18th and 19th Century Italian Literature

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is divided into three sections, sociological, historical and monographic, and aims to provide the student with an in-deep representation of cultural dynamics within modern societies. On the one hand, the behaviour of social actors (divided by undifferentiated groups, classes or multitudes: Unit A) is decisive; on the other hand, the creative activities that belong to the writers' class are also decisive. Regarding the latter point, the Units B and C provide a basis: the first, intended to trace some coordinates of the literary system between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries; the second focused vice versa on a single work pf romance, which is noted for a particular popular amongst the public.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will have to have an adequate measure of Knowledge and Skills.
Knowledge: they should be able to master from a historical and sociological point of view the development of cultural systems based on their internal dynamics, modulating the attitudes of the lessons with the rejection or confirmation of mass culture.
Skills: they should be able to draw on texts of a certain complexity; they will have to know how to connect and compare said texts. The student should also know how to maneuver within twentieth century Italian-European literature, identifying various phases and currents; and they must prove that they have the right tools for an interpretation and evaluation of a recently published literary text, the better if said text has been able to accrue wide popular success.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Widespread culture, publishing dynamics and successful novels
The course includes in its entirety 3 parts with different characteristics. The First Part has an institutional significance, and includes topics related to cultural consumption from a double perspective: society divided into classes, society in the inter-class and massified phase. The second part focuses on the dynamics of Italian publishing since the sixties of the twentieth century (books of culture and universal non-fiction series); the third, finally, focuses on Oriana Fallaci and her most successful novel: Un uomo (1979).
Prerequisites for admission
The ability to understand and assimilate the salient contents of a complex text is a fundamental prerequisite. In a disciplinary sense, there is a need for general information on contemporary Italian literature and critical methods, as well as a smattering of the debate on culture in the 8/900's civilizations.
Teaching methods
The topics of the course will be addressed through frontal lectures, with the help of Power point slides and through continuous solicitations addressed to students, who will be able to intervene by formulating specific questions or comments.
Attendance is not compulsory, but is strongly recommended, especially with regard to Part 1. Attending students are those who listen at least two-thirds of the lessons.
Teaching Resources
For those wishing to take the 6 CFU exam, We recommend Part 1 (mandatory) and one of your choice between Parts 2 and 3.
Cultural structures of the late twentieth century (20 hours, 3 CFU)
Texts: P. Bourdieu: La distinzione, il Mulino, Bologna 2001; E. Morin, Lo spirito del tempo, Meltemi, Rome 2005
PART 2: The 60s - 2000s: cultural publishing to the test of the public.
Texts: B. Pischedda: La competizione editoriale. Marchi e collane di vasto pubblico nell'Italia contemporanea, ed. Carocci, 2022 (limitedly chapter 8: pp. 339 - 380)
PART 3: Oriana Fallaci and the Committed best-seller
Texts: O. Fallaci, Un Uomo, Rizzoli 1979 (or later editions)
Critical studies: B. Pischedda: Dieci nel Novecento, Ed. Carocci 2018 (limitedly chapter 8, pp. 174-204).
Students who cannot attend the lessons must add to the texts already indicated in the program the following bibliography:
Part 1: G. Marsiglia, Pierre Bourdieu, una teoria del mondo sociale, CEDAM, Padova 2002 (limited to capp. II, III and V) ***
Part 2: B. Pischedda, La competizione editoriale, Ed. Carocci, 2022 (limitedly Introduzione: Le casse di Arnoldo, pp. 11 - 18).
Part 3: G. Rosa, Nel Nome di Oriana, "Pubblico 1982", a c. di V. Spinazzola, pp. 57 - 80 ***
NOTICE: the student will find the texts marked with an asterisk (***), on Ariel on the teacher's page. The other texts, subject to editorial constraint, must be found privately in bookstores, in e-book format, or at our library facilities, or at public one.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will be conducted orally: the test consists of an interview on scheduled topics, aimed at verifying the degree of preparation of the candidate for each teaching part.
They will be considered for the formulation of the vote:
1 - scope and accuracy of the information;
2 - quality of expression and possession of disciplinary terminology;
3 - identification of the question and analytical-argumentary ability to answer it.

*** At the end of each part the teacher will simulate an examination session; that is, he will identify a student who wishes to undergo the test voluntarily and will formulate a virtual vote, clarifying the ways in which the formulation of the vote itself is achieved.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pischedda Bruno