Teaching Workshop: People Management and Communication: Strategies and Sustainability

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective of the workshop is to develop rules for the application of basic knowledge of philosophy for change management and the management and staff development.
At the end of the workshop, students will have learned the main ways to identify the role and skills of the staff, as well as the main actions to ensure the development of the organizational culture and skills, in relation to the needs and organizational structures of the institution or of the company.
Expected learning outcomes
The workshop aims to develop the following skills:

Critical thinking skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will display a sufficiently independent critical approach in selecting and interpreting the notions that are most relevant their area of study and to the broader socio-cultural context in which they operate

Communication skills:
By the end of the workshop:
- students will be able to effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and disseminate it to the general public;
- student will have developed basic IT skills concerning knowledge preservation and transfer.

Learning skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will have developed the learning skills required to continue their studies in keeping with their own research interests. In order to meet this objective, students will also develop relevant skills in the independent interpretation of sources and in the use of basic IT tool for bibliographic research.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The skills of the future: the contribution of philosophy
2. Digital transformation and change management
3. Smart working vs working smart: the new ways of working and the skills required by smart organizations
4. People Strategy: Vision and values
5. Servant leadership
6. Coaching
7. Application of philosophical counseling in the company: Socratic Dialogue
8. Application of philosophical counseling in the company: Research Community
9. Man vs machine, a relationship between ethics and responsibility
10. Emotional intelligence
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, simulations, individual and group work.
Teaching Resources
Bandler R., Usare il cervello per cambiare, Casa Editrice Astrolabio
Bateson G., Verso un'ecologia della mente, Adelphi
Bateson G., Mente e natura, Adelphi
De Geus A., D'Amato V., L'azienda del futuro. Caratteristiche per sopravvivere in un ambiente perturbato, Franco Angeli
Goleman D., Intelligenza Emotiva, BUR
Marshall B. M., Le parole sono finestre (oppure muri): Introduzione alla comunicazione non violenta, Esserci
Maturana H., Emozioni e linguaggio in educazione e politica, Eleuthera
Padula P., Abbi cura di te. Elementi di coaching per scegliere la vita che vuoi, Lantana
Senge P., La quinta disciplina, Sperling & Kupfer
Tolle E., Il potere di adesso, Armenia Edizioni
Watzlawick, Helmick Beavin, Jackson, Pragmatica della comunicazione umana, Astrolabio
Withmore J., Coaching, Sperling & Kupfer
Dordoni P., Il dialogo socratico
Reconsidering Change Management: Applying Evidence-Based Insights in Change Management Practice, by Steven ten Have (Author), Wouter ten Have (Author), Anne-Bregje Huijsmans (Author), Maarten Otto (Author)
Slide e materiali forniti durante il corso dal docente
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification, without vote, consists in the participation in the laboratory activities, in the group preparation of an oral presentation to be proposed in class, in the preparation of the required documents. Attendance is compulsory.
Laboratorio Professionalizzante
- University credits: 2
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Professor: Calvia Valentina
Ricerca Bibliografica e redazione di un testo scientifico filosofico
- University credits: 1
Humanities workshops: 16 hours