Advanced Comparative Public Law
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to develop knowledge about the current crisis of the rule of law.In the first part the course will offer an overview of the current criticalities of the liberal constitutionalism within the traditional democratic systems (e.g. United States, European countries) investigating the main political and constitutional factors of rule of law decay from a theoretical and historical point of view. The course will explore topics like populism, political polarization, new technologies. Class could be teach by some foreign Professors; knowledge of English is required. At the end of the course the student will have an in-depth knowledge of the course topics. The student will also acquire a reasoning method suitable for dealing with more specific and complex legal issues.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding: students shall know the fundamental aspects comparative law methodology and historical development of comparative constitutional law
- Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to understand the notions acquired during the course and to apply them to the current issues and ongoing case law related to the rule-of-law crisis, in a comparative law perspective.
- Making judgements: students shall be able to make accurate judgments on the main comparative constitutional law issues;
- Communication: students shall be able to express notions and opinions correctly, using the appropriate terminology; - Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire good individual study skills
- Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to understand the notions acquired during the course and to apply them to the current issues and ongoing case law related to the rule-of-law crisis, in a comparative law perspective.
- Making judgements: students shall be able to make accurate judgments on the main comparative constitutional law issues;
- Communication: students shall be able to express notions and opinions correctly, using the appropriate terminology; - Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire good individual study skills
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the following topics: populism and political polarization in the USA, in Europe; identity politics in traditional democracies; focusing on recent constitutional reforms and rule of law criticalities such as digital revolutions and neuroscience challanges; paradigmatic case studies referred to the previous topics; relevant case law.
Prerequisites for admission
Private law, Constitutional law, Comparative Public Law
Teaching methods
Professors will use: a) lectures; b) thematic insights proposed to students (with particular regard to the analysis of comparative constitutional case-law)
Teaching Resources
For exam preparation, NON attenfing students can use the following texts:
1. Andrea Pin, Il rule of law come problema. Le sfide dell'Europa centro-orientale della Brexit e del Medio Oriente, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021;
2. L.P. Vanoni e B. Vimercati, Dall'identità alle identity politics: la rinascita dei nazionalismi nel sistema costituzionale europeo, in Quaderni costituzionali, Fascicolo 1, marzo 2020
3. Roberto Bin, L'Unione europea rispetta i principi del rule of law?, in ConsultaOnLine, Fasc. 1, 2024, p. 152 ss.
4. Giada Ragone, Benedetta Vimercati, Neuroscience and end-of-life decisions. New anthropological challenges for constitutional law: «Is Human Nature the only science of man»?, BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, n. 3/2017, p. 111 ss.
5. Benedetta Vimercati, Oltre l'autodeterminazione. I confini del diritto nei casi Gard
Attending students: Slides, Lesson, and Materials used in Class (Papers, Articles, CaseLaw)
1. Andrea Pin, Il rule of law come problema. Le sfide dell'Europa centro-orientale della Brexit e del Medio Oriente, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021;
2. L.P. Vanoni e B. Vimercati, Dall'identità alle identity politics: la rinascita dei nazionalismi nel sistema costituzionale europeo, in Quaderni costituzionali, Fascicolo 1, marzo 2020
3. Roberto Bin, L'Unione europea rispetta i principi del rule of law?, in ConsultaOnLine, Fasc. 1, 2024, p. 152 ss.
4. Giada Ragone, Benedetta Vimercati, Neuroscience and end-of-life decisions. New anthropological challenges for constitutional law: «Is Human Nature the only science of man»?, BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, n. 3/2017, p. 111 ss.
5. Benedetta Vimercati, Oltre l'autodeterminazione. I confini del diritto nei casi Gard
Attending students: Slides, Lesson, and Materials used in Class (Papers, Articles, CaseLaw)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral. The evaluation of the question will take into account, in addition to the acquisition of the contents of the teaching, the ability to organize the knowledge discursively, the capacity for critical reasoning, the quality of the exposure, the competence in the use of the proper lexicon.
IUS/21 - COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Vanoni Luca Pietro, Vimercati Benedetta
Educational website(s)