Anatomy 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with: i) knowledge of the organization and structure of the human body and of the apparatuses, systems and organs that constitute it, according to a systematic and topographical orientation; ii) the understanding of the mechanisms by which this organization is achieved through organogenesis, using macroscopic, microscopic and molecular methods.
Expected learning outcomes
Students: i) are able to integrate the knowledge of anatomical and topographic systematics in relation to medical practice; ii) are able to recognize from histological preparations the cellular and tissue structures that constitute the corresponding organ.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
- General principles of body constructivity:
A) Systematic address: Apparatus and organs, definition and structure.
B) Topographic address: division into parts of the human body, their external examination (lines
superficial references) and their internal examination (body spaces)
- Anatomical terminology: position and movement terms.
- General information on bones: morphology; classification; general terminology; structure;
vascularization, innervation; development and growth.
- General information on the joints: synarthrosis and diarthrosis; classification of synarthrosis and
diarthrosis and structure; axes of movement.
- General information on muscles: morphology; classification; general terminology; structure. Structure
of tendons and aponeuroses. Vascularization and muscle innervation. Accessory organs
of the muscles.
- Skeleton: general morphological characters of the bones that make up the skull (splancno e
neurocranium); study of the skull as a whole: in-depth study of the exocranial pits
(temporal fossa, infratemporal fossa, pterigo-palatine fossa, orbital, nasal cavity
and buccal); in-depth study of endocranial pits (anterior cranial fossa,
medium and rear).
- Joints: temporomandibular joint.
- Muscles: Mimic muscles: general morphological and functional characteristics; Muscles
chewers: m. thunderstorm, m. masseter, m. external and internal pterygoid.
- Constructiveness of the head: limits and general organization.
- Skeleton: Vertebral column: general morphological characteristics of vertebrae and characters
badges of the various vertebral groups; atlas and axis.
- Joints: artic. of the spine and ligaments; artic. cranial-vertebral and membranes
- Muscles of the rachis: general morphological and functional characteristics of the muscles of the
vertebral showers, fasciae and ventral muscles.
- Functional anatomy of the spine: physiological curves of the spine
- Muscles: Anterior and lateral muscles of the neck. Neck bands
- Constructiveness of the neck: limits, general organization, neck walls, neck bands, regions:
carotid region: carotid loggia; supraclavicular region: supraclavicular loggia.
- Skeleton: general morphological characteristics of the coasts and the sternum.
- Joints: costovertebral and sternocostal joints.
- Intrinsic muscles: intercostal muscles and general morphological and functional characters
of others. Extrinsic muscles: thoracoappendicular muscles and fascial device,
spinoappendulare muscles, spinocostal muscles and diaphragm muscle.
- Functional anatomy of the thoracic cage.
- Constructiveness of the thorax: limits, general organization, thorax walls, reference lines.
- Muscles: rectus muscle, external oblique muscle, internal oblique muscle, transverse muscle e
square muscle of the loins. Bands of the anterolateral abdominal muscles. Inguinal canal.
- Constructivity of the abdomen: limits, general organization, abdomen walls, reference lines,
bands of anterolateral muscles, sheath of rectus muscles, regions. Inguinal canal
- Skeleton: general morphological characters of the bones of the shoulder, arm and forearm;
nomenclature and mutual position of the bones of the hand.
- Joints: Artic. sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular. Artic. scapulohumeral and ligaments.
Artic. of the elbow, ligaments and interosseous membrane. Artic. distal ulnar radius. Artic. radiocarpal
and ligaments. Joints of the hand: general functional characteristics of the different complexes
- Muscles: Musc. intrinsic of the shoulder. Musc. of the arm and bands. Musc. forearm:
front; general morphological and functional characteristics of musc. lateral and musc. rear:
forearm fascial device. Hand muscles: musc. of the eminence tenar; characters
morphological and general functional of musc. of the eminence hypotenar, of the musculo-human and of the
musc. interosseous. Palmular aponeurosis.
- Functional anatomy of the upper limb.
- Skeleton: general morphological characters of the hip bones. Basin as a whole (narrow
upper and lower, signs of pelvimetry, sexual differences). General morphological characters
of the bones of the thigh and leg. General morphological characters of the talus and calcaneus;
nomenclature and mutual position of the other bones of the foot.
- Joints: Artic. sacroiliac and ligaments. Pubic symphysis. Artic. coxofemorale and ligaments.
Artic. of the knee and ligaments. Artic. proximal and distal tibiofibularis. Interosseous membrane.
Artic. ankle and ligaments. Artic. of the foot: articular astragaleocalcaneale and general functional characters
of other joints.
- Muscles: Musc. hip. Bands, a gap in the muscles and a gap in the vessels. Musc. of the thigh.
Shoe triangle and adductor channel. Lata band. Musc. of the leg: morphological characters
and general functional of musc. anterior and musc. side; musc. posterior: musc. triceps of the
morphological and general functional characters of the others. Musc. of the foot: morphological characters
and general functional of musc. dorsal and plantar muscles.
- Functional anatomy of the lower limb.
- Definition and organic composition; arteries, veins and capillaries (definition, classification
and structure); definition and functional meaning of collateral branches, terminal branches,
distribution area, terminal arteries, anastomoses and collateral circles. Organogenesis of heart, arteries and veins
- Main data on fetal circulation and birth modifications.
- Morphology, location, orientation, external configuration, internal configuration, morphology
functional of the ventricles and heart valves, ratios and thoracocardiac topography,
structure, conduction system, vascularization and innervation.
- Development of the heart
- Pericardium
- Trunk and pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins.
- Systematics (ie: origin, course, main relationships, distribution area, collateral branches)
main with relative territory and terminal branches with relative territory) of the following
arteries: aorta (division into sections); ascending aorta: coronary; aortic arch: brachiocephalic trunk,
common carotid, external carotid, internal carotid, subclavian, axillary, brachial; aorta
chest; abdominal aorta: celiac, superior mesenteric, renal, spermatic and ovarian, mesenteric
inferior, common iliac, external iliac, internal iliac, femoral and popliteal.
- Systematics (ie: origin, course, main relationships, drainage area and principal
tributaries) of the following veins: superior cava, brachiocephalic venous tracts, subclavian, jugular
internal, axillary, external jugular, system of azigos veins; inferior quarry, iliac
common, internal iliac, external iliac, femoral; portal vein system (anastomosis and circles
collateral of the portal vein).
- Arterial and venous endocranial and exocranial circulation. Circle of Willis. Breasts dura mater.
- Arterial and venous parietal circulation of the trunk (neck, thorax, abdomen).
- Arterial, deep venous and superficial venous circulation of the upper limb.
- Arterial, deep venous and superficial venous circulation of the lower limb.
- Vascularization of the viscera of the trunk (neck, thorax, abdomen).
- Definition and organic composition; definition and general structure of the lymphatic vessels.
- Nomenclature and general area of ​​drainage.
- Inguinal lymphocenter: site, morphology and functional significance.
- Lomboaortic lymph nodes: site, subdivision and functional meaning.
- Lymphatic collectors of the breast.
- Axillary lymphocenter: division into groups and functional significance
- General characters.
Thoracic duct
- Origin, course, main relationships and functional meaning
- Thyme, spleen, lymph node, tonsils: shape, site, orientation, relationships and structure.
Prerequisites for admission
Students are required to pass the Histology and Embriology exam. Preliminary knowledge not needed; a knowledge of Chemistry, Physics is recommended, to borrow the principles that regulate the mass flow and information with the external environment and the interaction between the elements that make up the open system "human body".
From the histology accept the hierarchical assembly of elements of the submicroscopic field spatially arranged to construct tissues whose properties are the main determinants of the morpho-functional characteristics of the human body.
Teaching methods
Each credit includes hours of frontal and innovative teaching. The innovative teaching activities consist in the deepening of specific topics of the course syllabus, that will be selected by the students and the teacher. Such activity will be carried out in active collaboration between students and teacher.
The subject will be provided in 6 credits of formal teaching and 3 credits of non-formal teaching provided in the classroom of microscopic anatomy with the aid of optical microscopes and in the classroom of macroscopic anatomy with the aid of 3D models.
Teaching Resources
Giuseppe Anastasi et al, Trattato Anatomia umana e topografica EdiErmes, ediz. 2021.

Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley Anne MR Agur Anatomia umana a orientamento clinico. Edizione: 3 Editore: CEA Anno edizione: 2015

Susan Standring Anatomia del Gray. Le basi anatomiche per la pratica clinica Edizione: 42 Editore: Edra, Anno edizione: 2022

Netter F.H Netter, Atlante di Anatomia Umana Edizione: 6 Editore: Edra Anno edizione: 2018 .

A. M. Gilroy, B. R. Mac Pherson Atlante di Anatomia - Prometheus Edizione: 3 Editore: EdiSeS Anno edizione: 2019

Larsen embriologia umana di Gary C Schoenwolf, Steven B. Bleyl, e al. Editore EDRA, edizione 2022
Assessment methods and Criteria
The profit exam consists of an oral evaluation on the whole exam program about General Anatomy, locomotor and cardiovascular systems and their specific topographical anatomy, as well as a practical test of knowledge in Palpatory and Ultrasound Anatomy. The ability to treat the relation amongst the different anatomical structures, according to functional and topographical hierarchy of the whole organism, and basic knowledge in clinical anatomy will be assessed
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 8
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 84 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Serrao Graziano
Gruppo 2
Professor: Bignotto Monica
Gruppo 3
Professor: Bignotto Monica
Gruppo 4
Professor: Bignotto Monica
Professor: Serrao Graziano