Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries I

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to bring students to the main socio-cultural dynamics of Latin American modernity. The use of the various textual and audiovisual materials should foster critical thinking through the problematization of a complex and composite reality.
Expected learning outcomes
Basic knowledge of multiple cultural aspects - literature, visual art, music - featuring the contemporary Latin America scene. The application of the theory and practice of Cultural Studies in socio-historical and linguistic contexts, allows to realize autonomous paths in specific aspects of the Hispanic modernity.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Latin America: a "continent" to be re-discovered
The aim of the course is to present the cultural complexity of Latinoamerica, limiting itself to the linguistic area in which the Spanish language predominates, so-called Hispanoamerica.
After a linguistic, geohistorical and ethnocultural introduction, the three categories of presence, conjunctions and absence will be reviewed. They correspond:
1) To the indigenous, to the native, who was there before the conquest and who has painstakingly and painfully redesigned their mestizo identity over the centuries.
2) To the deported and "detribalized" African slave and to the modern Afro-descendant victim of prejudice and persecution, contempt and denial, who is also the protagonist of a process of identity redefinition and forcibly mestizo. 3) To those who have contributed to the "whitening" of the Hispano-American nations, which in the aftermath of their definition following Independence and in particular at the end of the 20th century, have experienced the wounds of dictatorial regimes which have given rise to new diasporas, exiles, desaparaciones.
Prerequisites for admission
Adequate basic historical-cultural preparation, acceptable reading capacity and critical reworking, discreet domain of oral communication.
Teaching methods
Lectures, interactive lessons, peer education (with te engagement of Latin American students).
We will start from the texts, which will be analyzed from a formal and content point of view.
Teaching Resources
E. Perassi, L. Scarabelli (a cura di), "Itinerari di cultura ispanoamericana. Ritorno alle origini e ritorno delle origini", Torino Utet, 2011.

Texts considered in the course
Manuel Scorza, Redobles por Rancas, Madrid, Cátedra, 2008.
Moira Millán, El tren del olvido, Buenos Aires, Planeta 2019 (pdf in cartella MATERIALI).
Miguel Barnet, Historia de un esclavo, Madrid, Siruela, 1998.
Lucía Charún Illescas, Malambo, Lima, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, 2001.
Nora Strejilevich, Una sola muerte numerosa, Madrid, Sitara, 2018.
Nona Fernández, Mapocho, Barcelona, Minúscula, 2020.

Books to read obligatory
Manuel Scorza, Rulli di tamburo per Rancas, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2020.
Miguel Barnet, Autobiografia di uno schiavo, Torino, Einaudi, 1998.
Nora Strejilevich, Una sola morte numerosa, Salerno Oèdipus, 2018.

Other materials will be uploaded to the Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Normally, the exam takes place in oral form and in Italian. The student is asked to provide a brief exposition on a topic chosen from among those covered. This test can be replaced by a brief written study previously agreed. The subsequent questions of the teacher are aimed at ascertaining the student's ability to orient himself in Latin American space and time, with special attention to current events, and to as much as possible a sensitivity of judgment regarding the texts analysed.
The final vote is expressed in thirtieths.
The candidate has the right to refuse the vote (in this case it will be recorded as "withdrawn").
International or incoming Erasmus students are invited to promptly contact the teacher.
The exam methods for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office.Oral examination to verifying the ability of the student to orientate in Latin American spatial-temporal context, with special attention to the actuality.
A personal reflection will be required, referring to the bibliography reported in the program, to the additional materials uploaded to Ariel and to the content of the lessons.
At the candidate's choice, a part of the program (theme, author, book) may be replaced by a short written report to be agreed with the teacher.
Lessons: 60 hours