Processing Industries of Food of Animal Origin

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Provide the basic principles and the technological and hygienic-health knowledge needed to understand food preservation and food processing of meat and meat products, fish/seafood, milk and dairy products, eggs and eggproducts and other minor animal foods with references to EU and national legislation.
Deepen the technological processes of some of the most important animal foods.
Expected learning outcomes
The aim of the course will be to train a student with a specific technical-professional competence related to the food production industries of animal origin, in particular considering the aspects related to food technology applied to the production, processing and conservation phases of food animal origin, with the ability to evaluate the product from the raw material to the transformation, assessing its suitability for consumption and compliance of food of animal origin in relation to the requirements of food legislation. Exercises from laboratories / seminars / educational visits will have the purpose of to introduce students to the realities of the territory and industry connected to the sector
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for a.y. 2021-22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation
Course syllabus
The course program is divided into lectures and tutorial and will focus on the following topics: meat, milk, fish, eggs, honey
Frontal teaching
legislative knowledge for food of animal origin: hygiene package and residual national plan
Characteristics of food of animal origin, Hygiene and quality for OA products, slaughtering (bovine, pig, poultry, sheep and goat and fish), classification of bovine carcasses, maturation of meat, color of meat, WHC: Capacity (or power ) of water retention of the meat
Food processing and preservation technologies (pasteurization, sterilization, refrigeration and freezing, high hydrostatic pressures, drying and smoking, ionizing radiation, use of chemical composites (nitrites-nitrates, polyphosphates, organic acids) and antibiotics, fermentation, separate meats mechanically.
- Food labeling
- Meat products
- Hygiene and technology of raw meat products: e.g. salami: raw ham, colonnata lard
- Hygiene and technology of cooked meat products: e.g. cooked ham, canned meat
Hygiene and technology of fishery and processed products, fraud (replacement of species, fresh / frozen, farmed fish), processing of tuna and salmon, health problems in fish products.

For the part related to the topics of milk of dairy products and other foods of oa

Frontal lessons
- Hygiene of milk production
- Composition and physical-chemical, microbiological parameters of drinking milk
- Restoration of milk. Heat treatments and other treatments
- Cheese, classification. D.O.P, I.G.P and S.T.G cheeses;
- Cheese-making processes: grafts; milk coagulation.
- Examples of technologies for the production of fresh, pasta filata and aged cheeses.
- Milk derivatives: yogurt, milk cream, butter and ricotta;
- Eggs and egg products
- Other foods of oa e.g. honey

Visits to companies and production laboratories, laboratory analyzes, classroom practical topics, seminars.
Prerequisites for admission
the following knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, infectious diseases, nutrition is required.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, held in the classroom.
For the tutorial part of the lesson the following are foreseen: educational visits to production and marketing plants, considering in particular the parts relating to production technologies and health issues, large-scale distribution platforms, seminars / conferences on current topics, laboratory activities .
Teaching Resources
Corradini C. (1995 Chimica e tecnologia del latte. Ed. Tecniche Nuove Milano
Del Monte P., Magnani U., Monari M. (2000) Industria dei salumi. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Latrie R.A. (1983) Scienza della carne. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Salvatori del Prato O. (1998) Trattato di tecnologia casearia. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Tiecco G. (2000) Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale. Ed. Calderoni-Edagricole, Bologna
G. Colavita - Igiene e Tecnologie Alimentari - Ed agricole, Bologna.
Lerici R., Lercker G. Principi di tecnologie Alimentari - Editrice CLUEB, Bologna.
Giovanni Quaglia - Scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti - Chirotti Editori, Pinerolo
RONDANELLI E.G., FABBI M., MARONE P.: Trattato sulle infezioni e tossinfezioni alimentari. Ed. Selecta Medica, 2005, Pavia
Galli A., Bertoldi A. Igiene degli alimenti e HACCP (2006). IV Edizione. EPC Libri
G.Colavita-Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Ed Point Veterinaire Itale
Mucchetti, Neviani. 2006 Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. Tecniche nuove, Milano
The material used in the classroom for explanations will be present on the UNIMI Ariel portal, the material used for seminars and conferences will be delivered to the students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral question on all topics of the course (theoretical and practical) carried out in the year in which the student had followed the course
Evaluation parameters: ability on the part of the student to critically evaluate them and to understand their hygiene and health problems in the sector in order to implement prevention and risk assessment means, based on national and European regulatory references
In particular, the ability to report on the topics covered and to combine the theoretical part with the practical part will be assessed; ability of critical reasoning, quality of exposure and competence in the use of an appropriate language
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours