Physiology and Ethology of Domestic Animals
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course is divided in three parts: the first (6 CFU) provides students with an overview of the physiology of the cellular function, the nervous system and sensory organs, the blood and cardio-circulatory system, the skeletal and smooth muscle cells; the second (4 CFU) provides students with knowledge of general ethology of domestic animals and with proper application of such knowledge in Veterinary Medicine for animal welfare; the third part (2 CFU) aims to provide students with the basics of national and European law, which will be useful to get to know, understand and apply, the existing body of Veterinary legislation regarding exercise of the Veterinary profession.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate knowledge of the basic physiological functions related to the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscle, as well as the knowledge of the physiological bases of domestic animal behaviour and welfare; the student must also acquire the basics of law, notions on the veterinarian's relationship with the judicial authority, and the knowledge of the laws relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals and to the protection of animal welfare. 2) Appling knowledge and understanding: the student must demonstrate to possess the indispensable concepts to establish links between the various topics covered, and in particular between physiology and animal behaviour, in order to adequately deal with the studies of pathology and veterinary clinic; the student must also acquire the ability to critically analyze the regulations of interest and the relevant case law, and to be able to relate with the judicial authority, in order to be able to deal with the study and understanding of Veterinary legal medicine and legislation. 3) Making judgments: the student must be able to deal critically with the study of the subject, demonstrating that he / she can integrate the information on the material provided by the teachers with the recommended texts, through the preparation of written reports or analysis of behavioural videos, presented orally during the exercise activities. The student must also be able to orient himself/herself in identifying the regulations relating to professional practice, in the various sectors of interest, as well as in weighing them and applying them correctly, also identifying the resulting responsibilities; these skills will be fostered through the examination and discussion of legislative and jurisprudential texts, group comparison and analysis of case studies. 4) Communication: the student must demonstrate to be able to use an appropriate terminology, which allows him/her to express the acquired knowledge in an appropriate manner. The demonstration can take place through the answers to the open questions during the exam, through the exposure to the class of the reports prepared during the course, which will be subject to evaluation by the teachers, as well as through active participation in classroom discussions, by arguing the cases proposed by the teacher. 5) Life-long learning skills: the student must demonstrate to be able, in total autonomy, to increase the knowledge of topics related to the physiology, ethology and welfare of small and large domestic animals, and Veterinary law, through the research of laws and case law, thanks to the implementation of what has been learned during the exercises performed within the course, in order to develop application abilities, as well as effective problem solving skills.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
The prerequisites required to pass the exam are the knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous, cardiocirculatory and skeletal muscular systems, as well as the basics of biochemistry. It is also necessary to have passed the preliminary examinations of:
1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 2) Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy.
1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 2) Systematic and Comparative Veterinary Anatomy.
Assessment methods and Criteria
As for physiology, the exam consists of a written test, composed of 28 multiple choice questions with 4 answers and only one correct, and 2 open-ended question. As for ethology, there is a written test composed of 15 questions with 4 answers, and only one correct. As for veterinary law, there is a written test composed of 8 questions with 4 answers, only one of which is correct, or open-ended. The three tests take place at the same time. The exam is considered to have been passed if the student correctly answers at least 60% of the physiology test questions and 60% of the ethology test questions, and five out of eight test answers for the Veterinary law exam, thus proving adequate knowledge and understanding of all topics under study. Otherwise, all the tests must be repeated. The final vote results from the weighted average of the vote reported in each module, also taking into account the opinion obtained in the discussion of the reports presented during the exercises. The time available for the examination is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The grade, for the modules which include open answers, will be determined also taking into account the evaluation rubrics published on the Ariel website of the course.
Phisiology of the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular system
Course syllabus
CELL PHYSIOLOGY: plasmatic membrane and membrane transports: 2 hours
Neurons: resting and action membrane potential, impulse conduction: 2 hours
Synapses and neurotransmitters: 1 hour
Receptor classification; tactile, pain and temperature receptors: 2 hours
Spinal cord structure and function: spinal reflexes: 1 hour
Cranial nerve functions: 1 hour
Brainstem: functions and autonomic centers: 2 hours
Muscle tone control: 2 hours
Labirintic reflexes: 1 hour
Cerebellum: 1 hour
Thalamus and hypothalamus: 2 hours
Cortical areas of the brain and EEG: 1 hour
Autonomic nervous system: 2 hours
Sensory organs: gustatory, olfactory, auditory and vision: 3 hours
Skeletal muscle: structure, excitation-contraction coupling: 2 hours
Neuromuscular transmission: 1 hour
Smooth muscle: 1 hour
Blood function and composition: 1 hour
Red blood cell parameters: 1 hour
Haematopoiesis and haemostasis: 1 hour
Cardiac cell physiology: cardiac myocytes and conduction system: 1 hour
Electrocardiography: cardiac axis and ECG: 2 hours
Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and heart sounds: 2 hours
Nervous control of heart function: 1 hour
Circulation mechanics: 1 hour
Venous and arterial systems; blood pressure: 1 hour
Microcirculation and capillary pressure: Starling hypothesis: 1 hour
Central and peripheral regulation of blood circulation: 1 hour.
The exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
1) Classroom exercises:
3 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each: illustration on how to carry out a bibliographic research using the main databases available and how to correctly set up a scientific work. Afterwards, 8 hours in the presence of all the students: presentation and analysis of a scientific work by the students divided into groups of 3/4 each, inherent in the physiology of domestic or unconventional animals.
2) Visits to pets' breeding facilities:
4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each: assessment of the correct animal approach and of the main basic physiological parameters: cardiac auscultation, with recognition of cardiac tones, ECG execution and stimulation of the main nerve reflexes (eg patellar and miotic).
3) Exercises in Lab:
How to do an ECG correctly: 1 hour, 4 groups of 25 students each.
Neurons: resting and action membrane potential, impulse conduction: 2 hours
Synapses and neurotransmitters: 1 hour
Receptor classification; tactile, pain and temperature receptors: 2 hours
Spinal cord structure and function: spinal reflexes: 1 hour
Cranial nerve functions: 1 hour
Brainstem: functions and autonomic centers: 2 hours
Muscle tone control: 2 hours
Labirintic reflexes: 1 hour
Cerebellum: 1 hour
Thalamus and hypothalamus: 2 hours
Cortical areas of the brain and EEG: 1 hour
Autonomic nervous system: 2 hours
Sensory organs: gustatory, olfactory, auditory and vision: 3 hours
Skeletal muscle: structure, excitation-contraction coupling: 2 hours
Neuromuscular transmission: 1 hour
Smooth muscle: 1 hour
Blood function and composition: 1 hour
Red blood cell parameters: 1 hour
Haematopoiesis and haemostasis: 1 hour
Cardiac cell physiology: cardiac myocytes and conduction system: 1 hour
Electrocardiography: cardiac axis and ECG: 2 hours
Cardiac cycle, cardiac output and heart sounds: 2 hours
Nervous control of heart function: 1 hour
Circulation mechanics: 1 hour
Venous and arterial systems; blood pressure: 1 hour
Microcirculation and capillary pressure: Starling hypothesis: 1 hour
Central and peripheral regulation of blood circulation: 1 hour.
The exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
1) Classroom exercises:
3 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each: illustration on how to carry out a bibliographic research using the main databases available and how to correctly set up a scientific work. Afterwards, 8 hours in the presence of all the students: presentation and analysis of a scientific work by the students divided into groups of 3/4 each, inherent in the physiology of domestic or unconventional animals.
2) Visits to pets' breeding facilities:
4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each: assessment of the correct animal approach and of the main basic physiological parameters: cardiac auscultation, with recognition of cardiac tones, ECG execution and stimulation of the main nerve reflexes (eg patellar and miotic).
3) Exercises in Lab:
How to do an ECG correctly: 1 hour, 4 groups of 25 students each.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons through projection of slides with diagrams, figures, text and explanatory videos. At the end of each lesson, IT tools (Sli-do) are used to verify the understanding of the topics covered, also allowing students to formulate questions anonymously.
The exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
1) Classroom exercises:
3 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each.
8 hours in the presence of all the students.
2) Visits to pets' breeding facilities:
4 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each.
3) Exercises in Lab:
1 hour to 4 groups of 25 students each.
The exercises take place partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
1) Classroom exercises:
3 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each.
8 hours in the presence of all the students.
2) Visits to pets' breeding facilities:
4 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each.
3) Exercises in Lab:
1 hour to 4 groups of 25 students each.
Teaching Resources
Avallone, Caola, Clement et al., Fisiologia Veterinaria. Point Veterinaire Italie, 2010.
Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2013.
The slides of the course are available on the Ariel site, physiology and ethology of domestic animals:
Sjaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2013.
