Workshop: Business Templates for the Web
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide participating students with fundamental knowledge about the Internet and the Web ecosystem, the theoretical tools necessary to recognize and define the main business models that can be applied to products or services that exploit the Web as the main vehicle for value exchange as well as a structured experimental methodology for designing and implementing a sustainable Web-based business.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will know the main characteristics of the Web ecosystem, the most commonly adopted business models in this area as well as methods for defining an appropriate Web-based business model and a systematic methodology for structuring and launching a digital entrepreneurship project.
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three interdependent modules:
1. Internet and Web: origins, development, architectures and implementation protocols.
2. Business models and methodologies for the Web.
3. Experimental canvas for business implementation.
The main objective of the first module is to present and comprehensively analyze the business context, namely the Internet and the Web ecosystem. In fact, it is essential in digital entrepreneurship to have an adequate knowledge of the characteristics, limitations and typical threats of the environment within which one operates.
Having finished the study of the context, we then move on to analyze, also through the illustration of case studies, the main models and fundamental strategies that can be exploited in the design of a Web-based business. Finally, a precise experimental and methodological approach is presented that is intended to constitute a valuable support in the fundamental moments of planning, implementation, start-up and management of a digital entrepreneurship project.
1. Internet and Web: origins, development, architectures and implementation protocols.
2. Business models and methodologies for the Web.
3. Experimental canvas for business implementation.
The main objective of the first module is to present and comprehensively analyze the business context, namely the Internet and the Web ecosystem. In fact, it is essential in digital entrepreneurship to have an adequate knowledge of the characteristics, limitations and typical threats of the environment within which one operates.
Having finished the study of the context, we then move on to analyze, also through the illustration of case studies, the main models and fundamental strategies that can be exploited in the design of a Web-based business. Finally, a precise experimental and methodological approach is presented that is intended to constitute a valuable support in the fundamental moments of planning, implementation, start-up and management of a digital entrepreneurship project.
Prerequisites for admission
None, it is still advisable, in order to accrue a broad overview of the discipline, to take the course "Fondamenti di Informatica per le Scienze Umanistiche" concurrently.
Teaching methods
Lectures available online in self-study, accessible from the opening of the workshop (scheduled on 27/03) until its closing (set for 08/05), divided into the three modules of which the workshop is composed. At the end of each module, in order to move on to the next one, an online test is scheduled, aimed at verifying the correct acquisition of knowledge and skills of the related module. Following the closure of the planned activities on the platform, there will also be a synchronous online meeting, reserved for students who have correctly completed the online activities in the scheduled time window, dedicated to the analysis of the students' project ideas and the deepening of some topics covered during the workshop through a discussion with a valid professional operating in the field of digital entrepreneurship.
Teaching Resources
Materials made available in the lab platform, consisting of video lectures and slides on all course topics and a reference book provided by the lecturer.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning of the content proposed in the workshop is assessed in itinere through online tests at the end of the modules and, at the conclusion of the proposed activities, through an oral presentation of a project, freely devised by the student, to be structured according to the theoretical and practical notions learned during the workshop. From the oral presentation of the project and the debate that may eventually be established, it will be possible to detect the degree of preparation accrued by the student.