Teaching Workshop: Experimental Philosophy Lab
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The aim of the Lab is to provide students with a first-hand knowledge of experimental methods mostly used in cog and social science and how to face philosophical challenges by taking advantage of them. A further aim is to enhance team group activities, which is a key feature of empirical work.
Expected learning outcomes
The workshop aims to develop the following skills:
Critical thinking skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will display a sufficiently independent critical approach in selecting and interpreting the notions that are most relevant their area of study and to the broader socio-cultural context in which they operate
Communication skills:
By the end of the workshop:
- students will be able to effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and disseminate it to the general public;
- student will have developed basic IT skills concerning knowledge preservation and transfer.
Learning skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will have developed the learning skills required to continue their studies in keeping with their own research interests. In order to meet this objective, students will also develop relevant skills in the independent interpretation of sources and in the use of basic IT tool for bibliographic research.
Critical thinking skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will display a sufficiently independent critical approach in selecting and interpreting the notions that are most relevant their area of study and to the broader socio-cultural context in which they operate
Communication skills:
By the end of the workshop:
- students will be able to effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and disseminate it to the general public;
- student will have developed basic IT skills concerning knowledge preservation and transfer.
Learning skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will have developed the learning skills required to continue their studies in keeping with their own research interests. In order to meet this objective, students will also develop relevant skills in the independent interpretation of sources and in the use of basic IT tool for bibliographic research.
Lesson period: year
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The aim of the lab is to provide the student with a direct knowledge of the different methods employed in social and cognitive neurosciences (TMS, EEG, MEG, fMRI, etc.), and to understand how they can be exploited to address philosophical problems.
To receive the 3 cfu, attendants need to pass a multiple-choice questionnaire (12 questions) concerning the neuroscientific techniques described in the lectures. Classes are recorded, and thus can be attended in any moment.
Moreover, students need to participate to the experimental sessions of the cialab (typically 4/5 experiments). Whenever a new experimental session is scheduled, an e-mail will be sent, including a calendar showing the available date in which students can confirm their presence for the participation.
The experiments will take place in the labs in Via Santa Sofia, 9 5th floor.
Alternatively, students will need to produce a detailed summary of scientific articles dealing with neuroscintific methods taught in the classes.
Once the criteria for receiving the 3 cfu are met, (within one year after the enrollment), the student will just need book the exam session of Laboatorio di filosofia sperimentale and Dr. Guido Barchiesi will approve the cfu through a the university web system.
Exam sessions will take place in October, January, and May.
Students' e-mails will be included in a mailing list in order to receive updates regarding the experimental activities. These updates will be sent via [email protected]
In order to receive more information visit cialab.unimi.it or send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]
To receive the 3 cfu, attendants need to pass a multiple-choice questionnaire (12 questions) concerning the neuroscientific techniques described in the lectures. Classes are recorded, and thus can be attended in any moment.
Moreover, students need to participate to the experimental sessions of the cialab (typically 4/5 experiments). Whenever a new experimental session is scheduled, an e-mail will be sent, including a calendar showing the available date in which students can confirm their presence for the participation.
The experiments will take place in the labs in Via Santa Sofia, 9 5th floor.
Alternatively, students will need to produce a detailed summary of scientific articles dealing with neuroscintific methods taught in the classes.
Once the criteria for receiving the 3 cfu are met, (within one year after the enrollment), the student will just need book the exam session of Laboatorio di filosofia sperimentale and Dr. Guido Barchiesi will approve the cfu through a the university web system.
Exam sessions will take place in October, January, and May.
Students' e-mails will be included in a mailing list in order to receive updates regarding the experimental activities. These updates will be sent via [email protected]
In order to receive more information visit cialab.unimi.it or send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]
Prerequisites for admission
Attendants should understand written and spoken italian
Teaching methods
Experimental activities
Lectures and discussions on the key experimental methods
Lectures and discussions on the key experimental methods
Teaching Resources
Experimental materials, papers and references will be provided during the lab activities.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final test will consist in questionnaire with 12 closed questions concerning the experimental activities as well as the methodological classes. There will be 3 examinations that will allow to get the credits in the rounds of January (the 30th), May (the 30th), and October(the 30th).
Laboratorio Professionalizzante
- University credits: 2
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Fanghella Martina
Ricerca Bibliografica e redazione di un testo scientifico filosofico
- University credits: 1
Humanities workshops: 16 hours
Educational website(s)