English Ii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This is a second-year, two-semester course which can only be accessed once the first year English language course has been completed. The aim of the course is to further students' knowledge of the basic structures of the English language with special reference to phraseology and clause syntax, and to develop both theoretical and communicative competences in Business English, with a focus on interlinguistic and intercultural aspects of communication. Students will learn to approach different types of business texts and analyze them. They will also learn to critically assess the communicative coordinates of intercultural communicative events, and to select the communicative strategies most suited to them in light of the principles learnt during the course.

The course builds on the competences developed in the first-year English language course (B2 level of the CEFR). A working knowledge of Italian is also required. The exit level is set at B2 plus of the CEFR, with special reference to the domain of business communication.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course students will have reached at least B2 plus level competences in English and will be able to deal with a range of communicative tasks in the domain of business. They will have mastered the principles of intercultural communication, which they will be able to apply to the communicative situations they encounter in a variety of professional domains within the broader field of business.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The syllabus consists of three theoretical parts (Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3) and four parts of language practice sessions (Skills A, Skills B, Skills C and Skills D).
The theoretical parts are interconnected but will be tested separately. They jointly pursue the goal of the English course, and of the degree course in general, to provide students with specialized language skills suitable for use in professional contexts.
(For a description of the language practice sessions, see the section "Assessment methods and criteria" -> PRELIMINARY LANGUAGE SKILLS TESTS)

The theoretical course is structured as follows:
Unit 1
Scientific English: From Theory to Practice (Term 1)
The purpose of the module is to provide students with the necessary skills for in-depth understanding and accurate drafting of specialized texts, especially in the scientific field. The module is composed as described below.
· An introduction to domain-specific languages: linguistic and discursive features of specialised texts.
· Comparative analyses of scientific texts, particularly on the strategies adopted in constructing scientific news for circulation at the specialised level. Focus on academic writing strategies, especially on connectors and other textual elements enhancing coherence and cohesion.
· Practical applications on specific case studies.

Unit 2
Mediating specialised discourse in English (Term 1)
The purpose of the module is to provide students with theoretical and practical skills regarding oral linguistic and cultural mediation in the specialised field. The module consists of an introduction to oral language mediation and dialogue interpreting. Students will learn about the skills and aptitudes interpreters must have to perform dialogue interpreting, the ethical standards they have to abide by, and the role of the interpreter as a linguistic and intercultural mediator. They will also learn to analyse oral dialogic discourse in English and in Italian and to translate it, with pragmatic appropriateness and terminological / professional accuracy. They will also be given the opportunity to practice oral and written language mediation in small seminars.

Unit 3
Knowledge dissemination through the traditional print media and the Internet (Term 2)
This module constitutes a natural continuation of Unit 1. It aims to provide students with theoretical and practical skills necessary to adapt specialised discourse to the interlocutors and the purposes of the message. These skills can be usefully put into practice in the numerous professional fields where specialized discourse knowledge and mediation skills are required. Unit 3 focuses on how information and views about science and technology are spread to and shared with lay readers through the mainstream print media, non-fiction publications and online. During the lectures, comparisons will be made between the linguistic aspects involved in conveying scientific information via traditional print media (newspapers and non-fiction works) and via the Internet (e.g. blogs, vlogs). The lectures will also include careful linguistic analysis and commentary on a selection of traditional print and Internet genres, accompanied by related activities and tasks.
Prerequisites for admission
The course builds on the competences developed in the second-year English language course (B2+/C1- level of the CEFR). A working knowledge of Italian is also required. The exit level is set at C1 of the CEFR.
Teaching methods
The theoretical part of the course (corresponding to the contents of Units 1, 2, 3) is delivered through lectures, while language skills will be reinforced and partially tested during language practice sessions carried out in small groups. NB: specific instructions for registering for the language practice sessions will be given on the course's MyAriel site and on the course's Team (team code: 8orb7rt).
Teaching Resources
Unit 1
Course book
- Garzone, Giuliana (2020) Specialized Communication and Popularization. Roma: Carocci Editore, chapters 1-6.
-- Handouts and powerpoint files used in class.

