Pathology and Reproduction
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The aim of the PATOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION course is to provide students with the knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of the disease and the main defense systems of the animal organism and for the proper management of the main aspects of reproduction and of artificial insemination in domestic animals, with particular reference to comparative aspects among the different species.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will learn the mechanisms, causes and consequences of different pathologic processes on animal, as well as the basic knowledge for domestic animals reproduction and artificial insemination management,.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
For the course Reproduction Management in Domestic Animals it is suggested to have passed all the exams about domestic animals Anatomy and Physiology.
For the course Comparative and General Pathology it is suggested to have passed all the exams about Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology
For the course Comparative and General Pathology it is suggested to have passed all the exams about Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Microbiology
Assessment methods and Criteria
Seven exams calls are scheduled on January, February, April (afternoon), June, July, September and October (afternoon). Additional exams calls are scheduled on March, May, November and December only for off-course and graduating students.
To sit the exam the students must register on the on-line University service SIFA (registrations end 4 days before the date of exam).
The exam for both courses consists of a written exam, in some cases completed by an oral discussion, with evaluation of learn knowledge about main domestic animal diseases mechanisms of actions, about main changes involved in diseases, about the main non-specific defence mechanisms and about the management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals.
Exam will be passed for whose students that will show to have acquired the needed knowledge of the main domestic animal diseases mechanisms of action, of the main diseases-related changes, of the main non-specific defence mechanisms and of the management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals.
The final score will be calculated upon the weighed average according to number of CFU/course. The score will fit within a scale with the minimum set up to 18 and the maximum at 30 cum laude
To sit the exam the students must register on the on-line University service SIFA (registrations end 4 days before the date of exam).
The exam for both courses consists of a written exam, in some cases completed by an oral discussion, with evaluation of learn knowledge about main domestic animal diseases mechanisms of actions, about main changes involved in diseases, about the main non-specific defence mechanisms and about the management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals.
Exam will be passed for whose students that will show to have acquired the needed knowledge of the main domestic animal diseases mechanisms of action, of the main diseases-related changes, of the main non-specific defence mechanisms and of the management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals.
The final score will be calculated upon the weighed average according to number of CFU/course. The score will fit within a scale with the minimum set up to 18 and the maximum at 30 cum laude
Comparative Pathology
Course syllabus
Oral lessons (32 h):
Definition of general pathology; Concepts of homeostasis and disease (1 hour)
The causes of disease: genetic diseases; radiation and photodynamic diseases; chemical causes of disease and; living organisms, nutrition (deficiencies and excesses) (5 h)
Intra and extra cellular accumulation: steatosis, cloudy swelling, amyloidosis (3 h)
Mechanisms of cellular adaptation (hypo and hyperplasia; hypo and hypertrophy; metaplasia) (1 h)
Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis (1 hour)
Inflammation: acute and chronic inflammation; the fever (6 h)
Disorders of immune system: hypersensitivity reactions; autoimmunity (3 h)
Pathology of the endocrine system: pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal gland. The stress response (2h).
Metabolic diseases: diabetes (2 h)
Pathophysiology of blood: Red and white cell disorders; icterus (4h)
Hemodynamic disorders (2 h)
Tumors: carcinogenic agents; pathogenesis (2 hours)
Practical lesson (16 h)
Preanalytical, analytical and interpretative errors (4 h);
Microscopic evaluation of blood smears (8 h= 4h X2)
Hematology: preparation of blood smears (2 h)
Hematochemistry: manual and automated spectrophotometry (2h)
Definition of general pathology; Concepts of homeostasis and disease (1 hour)
The causes of disease: genetic diseases; radiation and photodynamic diseases; chemical causes of disease and; living organisms, nutrition (deficiencies and excesses) (5 h)
Intra and extra cellular accumulation: steatosis, cloudy swelling, amyloidosis (3 h)
Mechanisms of cellular adaptation (hypo and hyperplasia; hypo and hypertrophy; metaplasia) (1 h)
Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis (1 hour)
Inflammation: acute and chronic inflammation; the fever (6 h)
Disorders of immune system: hypersensitivity reactions; autoimmunity (3 h)
Pathology of the endocrine system: pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal gland. The stress response (2h).
