History of Medieval Art

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a critical approach to Western artistic culture in the millennium between the birth of Christian art and the 13th century, with particular attention to monumental contexts, iconography and the function of artefacts, all within a historical and chronological framework.
Expected learning outcomes
Suitable knowledge of the main monumental contexts and artefacts of the Western Middle Ages; knowledge of the main historiographical lines. Ability to frame a medieval architecture or artefact placing it chronologically, recognising its function, illustrating its iconography, highlighting its technical and technical-constructive peculiarities, all using an appropriate vocabulary.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Title: Medieval Art between Byzantium and the Western World 313-1453

Part A: General introduction to Medieval art.
Part Unit B: Paleochristian art 3rd-5th century.
Part C: Early middle-ages 6th-10th century
Prerequisites for admission
Suitable knowledge of Greek and Roman art.
Suitable knowledge of Byzantine and Medieval history.
Suitable knowledge of the geographical area taken into consideration.
Suitable knowledge of the history, institutions, teachings of Christianism and of its principal denominations: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestantism.
It would be appreciated a basic notion of Greek and Latin languages.
Teaching methods
The course can be integrated by the workshop "Milano medievale: arte, architettura, contesti. Secoli IV-XIII" (20 hours, 3 cfu), which will take place in the first semester for a maximum of 25 students.
Teaching Resources
Part A
G. Cricco-F. P. Di Teodoro, Itinerari nell'arte, II vol., Dall'arte paleocristiana a Giotto, Zanichelli, 4th edition, 2016, YELLOW VERSION.
Part B
B. V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 and subsequent editions (2018), pp. 1-144.
Part C
B. V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 and subsequent editions (2018), pp. 144-255.


Part A
G. Cricco-F. P. Di Teodoro, Itinerari nell'arte, II vol., Dall'arte paleocristiana a Giotto, Zanichelli, 4th edition 2016, YELLOW VERSION.
Part B
B. V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 and subsequent editions (2018), pp. 1-144.
Part C
B. V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 and subsequent editions (2018), pp. 144-255.

Program as above PLUS ONE book of your choice from the following:
A. Torno Ginnasi, L'incoronazione celeste nel mondo bizantino. Politica, cerimoniale, numismatica e arti figurative (Archaeopress Archaeology), Archaeopress, Oxford, 2014.
-Il viaggio dell'icona dalle origini alla caduta di Bisanzio, a cura di T. Velmans, Milano, Jaca Book, 2002 (and subsequent editions), pp. 7-150.
-L. Castelfranchi Vegas, L'arte ottoniana intorno al Mille, Milano, Jaca Book, 2002.
-Pittura murale del Medioevo lombardo, a cura di P. Piva, Milano, Jaca Book, 2006.
-I. Herklotz, Gli eredi di Costantino. Il Papato, il Laterano e la propaganda visiva nel XII secolo, Roma, Viella, 2000.
-B. Zanardi, Giotto e Pietro Cavallini. La questione di Assisi e il cantiere medievale della pittura a fresco, Milano, Skira, 2002, pp. 25-186.

Program as above PLUS TWO books from the list.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an interview aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge, the historical and chronological framing ability, the critical thinking and the speaking skills.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Title: "Artistic Culture of the Middle Ages: a Profile".

The course aims to offer an approach to the history of medieval art and architecture through the analysis of case studies in Italy and Europe, with some focus on the Byzantine East.

- Part A (20 h, 3 cfu): Early Christian period and Early Middle ages (4th-10th centuries)
- Part B (20 h, 3 cfu): Romanesque and Gothic periods (11th-14th centuries)
- Part C (20 h, 3 cfu): Case studies.

For 6 cfu: Parts A and B.

Note: The degree programme in Studies of Cultural Heritage requires a 9 cfu examination.
Prerequisites for admission
Suitable knowledge of the main historical facts and institutions of late antiquity and the Middle Ages in the West.
Teaching methods
Teaching will be delivered mainly through lectures. The course is linked to the Workshop "Medieval Milan" (20 hours, 3 cfu; enrolment, programme and calendar will be communicated during the first lectures).
Part of the didactic materials, including the link to the Moodle handbook, will be uploaded on the Ariel teaching site. Please, consult the Noticeboard frequently.
Teaching Resources
Examination Programme for attending students, 9 cfu:

- Knowledge of the topics and artefacts covered during the lectures, with related slides (progressively available on the Ariel teaching site);

- Moodle handbook "Lineamenti di Storia dell'arte medievale" (link available on the Ariel teaching site), Teaching units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 (the other Teaching units are optional but strongly recommended).

- Knowledge of the following contribution (full-text PDF on the Ariel teaching site):
P. Piva, I contesti dell'arte romanica come "sistemi integrati" (Cattedrale Monastero Santuario nei secoli XI-XII), in G. Andenna (a cura di), I giorni che hanno fatto la Lombardia, Legnano 2007, pp. 78-103.

For 6 cfu: No lectures from Part C, rest of the Programme unchanged.

Examination Programme for NOT attending students, 9 cfu:

- Moodle handbook "Lineamenti di Storia dell'arte medievale" (link available on the Ariel teaching site), Teaching units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 (the other Teaching units are strongly recommended, but remains optional).

