Administrative Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Administrative Law studies the relationship between Public Administration and people or companies. In particular it regulates the powers and procedures of the executive branch of government and establishes the mechanisms for ensuring legality, transparency and accountability in executive decision-making.
The course aims to reflect the wider dimensions of administrative law, stressing links with society and politics. We also aim to show how membership of the European Union and adherence to the European Convention on Human Rights has influenced our system of domestic law. Main topics of the course are: principles of administrative law; decision-making and discretion; Italian Procedure Act; judicial review.
Expected learning outcomes
The course introduces students to the principles of administrative law. On successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- Understand the key principles of administrative Law;
- Engage in critical thinking and legal analysis;
- Explain and offer a critical analysis of court decisions on governmental action;
- Apply the knowledge acquired in the module to respond to moderately complex legal questions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The primary focus of the course concerns the legal status and power of administrative authorities. The course deals, in particular, with the Law of 7 August no. 241 on Administrative procedure. Other subbjects will be: rules and discretion, and Judicial Review of administrative action.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no pre-requisites for attendance
Teaching methods
Face to face lectures and group assignments that consist of presentations given by students on a selection of issues.
Teaching Resources
M. Clarich, "Manuale di diritto amministrativo", Il Mulino, 2022, Parte I e Parte II. Details on Ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
There will be an oral and individual final exam at the end of the term wich will test the student's knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in class. There will be also a mid-term in class test opened only to attending students (50% of the final grade). The final evaluation will take into account the results of all the activities during the course.
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Musselli Lucia
Professor: Musselli Lucia
Educational website(s)