are expected to develop autonomous research skills as a preparatory work to the M.A. thesis, based on linguistic fluency and knowledge of the vocabulary of the discipline.
Skills: students are expected to develop autonomous research skills as a preparatory work to the M.A. thesis, based on linguistic fluency and knowledge of the vocabulary of the discipline.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Language and Style of Greek Epigram.
Part I (20 h, 3 cfu): The literary genre: development, types, linguistic and metrical characters.
Part II (20 hrs, 3 cfu): Choice of epigrams, with commentary.
Part I (20 h, 3 cfu): The literary genre: development, types, linguistic and metrical characters.
Part II (20 hrs, 3 cfu): Choice of epigrams, with commentary.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is aimed at MA students who already possess a good knowledge of ancient Greek language, the history of Greek literature, classical philology, and historical linguistics.
Teaching methods
The teaching approach involves both lectures and active student participation. The Ariel course site will be utilized extensively for instructional purposes. Regular attendance in classes is strongly advised.
Teaching Resources
Please take note that one of the educational goals of this course is to familiarize students with specialized bibliography and its proficient usage. Throughout the lessons, the concise bibliographical information provided here will be complemented and expanded upon, including suggestions for additional readings relevant to the exam.
For Parts I and II, the course materials will include:
- Lecture notes
- Texts and resources accessible through Ariel platform;
- A.C. Cassio [a cura di], Storia delle lingue letterarie greche. Seconda edizione, Milano, Mondadori, 2016
For Parts I and II, the course materials will include:
- Lecture notes
- Texts and resources accessible through Ariel platform;
- A.C. Cassio [a cura di], Storia delle lingue letterarie greche. Seconda edizione, Milano, Mondadori, 2016
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment consists of an oral exam, which includes a brief translation of a passage in Ancient Greek without prior preparation. The exam is graded on a scale of thirty. For students with disabilities and/or specific learning disorders, the examination methods will be tailored in coordination with the relevant department.
L-FIL-LET/02 - GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Castelli Carla
Educational website(s)