The slides of the course are available on the Ariel site, physiology and ethology of domestic animals:
Veterinary ethology and animal welfare
Course syllabus
Ethology: introduction, history and role in Veterinary medicine: 1 hours
Causation, innate and intelligent behaviours, animal mind: 3 hours
Learning and memory: 2 hours
Onthogenesis: 1 hour
Social systems in companion animals: 3 hours
Social systems in farm animals: 3 hours
Reproductive and maternal behaviour in domestic species: 3 hours.
Practicals will take place in the classroom and in the field.
1) Classroom practice
N. 5 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each: understanding feline, equine, bovine and swine behaviour. N. 5 hours for the whole class: learning how to conduct an ethological study, from proper bibliographic search to coding and quantifying of behaviour and presenting the results. Afterwards, n. 6 hours with the whole class: presentation by each group of 4 students of their own ethological study. N. 9 hours with the whole class: discussions and workshops about animal behaviour and welfare involving guest speakers.
N. 3 hours with the whole class: practice exam simulations with the help of images and video for this Course examination.
2) Visits to canine breeding facilities
N. 4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each: development of behaviour, reading of dogs' behaviour.
Causation, innate and intelligent behaviours, animal mind: 3 hours
Learning and memory: 2 hours
Onthogenesis: 1 hour
Social systems in companion animals: 3 hours
Social systems in farm animals: 3 hours
Reproductive and maternal behaviour in domestic species: 3 hours.
Practicals will take place in the classroom and in the field.
1) Classroom practice
N. 5 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each: understanding feline, equine, bovine and swine behaviour. N. 5 hours for the whole class: learning how to conduct an ethological study, from proper bibliographic search to coding and quantifying of behaviour and presenting the results. Afterwards, n. 6 hours with the whole class: presentation by each group of 4 students of their own ethological study. N. 9 hours with the whole class: discussions and workshops about animal behaviour and welfare involving guest speakers.
N. 3 hours with the whole class: practice exam simulations with the help of images and video for this Course examination.
2) Visits to canine breeding facilities
N. 4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each: development of behaviour, reading of dogs' behaviour.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons through projection of slides with diagrams, figures, text and videos. At the end of each lesson, IT tools (es., Sli-do) might be used to verify student understanding, also allowing them to formulate questions anonymously.
Practicals will take place in the classroom and in the field.
1) Classroom practice
N. 5 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each
N. 23 hours for the whole class.
2) Visits to canine breeding facilities
N. 4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each.
Frontal lessons through projection of slides with diagrams, figures, text and videos. At the end of each lesson, IT tools (es., Sli-do) might be used to verify student understanding, also allowing them to formulate questions anonymously.
Practicals will take place in the classroom and in the field.
1) Classroom practice
N. 5 hours to 4 groups of 25 students each
N. 23 hours for the whole class.
2) Visits to canine breeding facilities
N. 4 hours, in 4 groups of 25 students each.
Teaching Resources
M. Albertini, E. Canali, S. Cannas, V. Ferrante, S. Mattiello, M. Panzera, M. Verga, Etologia applicata e benessere animale, Vol. 1 e 2. Point Veterinaire Italie, 2008.
G. Bogliani, C. Carere, R. Cervo, D. A. Grasso, P. Luschi, ETOLOGIA Lo studio del comportamento animale, UTET Università, 2022.
Slides available on Ariel:
G. Bogliani, C. Carere, R. Cervo, D. A. Grasso, P. Luschi, ETOLOGIA Lo studio del comportamento animale, UTET Università, 2022.
Slides available on Ariel:
Veterinary legislation
Course syllabus
Sources of law and notions on the legal system, European and national (2 hours)
Elements of administrative law for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
Elements of criminal law and criminal procedure for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
Elements of civil law and civil procedure for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
No. 4 hours with 4 groups of 25 students each: illustration of how to conduct legal and jurisprudential research, using the main databases available online; setting up work on a case study, based on an event covered by a recent judgement; problem-solving exercise, preceded by the presentation of the case and illustration of the sector legislation, with subsequent discussion.
N. 12 hours with the whole class: study and analysis of case studies on:
- Animal mistreatment and other offences against animals (2 hours)
- Farm animal protection and welfare (2 hours)
- Animal welfare and protection during transport (2 hours)
- Animal welfare and protection at the slaughterhouse (1 hour)
- Animal protection for scientific and educational purposes; conscientious objection (2 hours)
- Companion animal protection and urban hygiene issues (1 hour)
- Wildlife protection and hunting regulations (1 hour)
- Animal protection in zoos and wildlife parks, circuses, and travelling shows (1 hour)
Sources of law and notions on the legal system, European and national (2 hours)
Elements of administrative law for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
Elements of criminal law and criminal procedure for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
Elements of civil law and civil procedure for the veterinary profession (2 hours)
No. 4 hours with 4 groups of 25 students each: illustration of how to conduct legal and jurisprudential research, using the main databases available online; setting up work on a case study, based on an event covered by a recent judgement; problem-solving exercise, preceded by the presentation of the case and illustration of the sector legislation, with subsequent discussion.
