Advances in Operating Systems

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The purpose of this course is to allow the student to understand and be able to manage the mechanisms underlying the operation and implementation of an operating system: levels of abstraction, synchronous / asynchronous event management, clock management, peripheral management, communication, concurrency primitives, management and communication between processes, security of hardware components.
The "theoretical" exposure of the various topics will be accompanied by laboratory lessons during which students will have the opportunity to experience the concepts acquired on a commercial micro controller (STM32 Nucleo) made available to students, for the duration of the course only, by the ST Microelectronics company.
The laboratory lessons will also represent an opportunity for students to:
deepen C programming, learn how to use an integrated development environment for a commercial embedded system, master the FreeRTOS operating system.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Understanding of the main mechanisms underlying an operating system.
2. Understanding of the operating mechanisms of an embedded system.
3. Managing the FreeRTOS operating system
4. Designing and implementing a driver for I / O management
5. Understanding and modifying an interrupt handler
6. Design and implementing a real-time scheduler
7. Designing and implementing a sensor based application with the use of the STM32
8. Understanding side channel attacks
9. Perform elementary side channel attacks
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Bruschi Danilo Mauro
send an email to danilo[dot]bruschi[at]unimi[dot]it
Room 8011, Via Celoria 18