Microbiology and Hygiene

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
VET/04 VET/05
Learning objectives
The course (with lectures and practical activities) aims to provide the student with the fundamental notions of microbiology, immunology and management of the food chains regarding foods of animal origin, with particular reference to hygiene aspects, in order to ensure their safety and quality in all production steps. In particular, the main aspects related to the general aspect of the different microorganisms will be dealt, with particular references to microorganisms associated with milk and its derivatives, rumen and forage silage, the characteristics of the innate and adaptive immune system and the different types of immune response. In addition, aspects relating to the characteristics of the different types of food of animal origin, the main microorganisms that can have a negative impact on health (infections and intoxications) and on food quality (spoilage), the methods of hygienic management by the Food Business Operator - FBO (with particular reference to hygienic-sanitary self-control procedures) the set of rules that must be applied by the FBO to ensure the health and marketability of the products.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student must have acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the main characteristics of microorganisms, the immune response and the basic biosecurity standards, knowing how to identify the main risks associated with different categories of food of animal origin, knowing the specific characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms. Likewise, he must be able to identify the agents of the most common food alterations, through the main techniques of microbiological diagnostics.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student with the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course, must be able to know the characteristics of the various microorganisms, their impact on the health and immune status of animals, as well as on the safety and quality of food of animal origin, evaluating the correct application of the set of rules of hygiene and prevention.
Making judgments
At the end of the course the student must be able to recognize the characteristics and the direct and indirect risk factors linked to the presence of different classes of microorganisms, towards the immune system of livestock and the safety and quality of the food they produce, knowing how to apply the most appropriate hygienic measures.
Communication skills
On the basis of what has been learned from the course, the student must be able to explain what has been learned in a simple and clear way using correct and appropriate scientific terminology.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Prerequisites for admission
In order to better face the course and the exam, the student should have some knowledge in the following topics: anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bochemistry and biology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Modality (General microbiology): written examination and a followed by an optional oral examination.
Type of examination: written examination with 15 multiple choice questions and 5 open questions. The student passing the written examination can decide to do also the oral examination (oral quentions) in order to increase the vote.
Duration of the written examination: 90 minutes
Evaluation parameters: the right answer to the multiple choice question is 2 points,
the wrong answer is 0 point; the answers to the open questions could receive from 0 to 3 points based on the correctness, completeness and clarity of exposition. The oral examination could increase 2-3 points the vote, but could also decrease 1-2 points the vote based on the clarity of exposition and correctness of the answers.
Type of evaluation: vote out of thirty
No intermediate examination are available
The result of the wrtten examination will be published on Ariel.

Modality (Hygene): The final test is a written test facing the whole program.
Microbiology applied to animal production
Course syllabus
Introduction to the microbiology and brief history
The procariotic cell-morphology and anatomy
Replication and metabolism of bacteria-reproduction and growth in liquid and solid media
Bacteria genetic-genetic material and genic recombination
I batteri come agenti patogeni - i fattori di virulenza
Classificazione di batteri
Metodi di osservazione e studio dei microrganismi (osservazione a fresco; principali colorazioni; cenni di microscopia elettronica)
Cenni di diagnostica microbiologica (prelievo campioni, esame batterioscopico, esame colturale, prove biochimiche, antibiogramma, tecniche diagnostiche molecolari)
Caratteristiche dei virus
Rapporto virus-ospite
Genetica dei virus
Diagnostica virologica
Classificazione dei virus
Sistemi di controllo dei microrganismi (agenti fisici e chimici)
Microbiologia speciale (microbiologia degli insilati e del rumine e del latte)
Introduzione e breve storia dell'immunologia
Sistema immunitario innato e sistema immunitario adattativo
Immunità passiva, immunità umorale e cellulo-mediata, immunoprofilassi

Terreni e tecniche di semina
Colorazioni e tecniche di identificazione
Diagnostica molecolare
Teaching methods
The teacher will use:
a) frontal lessons
b) practical lessons in classroom
c) practical exercises in laboratory
The teaching materials will be available in Ariel (slide pdf)
Teaching Resources
1) Basic Immunology-Le basi dell'immunologia. Abbas A.K. Ed. Elsevier

2) Cellular and molecular Immunology-Immunologia cellulare e molecolare. Abbas A.K. Ed. Elsevier

3) Microbiologia e Immunologia veterinaria. Poli G. Ed. EDRA
Food hygiene and microbiology of food of animal origin
Course syllabus
The program includes two main parts, that are fulfilled in parallel.
1st part: Food microbiology:
- Factors regulating survival and growth of microorganisms in foods of animal origin.
- Food spoilage.
- Foodborne diseases.
- Foodborne bacterial pathogens and toxin producing microrganisms.
- Viral foodborne pathogens.
- Foodborne pathogenic fungi.
- Main food microbiological analyses aimed to evaluate process hygiene and food safety.
2nd part: Food hygiene:
- Non-microbial food spoilage.
- Physical and chemical food hazards (including allergens).
- Main law Regulations to be applied for food production hygiene.
- Prerequisites (Food Business Operator procedures).
- Application of HACCP system.
- Sanitation procedures.
Teaching methods
Lectures (40 hours)
Practices (16 hours)
Teaching Resources
Supplied in the teacher's Ariel website.
Food hygiene and microbiology of food of animal origin
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Tirloni Erica
Microbiology applied to animal production
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Riva Federica