Unit 2
Course book
- Rebecca Tipton and Olgierda Furmanek (2016) Dialogue Interpreting. A Guide to interpreting in public services and the community. London and New York: Routledge, chapters 3, 4 and 5.
- Garzone, Giuliana and Rudvin, Mette (2003) Domain-Specific English and Language Mediation in Professional and Institutional Settings. Milano: Arcipelago Edizioni (Chapter II: The interpreter's role in the business environment, pp. 78-109)
- Handouts and powerpoint files used in class.

Unit 3
Course books
- Pilkington, Olga (2019) The Language of Popular Science: Analyzing the Communication of Advanced Ideas to Lay Readers. McFarland: Jefferson North Carolina (Chapters 1-4) - disponibile in formato Kindle per 16 euro su amazon.it.
- Garzone, Giuliana (2020) Specialized Communication and Popularization. Roma: Carocci Editore, chapters 7-8.

Set texts for language practice groups
- The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS: for academic and general training, Pauline Cullen, Amanda French and Vanessa Jakeman. Cambridge University Press.
- Ready for IELTS, 2nd Edition. S. McCarter, Macmillan.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment is exam-based. The course has a modular structure and there is a test for each element of the course.

The assessment consists of four preliminary language skills tests aimed at ascertaining language skills (see "Preliminary Language Skills Tests" below) and three theoretical content tests covering the three teaching units (see "Programme" above), followed by a final interview (see "Final Interview" below) with the course lecturers.

Preliminary language skills will be tested as follows:
1. As far as written skills are concerned (Skills A, B and C), attending students who have completed English 2 will have the possibility of taking interim tests (one at the end of the first semester, and another at the end of the second); the possibility of taking the test in the official written examinations always remains valid;
2. As far as oral mediation skills are concerned (Skills D), attending students who have completed English 2 will be given the opportunity of ongoing assessment, during the relevant practice sessions: alternatively, they may take the test in one of the official appeals - compulsorily, in this case, AFTER having passed the tests relating to the units that make up the official course.

Knowledge and skills related to the official course (units 1, 2 and 3) will be tested as follows:
1. For students in good standing with previous years' examinations, there will be interim tests at the end of each semester. The examination must then be concluded with an individual interview to be conducted with one of the course lecturers at one of the available ORAL examination days. Only those students who have completed ALL the tests relating to language skills AND the official course units will be admitted to the interview.
2. For students who have not taken the interim tests, the tests relating to the units must be taken during one of the official exam days (appelli orali), MANDATORILY in a single sitting. Should all or part of the examination not be passed, it is at the lecturer's discretion whether to keep the marks obtained for subsequent appeals.

To be eligible for the written exam (Skills A, B and C), students must have completed the previous year's course, i.e. English Language 2.
To be eligible for the oral exam, students must have completed the written exam (either as interim tests or as an exam).
To be eligible for the final interview, students must have completed all other parts of the course.
For any questions, please, refer to the "FAQ" file and the course presentation on MyAriel.
The preliminary language skills tests consist of four parts, called Skills A, Skills B, Skills C and Skills D.

1. Skills A: Reading comprehension & Vocabulary building (1 sem) lasts 30 minutes and involves working on a text of 800-1000 words followed by a selection of paragraph headings and answers to true/false/not present questions. It is combined with the vocabulary building part, tested by selecting the meaning (multiple choice) of certain terms and phrases in the text. For this part, no dictionaries or other tools are allowed.
2. Skills B: Grammar revision & speaking (1 sem) is divided into two parts: grammar revision and oral production. The grammar revision test is 15 minutes long and involves completing a test (in multiple-response/fill-in mode) on the use of English (e.g., verb tenses, noun categories, modal verbs, prepositions, etc.). This part of the exam tests students' grammatical skills. For this part, no dictionaries or other tools are allowed. The Skills B language practice sessions also include exercises aimed at the correct use of the same categories in oral production. The speaking part prepares students for the final interview with the course lecturers (see below "Final Interview").
3. Skills C: Technical writing & cohesion (2 sem) lasts 75 minutes and involves writing a short text (approximately 250 words, 60 minutes) on a specialized topic. In order to complete the assignment, students may be required to use data and information contained in tables, graphs and/or texts (in English or Italian) provided with the task. For this part, the use of a monolingual dictionary is permitted. This part also includes the completion of a test (in multiple-response/fill-in mode) on text structure and cohesion (15 minutes). For this part, no dictionaries or other tools are allowed.
4. Skills D: Oral mediation (2 sem) consists of an oral mediation skills assessment. Normally, for this language practice session, students are tested in small groups. Students are assigned different roles, e.g., the doctor, the patient and the mediator. They must play their respective roles in the required language, with the mediator bridging the linguistic gap between the other two parties. The students then switch roles. This part can be tested as an ongoing (interim) assessment or during oral exam sessions, prior to the final interview with course professors.

