Psychological Sciences

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
BIO/09 BIO/16 M-PSI/08
Learning objectives
The learning objectives of the Psychological Sciences course are:
- to know the main structures of the central and peripheral nervous system;
- to know the principles of neuronal functioning, body regulation systems and superior cortical functions;
- to know the concepts of lifestyle, health and illness.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to know the principles of anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system and to know the concepts of health and disease.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Students must have basic knowledge of the secondary school in the fields of physics and biology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment takes place through a written test consisting of 50 single-answer questions. The number of questions for each discipline is proportional to the ECTS (20 question of Neurophysiology and physiology of the higher cortical functions, 20 questions of Neuroanatomy and 10 questions of Clinical psychology). The questions concern the whole program and are distributed among the various topics according to their relevance.
The test lasts 60 minutes. The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths and will be considered passed when the candidate reaches an evaluation equal to 18/30 equivalent to 27 correct questions of which at least 8 of Neurophysiology and physiology of the superior cortical functions, 8 of Neuroanatomy and 5 of Clinical psychology.
No intermediate tests are foreseen.
The results of the written test are communicated to the students through publication on the Ariel website of the course, together with the electronic report.
Neurofisiologia e fisiologia delle funzioni corticali superiori
Course syllabus
Sensory functions of the central nervous system
Sensory receptors (transducers, transduction channels, transduction current, receptor potential); the sensory coding, the intensity of the stimulus (population code), the sensory modality (labelled line code), stimulus localization, the temporal dynamics of the stimulus, adaptation phenomena (slow, rapid); sensory systems, somatic sensitivity and stretch receptors (neuromuscular spindles) and tension receptors (Golgi receptors); somatonsensory pathways; pain.
Motor functions of the central nervous system
The muscle and the neuromuscular junction; spinal control of motility, spinal reflexes (monosynaptic reflexes); postural spinal reflexes; the stretch reflex; defensive reflexes (flexor reflex); motor control of the brain stem (the ventral cortico-spinal tract, the lateral cortico-spinal tract); cortical control (the primary motor area, the secondary motor area, the motor homunculus, cortical lesions); the cerebellum; the effects of cerebellar lesions; the basal ganglia (outline of structure and functions).
Electroencephalography and evoked potentials
The electroencephalogram; electroencephalography synchronization and desynchronization; neurophysiological bases of the electroencephalogram; thalamo-cortical mechanisms of electroencephalography synchronization and desynchronization; sensory evoked potentials.
Sleep and wakefulness
The sleep-wake cycle; sleep architecture; sleep neurophysiology; brain anatomical and neurochemical systems to control sleep and dreams.
Hemispheric specialization and language
The divided brain; lateralization of brain functions, specialization and hemispheric dominance; ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of language; anatomy-physiology of language; speech disorders
Cortical association areas
Morphofunctional organization of the cortical association areas; associative areas of the frontal lobe; associative areas of the parietal lobe; associative areas of the temporal lobe.
Consciousness and its disorders
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Dee U. Silverthorn Fisiologia Umana: un approccio integrato. Ed. Pearson
Course syllabus
Nervous tissue: morphology and classification of neurons, axonal transport, myelination; neuroglia.
Nervous system: definition, organ composition, functions. General principles of neuroanatomy; functional meaning of the different nerve devices. Anatomical basis of the mechanisms of transduction, conduction and transmission of the nerve impulse; signs of phylogeny of the nervous system (centralization, encephalization, telencephalisation).
Axial and supra-axial organs, arch structure of the central nervous system; last common pathway; constructive principles of the somatosensory and motor pathways. Reflected and integrated answers; somatotopy.
Sensitivity classification and considerations on the morphological basis of pain.
Central nervous system: concise systematic treatment of the organs; internal central cavities; CSF circulation.
Peripheral nervous system: general information on the spinal and cranial nerves with particular reference to the acoustic state, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal nerves; principles of somatic and visceral innervation.
Sympathetic nervous system.
Sensory organs and systems.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slide fornite dal docente - Slides provided by the teacher.
Ambrosi G. et al. Anatomia dell'uomo. Edi. Ermes - Milano
Carinci P. et al. Anatomia Umana e Istologia. Elsevier - Milano
Martini F.H. et al. Anatomia Umana. EdiSES - Napoli
Saladin K.S. Anatomia Umana Piccin - Milano
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
Introduction to Clinical psychology
- Principles of clinical psychology
- The clinical psychological assessment
- Psychological tests
The cognitive-behavioral approach:
- Epistemology
- Behavior Analysis: methodology
- Techniques for managing dysfunctional behaviors.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slide fornite dal docente - Slides provided by the teacher.
R. Truzoli 2011 ABA e riabilitazione psichiatrica. Milano: Franco Angeli
R. Truzoli 2004 Psicologia clinica per le professioni sanitarie. Roma: Carlo Amore Ed.
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Truzoli Roberto
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Moscheni Claudia
Neurofisiologia e fisiologia delle funzioni corticali superiori
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Massimini Marcello
Educational website(s)
by appointment to be agreed via e-mail
Hall 60 Ospedale L. Sacco via G..B. Grassi, 74 Milano