Analysis of Food of Animal Origin Toward Consumer Protection

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the main knowledge in the field of inspections in relation to the Community reference standards and national transpositions (National Residual Plan) for quality analysis, certification, fraud and food safety in food production chains. animal origin. The course provides the theoretical bases and practical applications of the main techniques in the field of: labeling, shelf-life, materials for food packaging, analysis of environmental contaminants, mycotoxins, antibiotics
Expected learning outcomes
The course and its learning outcomes will examine the knowledge of the main analytical techniques used at inspection level in the field of food of animal origin. Learning outcomes will be considered the knowledge of analytical techniques with regard to the reference regulations, executive procedures and interpretation of the data for the purpose of understanding the analytical results usually used for food safety indicators of food of animal origin. We also expect the acquisition and knowledge of the methods with elements of practical autonomy in the execution during laboratory hours.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Legislation: National Residues Plan - Chemical contamination of food: Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 which defines the maximum levels of some contaminants in food products. -The official control of food-ATS. - Fraud and control bodies - The obligations of the FBOs. Packaging of food of animal origin; shelf life and packaging techniques - Food industries of animal origin: - Bovine, swine, poultry, fish slaughter: techniques and critical control points - commercial meat cuts in bovine, swine and poultry species. - Processed meat products - Legislative references - Fish products - Food additives: reg. 1333/2008 and reg. 1129/2011 and subsequent amendments and main additives used in meat products and other products of animal origin. Use, limits - - Labeling Reg. 1169
Prerequisites for admission
the following knowledge of, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, infectious diseases, nutrition are required
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, held in the classroom.
For the tutorial part of the lesson the following are foreseen: educational visits to production and marketing plants, considering in particular the parts relating to production technologies and health issues, large-scale distribution platforms, seminars / conferences on current topics, laboratory activities .
Teaching Resources
Corradini C. (1995 Chimica e tecnologia del latte. Ed. Tecniche Nuove Milano
Del Monte P., Magnani U., Monari M. (2000) Industria dei salumi. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Latrie R.A. (1983) Scienza della carne. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Salvatori del Prato O. (1998) Trattato di tecnologia casearia. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Tiecco G. (2000) Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale. Ed. Calderoni-Edagricole, Bologna
G. Colavita - Igiene e Tecnologie Alimentari - Ed agricole, Bologna.
Lerici R., Lercker G. Principi di tecnologie Alimentari - Editrice CLUEB, Bologna.
Giovanni Quaglia - Scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti - Chirotti Editori, Pinerolo
RONDANELLI E.G., FABBI M., MARONE P.: Trattato sulle infezioni e tossinfezioni alimentari. Ed. Selecta Medica, 2005, Pavia
Galli A., Bertoldi A. Igiene degli alimenti e HACCP (2006). IV Edizione. EPC Libri
G.Colavita-Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Ed Point Veterinaire Itale
Il materiale utilizzato in aula per le spiegazioni sarà presente sul portale di UNIMI Ariel, il materiale utilizzato per seminari e convegni, verrà consegnato agli studenti.
per la parte al settore lattiero caseario:
Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti. AA.VV. Curato da B. Cenci Goga. Ed. Le Point Veterinaire Italie
Le forme del latte. Slow Food Editore
Trattato di tecnologia lattiero-casearia. O. Salvadori del Prato. Ed. Edagricole
Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. G. Mucchetti, E. Neviani. Ed. Tecniche nuove
Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. Qualità e sicurezza. G. Mucchetti, E. Neviani. Ed. Tecniche nuove
Minicaseifici aziendali. O. Salvadori Del Prato. Ed. Edagricole
Muffe, Alimenti e Micotossicosi. I. Dragoni, C. Cantoni, A, Papa, L. Vallone. Ed. Città Studi, Milano
Micotossine. M. Delledonne. Ed. Edagricole
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral question on all topics of the course (theoretical and practical) carried out in the year in which the student had followed the course
Evaluation parameters: ability on the part of the student to critically evaluate them and to understand their hygiene and health problems in the sector in order to implement prevention and risk assessment means, based on national and European regulatory references
In particular, the ability to report on the topics covered and to combine the theoretical part with the practical part will be assessed; ability of critical reasoning, quality of exposure and competence in the use of an appropriate language
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours