Plant Pathology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
AGR/11 AGR/12
Learning objectives
Provide knowledge on: Insects biology and means to recognize family and pests species. Biology and ethology of key insects of main crops in order to control pest populations. Different means of control.
Expected learning outcomes
Recognize insects Orders and morphology of main pest insects. Distinguish between beneficial and pest insects. Know biology and control of pest insects.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of agricultural botany and animal biology, animal biochemistry and physiology, agronomy, microbiology, genetics, arable and fruit crops.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam.
The exam will be aimed at ascertaining the achievement of the formative objectives in terms of knowledge acquired, ability to expose and use of specific language
The mark will be assigned in thirtieths.
Patologia vegetale
Course syllabus
General plant pathology: Concept of disease in plants. History and progress of plant pathology. Type and amount of losses, effects of changes in agricultural methods and in human society on the development and spread of plant diseases, infectious and non-infectious plant diseases. Basic procedures in plant disease diagnosis: traditional and bio-molecular methods, identification of unknown disease; Koch¿s rules. Parasitism and disease development: parasitism and pathogenicity. The disease cycle: inoculation, infection, colonization, inoculum dispersal and survival. Basic concepts of plant disease epidemiology: appraisal of disease incidence and severity and losses, pattern of epidemics, development of epidemics: host, pathogen and environmental factors affecting epidemics. Plant disease management: control strategy and methods for plant disease management. Basic concepts of biological control. Applied plant pathology: Specific plant disease models caused by fungi, bacteria, mollicutes and viruses, of cereal crops, fruit trees and grapevine, industrial crops, forest and ornamental trees. New and emerging diseases.
Teaching methods
The course is mainly based on lectures and integrated with laboratory, field and classroom activities
Teaching Resources
Plant pathology. Agrios G.N., Academic Press. Notes, slides and papers available for students in Ariel.
Entomologia agraria
Course syllabus
Insect systematics. Head, torax and abdomen morphology. Integument, alimentary canal, nervous system, tracheal system and circulatory system. Reproduction: oviparity, ovoviviparity, viviparity. Egg-laying. Postembryonic development: moult and metamorphosis: ametaboly, hemimetaboly, holometaboly. Postembryonic stages: youngs, nymphs, larvae, pupae, adults. Population dynamic. Classification of Orders and Families of agricultural pest insects. Biology of key insects of main crops and orchards: poliphagous insects, grapevines, cereals, apple and drupaceous orchards, olive grove, potato fields, greenhouse ornamentals. Evolution of insect control methods. Agronomic, mechanical and physical control, biological control, chemical control, damage threshold, integrated pest management. Action and toxicity of the main classes of insecticides.
Teaching methods
Lessons and laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
The insects : an outline of entomology / P. J. Gullan and P. S. Cranston ; with illustrations by Karina H. McInnes
Entomologia agraria
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Limonta Lidia
Patologia vegetale
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Field activity: 4 hours
Practicals: 8 hours
Laboratories: 4 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
On call
Office c/o DeFENS building A 21030 (first to the left entering the college from via Celoria)
DeFENS Via Celoria 2 Milano