N. 12 hours with the whole class: study and analysis of case studies on:
- Animal mistreatment and other offences against animals (2 hours)
- Farm animal protection and welfare (2 hours)
- Animal welfare and protection during transport (2 hours)
- Animal welfare and protection at the slaughterhouse (1 hour)
- Animal protection for scientific and educational purposes; conscientious objection (2 hours)
- Companion animal protection and urban hygiene issues (1 hour)
- Wildlife protection and hunting regulations (1 hour)
- Animal protection in zoos and wildlife parks, circuses, and travelling shows (1 hour)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons (8 h) + exercises (16 h). As needed, experts in the field may supplement the lectures or exercises. The exercises will be held in the classroom: N. 4 hours for 4 groups of 25 students each and N. 12 hours for the whole class.
During the group exercise, students will work on a case study based on recent sentences relating to the topics covered in the course, with a presentation of the sector's regulatory framework, a problem-solving exercise, and the discussion of the results.
The legal and case law research exercise will be illustrated and carried out using the main databases available online.
Subsequently, the exercises for the whole class will be devoted to the study and analysis of case studies related to issues included in the course programme.
During the group exercise, students will work on a case study based on recent sentences relating to the topics covered in the course, with a presentation of the sector's regulatory framework, a problem-solving exercise, and the discussion of the results.
The legal and case law research exercise will be illustrated and carried out using the main databases available online.
Subsequently, the exercises for the whole class will be devoted to the study and analysis of case studies related to issues included in the course programme.
Teaching Resources
Slides available on Ariel:
Institutional websites.
AA vari "Etica e Allevamento Animale" (a cura di G. Bertoni), Ed Franco Angeli, 2016
Bonafos L, Simonin D, Gavinelli A. Animal welfare: European legislation and future perspectives. J Vet Med Educ. 2010 Spring;37(1):26-9.
Diane Sullivan & Holly Vietzke, An Animal is Not an Ipod, 4 Journal of Animal Law 41 (2008)
Greg Miller, The rise of animal law, Science 01 Apr 2011:Vol. 332, Issue 6025, pp. 28-31
Jerrold Tannenbaum, What is Animal Law?, 61 Clev. St. L. Rev. 891 (2013)
Olsson IAS, Silva SPD, Townend D, Sandøe P. Protecting Animals and Enabling Research in the European Union: An Overview of Development and Implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU. ILAR J. 2016 May 1;57(3):347-357.
Pejman, N., Kallas, Z., Dalmau, A., & Velarde, A. (2019). Should Animal Welfare Regulations Be More Restrictive? A Case Study in Eight European Union Countries. Animals: an open access journal from MDPI, 9(4), 195.
Institutional websites.
AA vari "Etica e Allevamento Animale" (a cura di G. Bertoni), Ed Franco Angeli, 2016
Bonafos L, Simonin D, Gavinelli A. Animal welfare: European legislation and future perspectives. J Vet Med Educ. 2010 Spring;37(1):26-9.
Diane Sullivan & Holly Vietzke, An Animal is Not an Ipod, 4 Journal of Animal Law 41 (2008)
Greg Miller, The rise of animal law, Science 01 Apr 2011:Vol. 332, Issue 6025, pp. 28-31
Jerrold Tannenbaum, What is Animal Law?, 61 Clev. St. L. Rev. 891 (2013)
Olsson IAS, Silva SPD, Townend D, Sandøe P. Protecting Animals and Enabling Research in the European Union: An Overview of Development and Implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU. ILAR J. 2016 May 1;57(3):347-357.
Pejman, N., Kallas, Z., Dalmau, A., & Velarde, A. (2019). Should Animal Welfare Regulations Be More Restrictive? A Case Study in Eight European Union Countries. Animals: an open access journal from MDPI, 9(4), 195.
Phisiology of the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular system
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Veterinary ethology and animal welfare
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Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
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Pirrone Federica
Pirrone Federica
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Veterinary legislation
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Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
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Fossati Paola
Educational website(s)