Advanced Administrative Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a critical insight into the main issues of Ital-ian Administrative law, with particular reference to the influence exercised by the Eu-ropean legal system on our traditional legal categories.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be required to demonstrate the following skills: - Understanding and analysis of topics addressed in the course; - Technical expertise on more complex legal issues than those dealt with during the basic course of Administrative Law; - Capacity for critical reasoning and awareness of the complexity of the studied topics and of the relativity of the conclusions achieved in the doctrinal or jurisprudential context.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide students with a critical analysis of some of the main issues of substantive administrative law (subjective right and legitimate interest, administrative measures, administrative agreements, public administration contracts, public procurement, etc.) and administrative justice (assessment of relationship and compliance action, SCIA and protection of third parties, precautionary protection, res judicata, etc.) with particular reference to the influence exercised by EU legislation (and jurisprudence of the Court of Justice) and by the European Convention on Human Rights (and by the Court of Strasbourg) on ​​traditional legal categories.
Prerequisites for admission
According to the didactic regulation, passing and registering the exams of Private Law Institutions, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law are preparatory
Teaching methods
During lessons, reference will be made to regulatory texts, the most significant jurisprudential precedents and doctrinal reflections.
Lessons offer a critical analysis of some of the main themes of substantive administrative law and administrative justice; attendance allows you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully pass the exam and the students' active participation in the lessons through the illustration of the topics agreed with the teacher and the discussion and comparison in the classroom between the attending students and between students and the teacher.
Individual study and in-depth study are recommended in the same period in which the lessons take place so that learning takes place day by day essentially through attendance and contextual study and in-depth study of individual topics.
Other teachers or experts may be invited to give some lessons, in order to offer students a wide range of contributions or food for thought.
The calendar of lessons with the related topics will be published on the teaching website of the Ariel University online teaching portal ( by 15 September 2024. Notices relating to any changes, the materials accompanying the lessons and the day and time of office hours for students and any other useful information will also be published on the aforementioned website.
Teaching Resources
For both attending and non-attending students is recommended:

GUIDO GRECO, Argomenti di diritto amministrativo, Milano, Giuffrè, volume II, Parte Speciale, Letture, latest edition

Direct knowledge of the main regulatory sources is also required (starting with those cited in the manual and in the sentences that will be made available) and of the most important sentences in the field of administrative law and administrative justice. The sources and sentences can be found online in the various databases dedicated to this purpose or, as regards the sources, also in the numerous collections on the market (it is recommended to always use the latest updated edition).
The course website is constantly updated with information relating to any regulatory changes and the publication of key rulings.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam relating to the teaching takes place at the end of the course and consists of an oral test, with a numerical evaluation expressed in thirtieths and possible honours.
The criteria for evaluating the oral test and the work carried out during the lessons (interventions, exercises, etc.) are: correctness, completeness and accuracy of the contents, as well as clarity and mastery of argumentation and ability for critical analysis and re-elaboration.
Attending lessons also requires personal in-depth work and exposure which is taken into account for the purposes of assigning the final grade according to the criteria indicated.
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Sica Marco
Professor: Sica Marco