Archaeological Research Methods: Theoretical Aspects
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide general knowledge of the history of archaeological disciplines, from their birth and their beginning to the formation of the modern method through the most important scholars of XX century (Prehistory and Classical Archaeology) and the theoretical currents of the archaeological thought (Processual and Postprocessual Archaeology etc) until the field archaeology and its applications.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must acquire knowledge of the history of archaeological disciplines, of the formation of archaeological thought of XX century until its application on modern field archaeology.
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course deals with a complex multitude of topics related to the historical development of the discipline up to the modern configuration. After the introductory lessons, related to the archaeological antiquarian, the historical chronology and genesis of their construction in the Mediterranean will be treated. A focus will concern the nost important figures of archaeologists of 19th century with particular regard to the theoretical archaeology in America, Great Britain and Europe (processuale and Post-processual Archaology etc). Notions of ethnology, anthropology and experimental archaeology. Oredictive methods aimed to the archaeological excavations. The archaeological site: from the earth to the interpretation. Datings systems.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites. For a part of the program, knowledge of greek archaeology may be useful.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
The 9 and 6 credits exam program is the same for attending e non-attending students.
First Part: C. RENFREW-P.BAHN, Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratica, Bologna 2006 (Zanichelli); the parts will be studied are, except the forms unless expressly indicated, are: Cap. I, pp. 1-32; Cap. III, with the forms; Cap. IV, pp. 108-155, with the forms 4.2, 4.3, 4.6; Cap. V, pp. 178-182, form 5.4; Cap. VI , pp. 227-250, forms 6.4, 6.6, 6.7; Cap. VII, pp. 267-270, 302-304, forms 7.2, 7.4, 7.6; Capitolo X, pp. 385-387, 408-409, form 10.2; Cap. XI, pp. 421-477; 481-491, forms 12.3, 12.4, 12.7, 12.9.
Subsequent editions can be used with a comparison between the contents of the old edition and the new editions. In acse of difficulty, on the Ariel electronical site the correspondence will be published.
F. CHIESA, Orme sull'acqua, orme nella terra. Temi di natura e di metodo in archeologia, Milano 2012 (Mimesis).
Second Part: E. GIANICHEDDA, Archeologia teorica, Carocci e M. VIDALE, Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia, Carocci.
Or as an alternative, G. MELANDRI, Un'archeologia personale. Biografie di figure carismatiche e discusse del Novecento, Milano 2013 (Mimesis): the student will select seven biography of scholars.
Moreover, A. RIBOLDI, Al cuore dell'Europa. Una rilettura dell'opera di Marjia Gimbutas, Mimesis 2015. The student will select or until p. 164 or from p. 164 until the end of the book or the part dedicated to the goddes or the part dedicated to the excavation, fron the index.
Third Part : E. C. HARRIS, Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Milano (Longanesi).
Students,attending and non-attending, who intend to take the 6 credit exam, they will have to write to [email protected]
First Part: C. RENFREW-P.BAHN, Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratica, Bologna 2006 (Zanichelli); the parts will be studied are, except the forms unless expressly indicated, are: Cap. I, pp. 1-32; Cap. III, with the forms; Cap. IV, pp. 108-155, with the forms 4.2, 4.3, 4.6; Cap. V, pp. 178-182, form 5.4; Cap. VI , pp. 227-250, forms 6.4, 6.6, 6.7; Cap. VII, pp. 267-270, 302-304, forms 7.2, 7.4, 7.6; Capitolo X, pp. 385-387, 408-409, form 10.2; Cap. XI, pp. 421-477; 481-491, forms 12.3, 12.4, 12.7, 12.9.
Subsequent editions can be used with a comparison between the contents of the old edition and the new editions. In acse of difficulty, on the Ariel electronical site the correspondence will be published.
F. CHIESA, Orme sull'acqua, orme nella terra. Temi di natura e di metodo in archeologia, Milano 2012 (Mimesis).
Second Part: E. GIANICHEDDA, Archeologia teorica, Carocci e M. VIDALE, Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia, Carocci.
Or as an alternative, G. MELANDRI, Un'archeologia personale. Biografie di figure carismatiche e discusse del Novecento, Milano 2013 (Mimesis): the student will select seven biography of scholars.
Moreover, A. RIBOLDI, Al cuore dell'Europa. Una rilettura dell'opera di Marjia Gimbutas, Mimesis 2015. The student will select or until p. 164 or from p. 164 until the end of the book or the part dedicated to the goddes or the part dedicated to the excavation, fron the index.
Third Part : E. C. HARRIS, Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Milano (Longanesi).
Students,attending and non-attending, who intend to take the 6 credit exam, they will have to write to [email protected]
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of acquired skills through oral examination. The topics presented in class will be requested.
Lessons: 60 hours
Chiesa Federica
Educational website(s)