Basic Crop Protection

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
AGR/11 AGR/12
Learning objectives
Provide students with basic knowledge on the pathogens of forage plants and insects of interest in the agro-zootechnical chain. Learn the morphology, biology, methods of infection/infestation, the diagnosis, damages and control methods with particular attention to environmentally friendly ones. To know the diseases caused by the most important pathogens of forage plants and the possible contamination by mycotoxins in the agro-zootechnical chain. Deepen the knowledge of insect species present in the crop and in animal breeding. Moreover, the fundamental characteristics and harmfulness of mites and ticks will be mentioned. Finally, some information relating the use of insects in the feed sector will be provided.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- recognize the damages caused by the most important pathogen, insect, mite and tick species in the agro-zootechnical chain
- illustrate the morphology, biology and physiology of the damaging pathogens and insects studied
- manage infections from major mycotoxin-producing fungi in food and feed
- propose control methods for the containment of harmful species
- illustrate the characteristics and importance on the use of insects in the feed sector.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Plant Pathology and Food Security - Historical perspective on the evolution of knowledge in plant pathology and socio-economic impact of plant diseases. Food security, plant health and climate changes. Host-pathogen-environment interaction and classification of diseases based on the physio-pathological criterion (epiphytic, trophic, necrotic, lithic, auxonic, vascular and hypnochereutic diseases). Biotic agents of disease: nematodes, flowering plants, fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids. General characteristics of each group, description of the infection process, development, reproduction and forms of survival. The defense mechanisms of the plant: innate immunity, systemic acquired resistance and its induction with synthetic and natural compounds. Overview on the epidemiology of diseases. Disease control: agronomical practices and general information on inorganic and organic pesticides. Fungicide resistance.
Description of specific diseases and case studies. Diseases of forage crops. Post-harvest diseases. Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses.

Agri-zootechnical Entomology - The phylum of Arthropoda and class of Insecta. External morphology of insects, exoskeleton. Head, mouthparts, torax and abdomen morphology. Circulatory system. Muscular system. Digestive system. Respiratory system. Excretory system. Nervous system. Reproduction and reproduction system. Glands with internal and external secretion. Post-embryonic development. Semiochemicals. Monitoring techniques and control methods. Description of the characteristics of the main orders of Insects. Biology and harmfulness of species of agricultural and zootechnical interest and their control methods. Notes on some species of mites and ticks of zootechnical interest. Use of insects in the feed sector.
Prerequisites for admission
Plant Pathology and Food Security: fundamentals of botany, plant biochemistrey and physiology, microbiology and agronomy.

Agri-zootechnical Entomology: students must have knowledge of biology as prerequisites.
Teaching methods
Plant Pathology and Food Security: lectures and laboratory.

Agri-zootechnical Entomology: lectures and laboratory. The teaching is divided into lectures (3.5 CFU) and laboratory (0.5 CFU) which includes the use of entomological material (entomological boxes, 3D models, observation of specimens under the stereomicroscope) in order to improve learning of the discipline.
Teaching Resources
Plant Pathology and Food Security - G.Belli e altri, Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale II^ edizione, Piccin Editore, Padova 2011. IT platform Ariel.

Agri-zootechnical Entomology - In addition to the pdf files that will be uploaded on the ARIEL platform available for students, the following textbooks are suggested:
Masutti L., Zangheri S., 2001. Entomologia Generale e Applicata, Cedam, Padova.
Gullan P.J., Cranston P.S., 2006. Lineamenti di Entomologia, Zanichelli, Bologna.
Tremblay E. Entomologia applicata, Liguori, Napoli.
Colazza S., Peri E., Lo Bue P., 2018. Lineamenti di entomologia in agricoltura biologica. Università degli Studi di Palermo.

Agri-livestock Entomology:
Assessment methods and Criteria
Plant Pathology and Food Security: written examination.

Agri-zootechnical Entomology. The final exam will take place in oral form and will consist of a short presentation (about 6 minutes) by the student on a research topic agreed with the teacher and questions that will concern the entire course program.

Verbalized grade out of thirty.
Practicals: 8 hours
Laboratories: 8 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Educational website(s)
On appointment by email
Second floor - Building 7, via Celoria 2, Milan