Metabolic diseases: diabetes (2 h)
Pathophysiology of blood: Red and white cell disorders; icterus (4h)
Hemodynamic disorders (2 h)
Tumors: carcinogenic agents; pathogenesis (2 hours)
Practical lesson (16 h)
Preanalytical, analytical and interpretative errors (4 h);
Microscopic evaluation of blood smears (8 h= 4h X2)
Hematology: preparation of blood smears (2 h)
Hematochemistry: manual and automated spectrophotometry (2h)
Teaching methods
The course General and Comparative Pathology is scheduled as follows:
4 CFU lectures (32 h) and 1 CFU practises (16 h).
Lectures accounting 32 hours will be done in classroom with the use of PP presentations including schemes, figures, photos, videos. Practises (16 h) will be done in classroom (4 h) for preanalitical, analitical and interpreting errors, in the clinical pathology lab (4 h) for preparing hematologic specimens and for running spectrophotometric and electrophoretic analyses; in the microscvope room (8 h) for the evaluation of hematologic specimens obtained from diverse species and both in healthy and diseased animals.
4 CFU lectures (32 h) and 1 CFU practises (16 h).
Lectures accounting 32 hours will be done in classroom with the use of PP presentations including schemes, figures, photos, videos. Practises (16 h) will be done in classroom (4 h) for preanalitical, analitical and interpreting errors, in the clinical pathology lab (4 h) for preparing hematologic specimens and for running spectrophotometric and electrophoretic analyses; in the microscvope room (8 h) for the evaluation of hematologic specimens obtained from diverse species and both in healthy and diseased animals.
Teaching Resources
Teaching materials for students is represented mainly by PP presentations used during the course. PDF files are available to the students on Ariel.
Altri testi di approfondimento:
PONTIERI Patologia generale e fisiopatologia generale III ediz. Per i corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie. Piccin, 2012.
TIZARD Veterinary Immunology An Introduction, 6th ed. Saunders
McGAVIN e ZACHARY Patologia generale veterinaria ed. italiana a cura di Brachelente
Lepri Sforna (2008) Elsevier
Altri testi di approfondimento:
PONTIERI Patologia generale e fisiopatologia generale III ediz. Per i corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie. Piccin, 2012.
TIZARD Veterinary Immunology An Introduction, 6th ed. Saunders
McGAVIN e ZACHARY Patologia generale veterinaria ed. italiana a cura di Brachelente
Lepri Sforna (2008) Elsevier
Management of reproduction in domestic animals
Course syllabus
Management of the estrous cycle in domestic animals 10 h: management of the estrous cycle in the cow (3 h); management of the estrous cycle in the sow (2 h); management of the estrous cycle in the mare (2 h); management of the estrous cycle in the bitch and the queen (3 h)
Semen collection in domestic animals 4 h: methods and techniques of semen collection in the bull (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the boar (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the stallion (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the stud dog and the tomcat (1 h)
Semen analysis and storage in domestic animals 6 h: semen analysis (3 h); methods and techniques for semen storage (3 h)
Artificial insemination techniques in domestic animals 6 h: general aspects (1 h); artificial insemination in the cow (1 h); artificial insemination in the sow (1 h); artificial insemination in the mare (1 h); artificial insemination in the bitch and in the queen (2 h)
Pregnancy management in domestic animals 4 h: pregnancy management in the cow (1 h); pregnancy management in the sow (1 h); pregnancy management in the mare (1 h); pregnancy management in the bitch and in the queen (1 h)
Post partum management in domestic animals 6 h: post partum management in the cow (2 h); post partum management in the sow (1 h); post partum management in the mare (1 h); post partum management in the bitch and in the queen (2 h)
Self-assessment est about the basic knowledge on the anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the female and male genital system (2 h)
Recognition of genital system structures in relation to the reproductive status in domestic animals (2 h): presentation of slides with pictures of genital system structures in relation to the reproductive status in the bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species
Semen analysis artificial insemination doses calculation in domestic animals (4 h): film about semen analysis execution and exercises on insemination doses calculation in the bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species
Assembly and disassembly of instruments for artificial insemination in domestic animals (4 h)
Artificial insemination simulation in domestic animals (4 h): execution of the artificial insemination on explanted female genital systems
Management of the estrous cycle in domestic animals 10 h: management of the estrous cycle in the cow (3 h); management of the estrous cycle in the sow (2 h); management of the estrous cycle in the mare (2 h); management of the estrous cycle in the bitch and the queen (3 h)