Each unit (1, 2 and 3) includes a computer-based content test, which must be passed in order to sit the final oral examination (see "Examination order/eligibility criteria"). Each test lasts 30 minutes and contains 31 questions, for the total of 31 points, equivalent to 30 cum laude. The tests contain the questions with multiple choice, true/false and fill-in-the-blank answers.
As written above (see "Modular exam structure"), these tests can be taken 1) during the official oral exam sessions, or 2) as unofficial end-of-course interim tests.
If the student takes the course content tests as interim tests, they are typically held during the last lectures of the course, i.e., the Unit 1 and Unit 2 interim tests are held at the end of the first semester, while the Unit 3 interim test is held at the end of the second semester. In this case, the marks obtained for the interim tests of units have the validity of four examination sessions (see "validity of marks").
If the student takes the course content tests during the official oral exam, he or she must take all three units during the same day and proceed to the final interview (see "Examination order/eligibility criteria").

Only students who have passed the three course content tests and the preliminary written and oral language tests (either as end-of-term tests or on the days the oral exams are administered) are eligible to take the final oral exam.
The final exam consists of an interview with one of the course professors. Students will be given a short text on one or more topics of the official course ("the units") drawn by lot from a repertoire that will be made available in advance on the official course website on MyAriel. Students should be prepared to discuss the text critically and in detail and show that they have mastered the concepts covered in the course and can speak about them in a linguistically correct and academically appropriate manner.

The final mark is expressed in 30/30 and is calculated taking into account the grades obtained by the student in all the different tests.
- Preliminary written language tests are graded in 30/30. The partial result is published on MyAriel and on the Teams channel dedicated to the course English Language 3 - a.y. 2023-2024 (team code: 8orb7rt).
- The preliminary oral mediation language test is evaluated by a verbal judgment (pass, average, good or excellent). The partial result is reported by the teaching staff delivering the language practice sessions.
- The tests related to the course content ("units") is graded in 30/30. Partial results are posted on MyAriel and on the Teams channel dedicated to the course English Language 3 - a.y. 2023-2024 (team code: 8orb7rt).
- Only the final mark is visible in the student's career.
The final mark is not an arithmetic mean of individual grades. The course professors will give special consideration to the grades of the three theoretical units as well as the final interview. During the final interview, the course professor will assign the final mark, which may be increased or decreased in relation to the mean depending on the student's performance during the final interview.

- Grades for interim course content tests remain valid for four exam sessions, including the one in which they were obtained.
- Grades for interim preliminary language skills tests for Skills A and Skills B (1 sem) remain valid only if the student completes the assessment of preliminary language skills with Skills C during the second semester. In this case, the final grade for the written part of the exam remains valid for four exam sessions, starting from the last date (on which the grade for Skills C was obtained and the average for all written parts calculated). If the student does not complete the written part of Skills C after passing Skills A and B, the Skills A and B grades are cancelled. If the student fails one of the tests (Skills A, B or C), the grades for the other tests are erased.
- The mark for the written examination, if administered during the formal written exam, remains valid for four examination sessions, including the one in which it was obtained. Please note that the formal (non-interim) examination is not divisible and all tests on the written preliminary language skills must be passed on the same day.
- The marks for the unit tests obtained during the official oral examination are normally only valid on the day of the examination. The oral examination is not divisible, therefore all parts of the examination (excluding the written part; i.e. Units 1, 2, 3; oral mediation and the final interview), if not previously taken as in-progress tests, must be completed on the same day. The possibility of extending the validity of unit tests is at the sole discretion of the teaching staff and is only granted in exceptional cases.
L-LIN/12 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - ENGLISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Next office hours on 24 February; details + booking form: https://forms.office.com/e/LWiY6RaM87
Personal meeting space on Teams / room 4013