Accelerator Physics 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course gives a general description of the accelerators and introduces the fundamental concepts of the transversal and longitudinal focalization. A detailed derivation of the periodic focusing structure FODO is given.
The characteristic and limits of the colliders are illustrated
The characteristic and limits of the colliders are illustrated
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students are expected to:
- be able to understand the characteristic of a circular accelerator (synchrotron)
- design a FODO cell and calculate the properties of the matched beam
- have the knowledge of the principal properties of the high energy proton colliders
- be able to understand the characteristic of a circular accelerator (synchrotron)
- design a FODO cell and calculate the properties of the matched beam
- have the knowledge of the principal properties of the high energy proton colliders
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1) Basic Characteristics of accelerators. History of accelerators: electrostatics, cyclotron, betatron, synchrotron, linac.
2) Motion equation, transverse dynamics in magnetic field. Linear motion, focusing, transfer matrix, and beam matrix. Emittance. Adiabatic damping. Longitudinal dynamics, phase stability.
3) Quadrupoles, matching and periodic transport
4) Hill equiations, Transfer matrix and stability. Matching , eigen-ellipses, FODO cell.
5) Resonance. Theory and classifications.
6) Colliders. Luminosity. LHC example.
7) Limits in synchrotrons and colliders. Collective effects: space charge, tune shift, beam-beam effects, luminosity decay..
8) Scaling law for sinchrotron and colliders. The CERN accelerator chain.
9) Main technology for modern accelerators:
a) RF cavities
b) Magnets
c) Collimators and absorbers
d) Plasma accelerators
e) Accelerators for light sources: Synchrotron light, FEL and inverse Compton
2) Motion equation, transverse dynamics in magnetic field. Linear motion, focusing, transfer matrix, and beam matrix. Emittance. Adiabatic damping. Longitudinal dynamics, phase stability.
3) Quadrupoles, matching and periodic transport
4) Hill equiations, Transfer matrix and stability. Matching , eigen-ellipses, FODO cell.
5) Resonance. Theory and classifications.
6) Colliders. Luminosity. LHC example.
7) Limits in synchrotrons and colliders. Collective effects: space charge, tune shift, beam-beam effects, luminosity decay..
8) Scaling law for sinchrotron and colliders. The CERN accelerator chain.
9) Main technology for modern accelerators:
a) RF cavities
b) Magnets
c) Collimators and absorbers
d) Plasma accelerators
e) Accelerators for light sources: Synchrotron light, FEL and inverse Compton
Prerequisites for admission
2nd order differential equations
Fundamental of electromagnetism
Fundamental of electromagnetism
Teaching methods
Discussion of characteristics and design of modern energy frontier accelrators, plasma accelerators and light sources.
Visit to LASA lab
Visit to LASA lab
Teaching Resources
Lecture book (in Italaian); lectures slides and recording; further material given at the Courses;
- Edwards, Syphers - An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators. Wiley&Sons editors. available at the Physics library
-K. Wille - The physics of particle accelerators. An introduction- Oxford University Press -available at the Physics library
- Edwards, Syphers - An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators. Wiley&Sons editors. available at the Physics library
-K. Wille - The physics of particle accelerators. An introduction- Oxford University Press -available at the Physics library
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination ( approximately 45 minutes) on some topics:
- Magnetic quadrupoles: equations of motion, transfer matrix, thin lens approximation
- Periodic structure: Hill equation, stability criteria, Twiss matrix, beta function, beam matching
- FODO cell and beam matching
Written report on a type of accelerator and on one technology (4-5 pages)
- Resonances
- Longitudinal beam stability
- Luminosity
Main technologies (Magnets, RF cavities, Collimators)
- Magnetic quadrupoles: equations of motion, transfer matrix, thin lens approximation
- Periodic structure: Hill equation, stability criteria, Twiss matrix, beta function, beam matching
- FODO cell and beam matching
Written report on a type of accelerator and on one technology (4-5 pages)
- Resonances
- Longitudinal beam stability
- Luminosity
Main technologies (Magnets, RF cavities, Collimators)
FIS/01 - EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Rossi Andrea Renato, Rossi Lucio
Educational website(s)
Monday 2-4 pm
LASA Laboratory or Physics Department (please send an e-mail)