Semen collection in domestic animals 4 h: methods and techniques of semen collection in the bull (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the boar (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the stallion (1 h); methods and techniques of semen collection in the stud dog and the tomcat (1 h)
Semen analysis and storage in domestic animals 6 h: semen analysis (3 h); methods and techniques for semen storage (3 h)
Artificial insemination techniques in domestic animals 6 h: general aspects (1 h); artificial insemination in the cow (1 h); artificial insemination in the sow (1 h); artificial insemination in the mare (1 h); artificial insemination in the bitch and in the queen (2 h)
Pregnancy management in domestic animals 4 h: pregnancy management in the cow (1 h); pregnancy management in the sow (1 h); pregnancy management in the mare (1 h); pregnancy management in the bitch and in the queen (1 h)
Post partum management in domestic animals 6 h: post partum management in the cow (2 h); post partum management in the sow (1 h); post partum management in the mare (1 h); post partum management in the bitch and in the queen (2 h)
Self-assessment est about the basic knowledge on the anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the female and male genital system (2 h)
Recognition of genital system structures in relation to the reproductive status in domestic animals (2 h): presentation of slides with pictures of genital system structures in relation to the reproductive status in the bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species
Semen analysis artificial insemination doses calculation in domestic animals (4 h): film about semen analysis execution and exercises on insemination doses calculation in the bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species
Assembly and disassembly of instruments for artificial insemination in domestic animals (4 h)
Artificial insemination simulation in domestic animals (4 h): execution of the artificial insemination on explanted female genital systems
Teaching methods
The course "Reproduction management in domestic animals" (6CFU) is scheduled as follows: 5 CFU lectures (40 h), and 1 CFU practises (16 h).
The course of 6 CFU consists of:
- lectures (5 CFU, 40 hours) with lectures by PP presentations with basic info about management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals, tables,figures, photos and videos.
- practises (1 CFU - 16 hours) done in classroom (12 hours) in which students, after performing a self evaluating test on basic knowledge about genital system functional anatomy in bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species, will be actively involved in genital system organs and functional structure recognition on photos, in semen evaluation by videos and in the calculation exercise about inseminating doses; in mounting and dismounting of AI equipments. At the end of the course some practises (4 hours) will be done in the necropsy room, for the sham AI on explanted female genital organs belonging to different species.
The course of 6 CFU consists of:
- lectures (5 CFU, 40 hours) with lectures by PP presentations with basic info about management of reproduction and AI in domestic animals, tables,figures, photos and videos.
- practises (1 CFU - 16 hours) done in classroom (12 hours) in which students, after performing a self evaluating test on basic knowledge about genital system functional anatomy in bovine, swine, equine, canine and feline species, will be actively involved in genital system organs and functional structure recognition on photos, in semen evaluation by videos and in the calculation exercise about inseminating doses; in mounting and dismounting of AI equipments. At the end of the course some practises (4 hours) will be done in the necropsy room, for the sham AI on explanted female genital organs belonging to different species.
Teaching Resources
Electronic teaching material (PDF files of the PP presentations) will be available to the students on ARIEL.
Hafez ESE. Biologia e Tecnologia della Riproduzione nelle Specie Animali di Interesse Zootecnico
Editoriale Grasso, 1984, Bologna
Johnston, SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds), 2001: Canine and Feline Theriogenology.
WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia
Senger PL. Pathways to pregnancy and parturition. 3rd Ed by Senger PL, Current Conception Inc, Redmond, OR, USA
Hafez ESE. Biologia e Tecnologia della Riproduzione nelle Specie Animali di Interesse Zootecnico
Editoriale Grasso, 1984, Bologna
Johnston, SD, Root Kustritz MV, Olson PNS (eds), 2001: Canine and Feline Theriogenology.
WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia
Senger PL. Pathways to pregnancy and parturition. 3rd Ed by Senger PL, Current Conception Inc, Redmond, OR, USA
Comparative Pathology
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 5
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Giordano Alessia, Martini Valeria
Giordano Alessia
Martini Valeria
Management of reproduction in domestic animals
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Fusi Jasmine, Veronesi Maria Cristina
Educational website(s)
Monday to friday, on request (via e-mail)
Teacher's office
from Monday to Friday, on request