- Knowledge of the following contribution (full-text PDF on the Ariel teaching site):
"L'età di Costantino", in H. Brandenburg, "Le prime chiese di Roma. IV-VII secolo", Nuova edizione aggiornata e ampliata, Roma-Milano 2013, pp. 16-53, documentazione iconografica alle pp. 283-288, note a p. 349 [English version of this essay is also available: "Ancient Churches of Rome from the Fourth to the Seventh Century", Turnhout, Brepols, 2005].

- Knowledge of the following contribution (full-text PDF on the Ariel teaching site):
P. Piva, I contesti dell'arte romanica come "sistemi integrati" (Cattedrale Monastero Santuario nei secoli XI-XII), in G. Andenna (a cura di), I giorni che hanno fatto la Lombardia, Legnano 2007, pp. 78-103.

For 6 cfu: No essay "L'età di Costantino", rest of the Programme unchanged.

International students may agree on a partially different Programme.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an interview aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge, the historical and chronological framing ability, the critical thinking and the speaking skills.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Title: History of medieval art in the Mediterranean: methodological problems and case studies

Part A (20 h, 3 CFU): Historical and cultural context; case studies of the Late Antiquity
Part B (20 h, 3 CFU): Case studies of the early Middle Ages in the West and in the Byzantine Empire
Part C (20 h, 3 CFU)): Case studies of the Late Middle Ages

9 CFU: Parts A, B, C
6 CFU: Parts A and B

The course retraces the development of the visual culture in the Mediterranean area (especially the Italian Peninsula, territories of the Byzantine Empire and related entities) between the Late antiquity and the Middle Ages. After an overview on the chronological and geographical extent, the focus will be on substantial case studies, in order to outline the evolution of the main artistic phenomena in relation to different sectors of production (monumental contexts, painting, sculpture, luxury or decorative arts and numismatics). The methodological approach (mainly historical, iconographic and formal) aims to contextualise the artistic expression and consider it as a source for the knowledge of the civilisations flourished in the Mediterranean area during the medieval millennium.
Prerequisites for admission
Suitable knowledge of the historical events of the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in the European and Mediterranean area.
Teaching methods
Lectures with PowerPoint presentations. The course can be integrated by the workshop "Milano medievale: arte, architettura, contesti" (20 hours, 3 cfu), which will take place in the first semester for a maximum of 25 students (information about course enrollment and program on the Studies of Cultural Heritage website).
Teaching Resources
9 CFU - Attending Students:

- Images made available for personal use on https://atornosam.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/
(Parts A, B, C).

- G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte, vol. 2: Dall'arte paleocristiana a Giotto, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2016
(VERSIONE GIALLA - 'quarta edizione' and NOT the 'versione compatta'). WHOLE TEXT

- M. della Valle, Costantinopoli e il suo impero. Arte, architettura, urbanistica nel millennio bizantino, Milano, Jaca Book, 2007 or reprints. WHOLE TEXT

9 CFU - NOT attending students:

In substitution of the lectures, choose ONE book from the following:

L. Bevilacqua, Arte e aristocrazia a Bisanzio nell'età dei Macedoni. Costantinopoli, la Grecia e l'Asia Minore, Roma, Campisano, 2013.

A. Grabar, Le vie dell'iconografia cristiana. Antichità e Medioevo, a cura di M. della Valle, Milano, Jaca Book, 2011 (I ed. 1983) or reprints.

Th.F. Mathews, Scontro di dei. Una reinterpretazione dell'arte paleocristiana, Milano, Jaca Book, 2005 or reprints.

M. Pastoureau, L'arte araldica nel Medioevo, Torino, Einaudi, 2019.

B.V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 or reprints.

L. Travaini, I capelli di Carlo il Calvo. Indagine sul ritratto monetale nell'Europa medievale, Roma, Quasar, 2013.

6 CFU - Attending students

- Images made available for personal use on https://atornosam.ariel.ctu.unimi.it/
(Parts A and B).

- G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte, vol. 2: Dall'arte paleocristiana a Giotto, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2016
(VERSIONE GIALLA - 'quarta edizione' and NOT the 'versione compatta'). - WHOLE TEXT

- M. della Valle, Costantinopoli e il suo impero. Arte, architettura, urbanistica nel millennio bizantino,
Milano, Jaca Book, 2007 or reprints, chapters 1, 2, 3.

6 CFU - NOT attending students

In substitution of the lectures, choose ONE book from the following:

L. Bevilacqua, Arte e aristocrazia a Bisanzio nell'età dei Macedoni. Costantinopoli, la Grecia e l'Asia Minore, Roma, Campisano, 2013.

A. Grabar, Le vie dell'iconografia cristiana. Antichità e Medioevo, a cura di M. della Valle, Milano, Jaca Book, 2011 (I ed. 1983) or reprints.

Th.F. Mathews, Scontro di dei. Una reinterpretazione dell'arte paleocristiana, Milano, Jaca Book, 2005 or reprints.

M. Pastoureau, L'arte araldica nel Medioevo, Torino, Einaudi, 2019.

B.V. Pentcheva, Icone e potere. La Madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano, Jaca Book, 2010 or reprints.

L. Travaini, I capelli di Carlo il Calvo. Indagine sul ritratto monetale nell'Europa medievale, Roma, Quasar, 2013.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an interview aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge, the historical framework, and the speaking skills through the analysis of images.
Unita' didattica A
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Second semester 2024-2025: Monday and Wednesday from 12.30 to 3 pm, only by appointment (please, write ONLY from the university email).
Department of Cultural Heritage and Environment, via Noto 6, 20141 Milan (or video call MS Teams)