Alternative Farming of Poultry and Aquaculture

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate the alternative systems of production applied to domestic birds and rabbit. The following major subjects will be described: - economic and productive relevance of alternative systems; - husbandry technique in alternative systems and related problems; - organization and management of alternative farming; - productive performance in different breeds/genetic lines of poultry and rabbits. Moreover, the basic principles and practices of freshwater and marine fish farming are treated. Water quality, site selection, health management practices, nutrition and feeding and business decision-making are covered.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding - The student must build up knowledge on the following subjects: organization of the poultry and rabbit alternative system production, husbandry and management guidelines in alternative farming, productive performance in different breeds/genetic lines of poultry and rabbits.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding - The student must communicate the acquired knowledge using the adequate technical-scientific terminology. At the end of the course the student will know the properties of the aquatic environment, the methods of reproduction and farming of the main fish species of commercial interest, the basics of fish feed composition and feeding techniques.
3. Making judgments: The student will have acquired the ability to distinguish among the different types of farms, to recognize the main species being farmed and to assess the water quality parameters.
4. Communication: The student will developed the ability to use the appropriate terminology, according to the information provided in lectures and practices.
5. Lifelong learning skills: the reasoning skills and the notions and methodologies acquired during the classes should allow the student to continue autonomously the study and the lifelong updating the knowledge in the field.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Economic and productive relevance of alternative systems (2 hours).
Husbandry technique in alternative systems and related problems (5 hours).
Organization and management of alternative farming (6 hours).
Productive performance in different breeds/genetic lines of poultry and rabbits (4 hours).
Meat and egg quality (3 hours).

Lectures (Aquaculture)
-Characterization of aquaculture production systems (2 hours).
-Principles of fish morpho-physiology (2 hours).
-Hatchery and production techniques for freshwater fish. Topics cover broodstock management, spawning, larval husbandry, nursery, and grow-out of several commercially important fish species: rainbow trout (4 hours), sturgeon (1 hour), eel (1 hour), carp and other cyprinids (1 hour), sea bass and sea bream (4 hours).
-Fish nutrition, feeding and bioenergetics (1 hour).

Practice (Aquaculture): Visits to rainbow trout and sturgeon farms (8 hours).
Prerequisites for admission
There are no mandatory prerequisites
Teaching methods
Lectures in the classroom and exercises in the classroom and on the farm.
Teaching Resources
The presentations used for the lectures are available on the myAriel portal.
Suggested Textbooks for Aquaculture:
- M. Saroglia E. Ingle - Tecniche di acquacoltura - Ed. Edagricole
- J.H. Tidwell (Ed.) - Aquaculture Production Systems - Wiley-Blackwell
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an interview in which the students are asked to answer to questions demonstrating their subject knowledge. Questions will reflect the content of the lecture and exercise programme. The purpose of the examination is to test knowledge of the subject and the extent to which skills have been acquired
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
The teacher is happy to help students after a requested appointment by email
Via dell'Università 6, 26900 Lodi