Analysis of Pesticides and Contaminants in Food and Environmental Matrices

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course on the "Analysis of pesticides and contaminants in food and environmental matrices" is based on 32 hours of classroom work, based on lessons in which students work with the teacher to acquire some basic principles of the analysis of pesticides and other toxic substances in food. In particular, specific attention is given to the main analytical techniques, analytical protocols used and methods to elaborate the data obtained to quantify the searched substances. In addition, possible approaches for sample preparation will be explained.
Expected learning outcomes
Students must learn the main principles to approach an analytical method, methods to use the analytical data to determine the concentration of contaminants/toxic substances in foods. This knowledge is important since allows students to acquire the necessary notions to approach analytical protocols and to apply them also in other advanced techniques.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course deals with issues related to the analysis of pesticides and contaminants in food. The main topics are:
- Examples of analytical techniques used for the analysis of contaminants in foods (eg. Spectrophotometry, chromatography)
- Examples of different analytical approaches for the quantification of contaminants in relation to the food matrix
-Examples of commonly used instruments (e.g. calibration and use of micropipettes)
- Preparation and purification of samples in relation to the pesticides/ contaminants used
- Construction of calibration curve for the quantification of pesticides/ contaminants
Prerequisites for admission
The course is aimed mainly to second year students
Teaching methods
The course is mainly based on classroom work on topics related to the analysis of pesticides or contaminants in food. The activity involves the explanation of some analytical techniques and the methods for elaborating analytical data. Applicative examples and exercises be carried out by the students. Simulation of laboratory experiences related to analytical techniques for contaminant determination will be also included.
Teaching Resources
Slides and analytical protocols provided by the teacher during the course and available also on Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam (90 minutes), consists of a written test based on 5 analytical problems and 5 multiple choice questions relating to the topics covered in the course. The exam is held at the end of the course and the result (expressed in thirtieths) is published on Ariel website. In the event of a negative outcome, the exam can be taken in other oral sessions throughout the year.
CHIM/10 - FOOD CHEMISTRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours