Landscape Laboratory
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The Laboratory aims to provide the knowledge to deal with territorial analysis and planning from a technical and economic point of view. To achieve this goal, the Laboratory is composed by three teaching units:
BIODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPE, which aims to provide basic notions of plant ecology, describe (and explain the causes of) the distribution, both current and in the past, of individual species and plant communities on Earth, provide the scientific instruments suitable for studying plant communities, for the appropriate interpretation, management and planning of the landscape.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND LANDSCAPE RIVER RESTORATION, aimed at providing the knowledge to deal with issues related to environmental restoration of natural or artificial water courses in rural areas, with particular attention to geomorphology, hydrology, hydraulics and fluvial ecology. A further objective is to transfer design criteria related to the main typologies of river restoration interventions.
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUATION, aimed at: giving skills to students to understand the planning context in which a project is developed, defining and implementing the available tools to begin a requalification project of an area; detecting and analyzing costs and benefits related to a project at territorial and at farm scale.
BIODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPE, which aims to provide basic notions of plant ecology, describe (and explain the causes of) the distribution, both current and in the past, of individual species and plant communities on Earth, provide the scientific instruments suitable for studying plant communities, for the appropriate interpretation, management and planning of the landscape.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND LANDSCAPE RIVER RESTORATION, aimed at providing the knowledge to deal with issues related to environmental restoration of natural or artificial water courses in rural areas, with particular attention to geomorphology, hydrology, hydraulics and fluvial ecology. A further objective is to transfer design criteria related to the main typologies of river restoration interventions.
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUATION, aimed at: giving skills to students to understand the planning context in which a project is developed, defining and implementing the available tools to begin a requalification project of an area; detecting and analyzing costs and benefits related to a project at territorial and at farm scale.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire skills on methods and techniques for territorial analysis, with particular reference to water courses, such as field survey methods, data analysis and representation, design of restoration interventions. These tools will constitute the basis for projecting a restoration intervention to address existing issues of a real case study, combining technical and economic evaluation aspects. In more detail, the skills that will be acquired in the three teaching units are the following:
BIODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPE: the student will acquire knowledge of plant ecology and applied geobotany, landscape ecology and environmental design, in order to conduct territorial analyzes, environmental quality assessments and formulate guidelines for environmental design, restoration and recovery.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND LANDSCAPE RIVER RESTORATION: the student will acquire skills to interpret the functioning mechanisms of water courses from a fluviomorphological and hydraulic/hydrological point of view (also using statistical and calculation methods). He will be able to implement hydrological and environmental quality assessments, also using statistical methods and mathematical models. He will be able to plan and design river restoration interventions, supported by calculation tools, and GIS and CAD software.
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUATION: the student will acquire i) the skills to produce a master plan of project in environmental field and ii) the competences to apply the economic and financial techniques evaluation at territorial scale and farm scale. The student will also be able to understand the administrative procedures and economic support tools linked to agricultural and environmental policies.
BIODIVERSITY AND LANDSCAPE: the student will acquire knowledge of plant ecology and applied geobotany, landscape ecology and environmental design, in order to conduct territorial analyzes, environmental quality assessments and formulate guidelines for environmental design, restoration and recovery.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND LANDSCAPE RIVER RESTORATION: the student will acquire skills to interpret the functioning mechanisms of water courses from a fluviomorphological and hydraulic/hydrological point of view (also using statistical and calculation methods). He will be able to implement hydrological and environmental quality assessments, also using statistical methods and mathematical models. He will be able to plan and design river restoration interventions, supported by calculation tools, and GIS and CAD software.
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUATION: the student will acquire i) the skills to produce a master plan of project in environmental field and ii) the competences to apply the economic and financial techniques evaluation at territorial scale and farm scale. The student will also be able to understand the administrative procedures and economic support tools linked to agricultural and environmental policies.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Didactic methods
The lessons will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed partly in synchronous and partly asynchronously because they will be recorded and left available to students on the same platform. Some lessons will be held in person on the basis of the calendar communicated to the students.
Program and reference material
The program and reference material will not change.
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place orally using the Microsoft Teams platform or, where the regulations allow, in person, always in oral form.
In particular, the exam will be aimed at:
- ascertaining the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertaining the ability to apply knowledge through the discussion of case studies concerning specific land transformation interventions.
- verify the student's ability to develop original approaches to case studies;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language concerning the disciplinary fields of teaching and the ability to present the topics in a clear and orderly way.
The lessons will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed partly in synchronous and partly asynchronously because they will be recorded and left available to students on the same platform. Some lessons will be held in person on the basis of the calendar communicated to the students.
Program and reference material
The program and reference material will not change.
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria
The exam will take place orally using the Microsoft Teams platform or, where the regulations allow, in person, always in oral form.
In particular, the exam will be aimed at:
- ascertaining the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertaining the ability to apply knowledge through the discussion of case studies concerning specific land transformation interventions.
- verify the student's ability to develop original approaches to case studies;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language concerning the disciplinary fields of teaching and the ability to present the topics in a clear and orderly way.
Prerequisites for admission
Basics of economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, ecology, general and systematic botany are required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification consists in the preparation and presentation of a design document based on a case study in which to apply the contents and methods acquired during the course.
The project is prepared by small groups (2-4 students) and consists of a technical report and design drawings.
The project is prepared by small groups (2-4 students) and consists of a technical report and design drawings.
Environmental assessment and certification
Course syllabus
Project analysis with particular reference to the water sector: objectives, actions, objective and result indicators, feasibility and options analysis, stakeholders, role of ex-ante evaluation. Financial analysis and economic analysis: time horizon, costs and revenues generated by the project; financial sustainability, determination of the discount rate; determination of performance indicators. Corrections for the economic analysis: externalities, prices of account, discounting. The multi-criteria analysis. The monetary valuation of environmental services.
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of 5 CFU of lectures and 1 CFU laboratory
Teaching Resources
Available on Ariel platform
stream restoration
Course syllabus
Frontal lessons: Introduction on river restoration; Elements of river morphology; Elements of hydrometry and statistics for the analysis of hydrological data time series; Water flow in riverbeds with composite sections; Solid transport; Elements of river ecology; Methods to assess the river water quality status; Examples of river restoration interventions.
Practicals: Practicals involve the application of theoretical concepts explained in frontal lessons to a real case study, with the aim of designing a restoration intervention for a river reach. Hydrology - territorial analysis of the river watershed in which the river reach under study is located; statistical analysis of the river discharge data series: descriptive statistics, duration curve, analysis of extreme events (lowflows and floods). Hydraulics - analysis of flow conditions in the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Hydraulics - analysis of the stability of the riverbed for the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Water quality - analysis of the state of water quality for the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Planning and design of interventions - description of the main steps and works; preparation of project schemes through the use of CAD software.
Practicals: Practicals involve the application of theoretical concepts explained in frontal lessons to a real case study, with the aim of designing a restoration intervention for a river reach. Hydrology - territorial analysis of the river watershed in which the river reach under study is located; statistical analysis of the river discharge data series: descriptive statistics, duration curve, analysis of extreme events (lowflows and floods). Hydraulics - analysis of flow conditions in the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Hydraulics - analysis of the stability of the riverbed for the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Water quality - analysis of the state of water quality for the river reach under study: current state and effects in the case of inteventions. Planning and design of interventions - description of the main steps and works; preparation of project schemes through the use of CAD software.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into 6 CFU of frontal lectures and 2 CFU of practicals in a computer lab (use of calculation tools, and GIS and CAD software). The course includes seminarial lessons and technical visits to the study area.
Teaching Resources
All the material is available on the Ariel web platform.
Biodiversity and landscape
Course syllabus
The course will cover topics of plant ecology, bioclimatology, geobotany, biodiversity, landscape, environmental design. In particular:
a) Preliminary concepts: definition of Landscape, Geobotany, Landscape Ecology, flora and vegetation.
b) Basic concepts of general ecology and plant ecology: ecosystem, habitat, ecological factors, ecological valence, environmental factors (soil, climate, altitude, exposure, biotic factor...) that determine the distribution of plants. Climatology and Bioclimatology.
c) Chorology: flora, life forms plants, species' geographic distribution, chorotypes, Ellenberg's Indicator Values. The flora of Italy.
d) Vegetation science: Phytosociology (vegetation relevés, phytosociological table, association, syntaxonomy), Sinphytosociology (dynamism of vegetation, vegetation
succession, vegetation series). The vegetation of Italy.
e) Applied Botany and Geobotany: biodiversity; ecological network; ecosystem services; vegetation cartography; plant species and communities as bioindicators; environmental analysis; landscape and environmental planning; criteria for choosing plant species suitable for landscape projects.
a) Preliminary concepts: definition of Landscape, Geobotany, Landscape Ecology, flora and vegetation.
b) Basic concepts of general ecology and plant ecology: ecosystem, habitat, ecological factors, ecological valence, environmental factors (soil, climate, altitude, exposure, biotic factor...) that determine the distribution of plants. Climatology and Bioclimatology.
c) Chorology: flora, life forms plants, species' geographic distribution, chorotypes, Ellenberg's Indicator Values. The flora of Italy.
d) Vegetation science: Phytosociology (vegetation relevés, phytosociological table, association, syntaxonomy), Sinphytosociology (dynamism of vegetation, vegetation
succession, vegetation series). The vegetation of Italy.
e) Applied Botany and Geobotany: biodiversity; ecological network; ecosystem services; vegetation cartography; plant species and communities as bioindicators; environmental analysis; landscape and environmental planning; criteria for choosing plant species suitable for landscape projects.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures (48 hours) and classroom and field exercises (8 hours).
Teaching Resources
Teaching material will be provided via the Ariel platform (lesson slides, open access books, scientific articles, thematic cartography).
Biodiversity and landscape
Field activity: 8 hours
Lessons: 44 hours
Lessons: 44 hours
Pierce Simon, Vagge Ilda
Environmental assessment and certification
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Mazzocchi Chiara, Sali Guido
stream restoration
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Facchi Arianna, Gandolfi Claudio
By appointment.
Celoria 2, Engineering building, office tel. 16488
by appointment