
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to offer students the theoretical tools useful for a first orientation in the discipline through the deepening of the determinant phases of its historical development, from its origins to the twentieth century, and the reconstruction of the processes of formation of some of its instances in the context of the early-modern and modern philosophical landscape. In particular, it will proceed, through the in-depth analysis of some modern artistic and aesthetic currents, to critically reconstruct the relationship between art and philosophy in reference to the interpretation of languages and artistic communication in the modern world. The teaching is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the fields of communication by anchoring them to a strengthening the student's humanistic training.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to lead participants in the acquisition of necessary knowledge related to the history of the discipline from the origins to the main debates of the twentieth century on the role of the arts in modernity, also permitting them to achieve a critical understanding of the complexity of artistic and creative languages in the perspective of communication of modern aesthetic fact.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Title: Picasso. Avant-garde e Tradition
The course in its first module aims to offer to the students the theoretical tools for a first orientation in the discipline through the deepening of the most important phases of its historical development and the reconstruction of the processes of some of its instances in the context of the modern and contemporary philosophy.

In the second module, the cubist poetics will be addressed with particular reference to the work of Pablo Picasso, of which the elements of continuity and discontinuity with the nineteenth-century pictorial tradition will be investigated, with a view to the definition of an aesthetic language which will be at the origins of our artistic modernity.

The third module will be dedicated to the reconstruction of the so-called "contemporary art system" through the confrontation with its main protagonists, from galleries to museums, from the world of criticism to that of the relationship between art and market.
Prerequisites for admission
A summary knowledge of the main phases of the history of Western philosophy from antiquity to today is a preferential prerequisite.
Teaching methods
The course topics will be addressed through lectures, slides and teaching materials, especially in relation to the second module (a pdf containing the main works of Picasso will be offered to the students). The attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended. Attending students are those who participate in at least two thirds of the lessons.
Teaching Resources
UNIT A: At the origin of aesthetics
1) Estetica, Arte, Bellezza. Antologia di testi, a cura di G. Lacchin, Il Libraccio, Milano
2) W. Tatarkiewicz, Storia di sei idee, Aesthetica, Palermo 2004, capp. I, III, IV, VI

UNIT B: Picasso: Avant-garde e tradition
3) G. Stein, Picasso, tr. it. di V. Di Maio, Adelphi, Milano 2024
4) P. Picasso, Scritti, a cura di M. Micheli, SE, Milano 1998 (pp. 11-96)
5) G. Lacchin, Romanticismo e Avanguardia, Cortina, Milano 2015 (pp. 91-144)
6) A pdf with images of Picassos works covered in class will be shared during the course.

UNIT C: Communicate the contemporary
7) A. Vettese, L'arte contemporanea. Tra mercato e nuovi linguaggi, il Mulino, Bologna 2017
8) F. Poli, Il sistema dell'arte contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002


UNIT A: At the origin of aesthetics
1) Estetica, Arte, Bellezza. Antologia di testi, a cura di G. Lacchin, Il Libraccio, Milano (in press)
2) W. Tatarkiewicz, Storia di sei idee, Aesthetica, Palermo 2004, capp. I, III, IV, VI

UNIT B: Picasso: Avant-garde e tradition
3) G. Stein, Picasso, tr. it. di V. Di Maio, Adelphi, Milano 2024
4) P. Picasso, Scritti, a cura di M. Micheli, SE, Milano 1998 (pp. 11-96)
5) G. Lacchin, Romanticismo e Avanguardia, Cortina, Milano 2015 (pp. 91-144)
6) A pdf with images of Picassos works covered in class will be shared during the courseAdded:
7) A. Cohen-Solal, Picasso. Una vita da straniero, Marsilio 2024

UNIT C: Communicate the contemporary
9) A. Vettese, L'arte contemporanea. Tra mercato e nuovi linguaggi, il Mulino, Bologna 2017
10) F. Poli, Il sistema dell'arte contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2002
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final assessment test consists of an interview on the program topics aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the acquired history of aesthetics and the ability to make it interact with the contemporary the world of the arts, creativity and communication.
The mark will be expressed in thirtieths.
National and international or Erasmus incoming students will be invited to promptly contact the teacher. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher in agreement with the competent Offi
M-FIL/04 - AESTHETICS - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Lacchin Giancarlo