Pediatrics and Neuropsychiatry
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing necessary knowledge to evaluate an occupational therapy process in childhood with somatic and neuropsychiatric disabilities. Necessary notions will be presented for taking charge in occupational therapy and understand the role of the occupational therapist in different contexts (medical team-family-school).
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to set up principles of occupational therapy treatment with children.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the second year of study
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral and written exam
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
- The preterm baby (classification and clinical problems)
- The newborn: physiology and risk categories
- Breastfeeding and its promotion
- Complementary feeding and principles of child nutrition
- Obesity prevention
- Vaccination
- Subdiaphragmatic infections: GastroEnteric/Urinary Tract Infections
- Respiratory infections: upper tract
- Respiratory infections: lower tract
- Neonatal screening
- The newborn: physiology and risk categories
- Breastfeeding and its promotion
- Complementary feeding and principles of child nutrition
- Obesity prevention
- Vaccination
- Subdiaphragmatic infections: GastroEnteric/Urinary Tract Infections
- Respiratory infections: upper tract
- Respiratory infections: lower tract
- Neonatal screening
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons
Teaching Resources
Slide del corso
Zuccotti: Elementi essenziali di pediatria (per i corsi di laurea triennali). Editrice Esculapio
Zuccotti: Elementi essenziali di pediatria (per i corsi di laurea triennali). Editrice Esculapio
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
Neuro-psychomotor development in childhood
- Cerebral palsy
- Epilepsies
- Intellectual disabilities and characterization of some phenotypes
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Specific learning disabilities
- Cerebral palsy
- Epilepsies
- Intellectual disabilities and characterization of some phenotypes
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Specific learning disabilities
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures
Teaching Resources
Scientific articles and slides presented during lessons
Occupational therapy
Course syllabus
taking charge in occupational therapy in childhood
home intervention (basic notions)
evaluation and observation in childhood
the interview in childhood
the therapeutic setting
neuropsycological aspects: executive functions, problem solving strategies, communication skills Augmentative and Alternative Communication-, importance of the play
praxia and dyspraxia: evaluation, strategies, graphomotricity
the occupational therapist within the team, the relationship with family and school
characteristics of patients in childhood
the intervention of occupational therapist: discussion of clinical cases
home intervention (basic notions)
evaluation and observation in childhood
the interview in childhood
the therapeutic setting
neuropsycological aspects: executive functions, problem solving strategies, communication skills Augmentative and Alternative Communication-, importance of the play
praxia and dyspraxia: evaluation, strategies, graphomotricity
the occupational therapist within the team, the relationship with family and school
characteristics of patients in childhood
the intervention of occupational therapist: discussion of clinical cases
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons, interactive lectures with video registrations and case study discussions
Teaching Resources
Essere nel Fare, a cura di J. Cunningham, ed.Franco Angeli
I Disordini dello Sviluppo Motorio, E. Fedrizzi, ed. Piccin
Per gli studenti del terzo anno che scelgono di svolgere il tirocinio in NPI:
Errori da non ripetere D. J. Siegel, M. Hartzell, ed. Raffaello Cortina
I Disordini dello Sviluppo Motorio, E. Fedrizzi, ed. Piccin
Per gli studenti del terzo anno che scelgono di svolgere il tirocinio in NPI:
Errori da non ripetere D. J. Siegel, M. Hartzell, ed. Raffaello Cortina
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Canevini Maria Paola, Ricci Emilia
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Agostoni Carlo Virginio, Fumagalli Monica
Occupational therapy
Practicals: 15 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Sessa Arianna
Monday 1 - 2 pm (e-mail )
San Paolo Hospital, Via A di Rudinì 8, 20142 - Milano
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano - Clinica Mangiagalli Via della Commenda 12, 2nd floor, Centro studi Motta"
Reception by appointment (mail to [email protected])