
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
FIS/01 FIS/02 FIS/03
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with fundamental concepts of acoustics, with specific reference to musical and architectural acoustics. Being this the only course in physics offered, a secondary goal is to present all the necessary propedeutic elements of mathematics, measure theory, and physics.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to master the main concepts related to the mechanisms of production and propagation of sound waves, as well as the related measurement tools and methods.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Fundamentals of wave mechanics
Half elastic
Particle speed
Propagation in the elastic medium
Wave speed
Generation of a plane wave
Longitudinal and transverse waves
Characteristic parameters of sound
Particle speed
Graphic representation of an oscillatory motion
Wave parameters
Acoustic range
Wave speed
Relationships between wave parameters
Wave front
Direction of propagation
Characteristics of sound propagation
Laws of reflection
Snell's law
Diffraction from an obstacle, a slit and a barrier

Physical models of wave phenomena
The free harmonic oscillator
Hourly law of the free harmonic oscillator
Energy of the free harmonic oscillator
The damped harmonic oscillator
Hourly law of the damped harmonic oscillator
The forced harmonic oscillator
The free rope
The equation of the ideal vibrating string
Linear systems
Impedance and admittance
Characteristic impedance of the medium
Acoustic impedance
Impedance of a plane wave
Impedance between two media
Impedance in two sections of different vibrating strings
Transmission and reflection coefficients
Transmission and reflection coefficients from the impedance point of view
The rope fixed at the ends
Standing waves
Modes of vibration of a string
Knots and bellies
Modes of vibration of an open reed
Modes of vibration of a closed reed
Modes of vibration of a half-open barrel
Modes of vibration of a conical reed
Modes of vibration of a membrane
Modes of vibration of a flat plate
Modes of vibration of a room
Application to the design of an environment for listening to music or speech

Frequency analysis
Periodic and non-periodic phenomena
Pure tone
Fourier theorem
Construction of any wave using Fourier's theorem
Acoustic spectrum
Line spectrum
Continuous spectrum
Fundamental frequency, overtones and harmonics
Low pass, high pass, band pass and band eliminate filter
Analysis bands
Band normalization
Constant percentage bands
Band center frequency
Octave and third octave band filters
Frequency ratios

Sound pressure
Sound pressure
Effective pressure
Logarithmic scale
Sum of sound levels
3 dB rule
10 dB rule
Average sound levels
Intrinsic characteristics of the sound source
Acoustic power
Sound power level
Acoustic intensity
Loudness level
Acoustic intensity

The human auditory system
External ear
Auditory meatus
Middle ear
Ear impedances
Stapedial reflex
Inner ear
Corti Organ
Auditory mechanism
The receiver
Subjective intensity
Normal audiogram
Perception threshold
Isophonic curves
Discrimination of sounds at various frequencies
Thresholds of disturbance, pain, hearing damage
Weighting curves
A and C weighting curves
Weighing A
Linear measurements

Acoustic measurements and phonometry
The sound level meter
The condenser microphone
Free field and random incidence microphone
Microphone dimensions
Microphone properties
Percentile levels
Fast, Slow and Impulse Time Constants
Equivalent level
Interpretation of simple graphs of acoustic measurements

Relationships between environment and sound pressure
Source types
Point sources
Linear sources
Acoustic field
Description of the acoustic field
Energy density

Free field propagation
Field with spherical and hemispherical symmetry
Field with cylindrical and hemicylindrical symmetry
Decays with distance
Factors influencing external propagation (ISO 9613 point 2)
Weather correction
Geometric divergence
Air absorption, for soil, for buildings, for vegetation
Natural and artificial barriers
Insertion Loss or acoustic efficiency of a barrier
Maekawa's law for point sources
Fresnel number
Maekawa's law for linear sources
Influence of edges, frequency and receptor
Kurze and Anderson law
Thermal gradients
Effect of the wind

Propagation within environments
Absorption and reflection
Direct and reverberated acoustic fields
Regime density
Reverberation time
Optimal reverberation time
Environment parameters
Apparent sound absorption coefficient
Average apparent sound absorption coefficient
Equivalent sound absorption area
Equivalent area of ​​total sound absorption
Ambient constant
Propagation of the acoustic field
Reverberant field
Semi-reverberant field
Critical distance
Sabine formula
Sabine-Eyring formula
Propagation between environments
Transmission through a wall
Absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients
Relationships between the various coefficients
Apparent sound absorption coefficient
Subjective descriptors of the acoustic field
Main objective descriptors of the acoustic field

Sound absorption and sound insulation
Lateral transmission
Direct transmission
Soundproofing power
Mass law
Widespread incidence
Simple wall
Simple wall behavior
Mass, stiffness and damping
Soundproofing power of composite walls
Empirical formulas
Sound insulation power and pressure levels between rooms
Sound-absorbing materials
Sound-absorbing treatments
Porous materials
Flow resistivity
Measurement of flow resistivity
Behavior of porous materials
Helmoltz resonator
Vibrant panel
Absorption frequencies
Mixed systems

Physics of musical instruments
The musical instrument from a physical point of view
Vibrant element
Impedance adapter
Classification of musical instruments
The chordophones
Sound production in the strings
The violin
The rope chafed
Main characteristics of the sound of the violin
Modeling of a musical instrument
The aerophones
The clarinet paradox
The eardrums
The snare drum
The human voice
The voice source
The formants of the vocal tract
The resonances of the vocal tract
Singing techniques from a physical point of view

Main exercises carried out
Sound pressure, power and intensity levels
Free, damped and forced harmonic oscillator
Properties of waves in strings
Acoustic impedance
Free field
Acoustic barriers
Reverberant field
Semi-reverberant field
Soundproofing power of composite walls
Reverberation times
Acoustic treatments
Sound transmission between closed environments
Prerequisites for admission
Mathematical prerequisites:
Goniometric, logarithmic and exponential functions and their graphs
Operations and properties of logarithms and exponentials
Operations with goniometer functions
Second order homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients

Physical prerequisites:
Vector algebra
Kinematics of the material point
Harmonic motions
Dynamics of the material point
Teaching methods
Lectures, theoretical and practical exercises aimed at illustrating the topics of the program, developing a series of basic topics regarding physical and musical acoustics with the help of audiovisual supports and apps.
Teaching Resources
S. CINGOLANI, Acustica musicale e architettonica, Torino, Città Studi Edizioni, 2008
A. FROVA, Fisica nella musica, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2000;
R. SPAGNOLO, Manuale di acustica applicata, Torino, Città Studi Edizioni, 2008;
Assessment methods and Criteria
Mandatory written test regarding applications of the concepts covered.
· Candidates who have passed this test with a minimum score of 16/30, if they intend to use this written test, will have to take a compulsory oral test on the course topics, otherwise they will have to repeat the written test.
· Candidates who have obtained a minimum score of 18/30 will be able to freely decide to confirm the grade obtained or to take a subsequent oral test, to be carried out within the exam session.
· In the second case, the teacher has the right to modify the grade of the written test either by increasing or decreasing the score obtained, depending on the progress of the oral test, and the possibility of not passing the exam cannot be excluded even with a sufficient grade in the written test.
· The written test is valid for an entire exam session (e.g. June - September).
· The oral test can be taken within three months of taking the written test, after which the written test will have to be repeated.
FIS/01 - EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS - University credits: 7
FIS/03 - PHYSICS OF MATTER - University credits: 1
Lessons: 72 hours
Professor: Repossi Alberto