Human Physiology Years 2
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the scientific and cultural tools to understand:
i) the functioning, in normal conditions, of organs and systems of the human body;
ii) the mechanisms of homeostatic and allostatic control, the chemical-physical and functional organization of the organism;
iii) the physiological means allowing the organism to maintain a functional relationship with the environment.
i) the functioning, in normal conditions, of organs and systems of the human body;
ii) the mechanisms of homeostatic and allostatic control, the chemical-physical and functional organization of the organism;
iii) the physiological means allowing the organism to maintain a functional relationship with the environment.
Expected learning outcomes
a) correlate the structure and normal functionality of the organism;
b) know the molecular, cellular and chemical-physical mechanisms that maintain the homeostasis;
c) understand the adaptive mechanisms through which the living organism maintains a homeostasis in a continually changing environment.
a) correlate the structure and normal functionality of the organism;
b) know the molecular, cellular and chemical-physical mechanisms that maintain the homeostasis;
c) understand the adaptive mechanisms through which the living organism maintains a homeostasis in a continually changing environment.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame alla fine del gruppo
Assessment result: Inserire codice AF
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
2nd year program:
Cellular Electrophysiology
Genesis of cell membrane potential and the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz model. Trans-membrane transport mechanisms: ionic channels, pumps and transporters. Common cell membrane properties, excitable cell passive and active membrane responses.
Neuronal action potential: axonal membrane response, ionic currents, sodium and potassium conductance variations, action potential propagation in axons with and without myelin. Synaptic transmission: chemical and electrical synapses, synaptic integration and modulation, neurotransmitters, second messengers.
Sensory receptors: functional properties of receptor cells, transduction mechanisms, coding of sensory information in the central nervous system. Spinal and trigeminal somesthesic sensitivity. Touch and Proprioception: tactile receptors, muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs, cortical somatosensory areas and their organization. Intensity, spatial and temporal discrimination. Temperature and Pain: receptors, central and trigeminal pathways of pain transmission, psychophysics of pain perception, pain modulation and integration, endogenous pain modulation mechanisms. Hearing: external ear, transmission and amplification of sound in the middle ear, cochlear tonotopy and stimulation of receptor cells, central pathways. Vestibular apparatus: receptors and their responses to linear and angular acceleration, central pathways. Vision: principles of physiological optics, retinal physiology and circuits, receptors, phototransduction, central pathways, cortical processing of visual information. Taste: transduction mechanisms, central pathways, psychophysics. Olfaction: transduction and coding of olfactory stimuli, central pathways, psychophysics.
Organization of movement. Skeletal and smooth muscle: structural and biochemical basis of muscular contraction, nervous control, neuromuscular transmission, motor units, force-length and force-speed relationships. Motor properties of brainstem and spinal cord: reflexes, automatic and rhythmical movements, locomotion. Posture: neural mechanisms, proprioceptive, vestibular and visual mechanisms of postural control, vestibular and cervical receptor interactions, movement related postural control. Corticospinal system: control of voluntary movement, cortical motor areas and their organization, cortical systems of motor control. Cerebellum and basal ganglia: structural organization of the cerebellum, neuronal circuits of basal ganglia, lesion effects, functional physiology.
Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, principles of vegetative innervation, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Hypothalamus: structure and function, temperature, endocrine and food ingestion regulation, behavioral control, vegetative functions.
Hemispheric specialization. Phonation and language. Learning and memory.
Electroencephalographic recordings and evoked potentials. Consciousness, arousal, physiology of sleep/wake cycle, circadian rhythms.
Cellular Electrophysiology
Genesis of cell membrane potential and the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz model. Trans-membrane transport mechanisms: ionic channels, pumps and transporters. Common cell membrane properties, excitable cell passive and active membrane responses.
Neuronal action potential: axonal membrane response, ionic currents, sodium and potassium conductance variations, action potential propagation in axons with and without myelin. Synaptic transmission: chemical and electrical synapses, synaptic integration and modulation, neurotransmitters, second messengers.
Sensory receptors: functional properties of receptor cells, transduction mechanisms, coding of sensory information in the central nervous system. Spinal and trigeminal somesthesic sensitivity. Touch and Proprioception: tactile receptors, muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs, cortical somatosensory areas and their organization. Intensity, spatial and temporal discrimination. Temperature and Pain: receptors, central and trigeminal pathways of pain transmission, psychophysics of pain perception, pain modulation and integration, endogenous pain modulation mechanisms. Hearing: external ear, transmission and amplification of sound in the middle ear, cochlear tonotopy and stimulation of receptor cells, central pathways. Vestibular apparatus: receptors and their responses to linear and angular acceleration, central pathways. Vision: principles of physiological optics, retinal physiology and circuits, receptors, phototransduction, central pathways, cortical processing of visual information. Taste: transduction mechanisms, central pathways, psychophysics. Olfaction: transduction and coding of olfactory stimuli, central pathways, psychophysics.
Organization of movement. Skeletal and smooth muscle: structural and biochemical basis of muscular contraction, nervous control, neuromuscular transmission, motor units, force-length and force-speed relationships. Motor properties of brainstem and spinal cord: reflexes, automatic and rhythmical movements, locomotion. Posture: neural mechanisms, proprioceptive, vestibular and visual mechanisms of postural control, vestibular and cervical receptor interactions, movement related postural control. Corticospinal system: control of voluntary movement, cortical motor areas and their organization, cortical systems of motor control. Cerebellum and basal ganglia: structural organization of the cerebellum, neuronal circuits of basal ganglia, lesion effects, functional physiology.
Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, principles of vegetative innervation, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Hypothalamus: structure and function, temperature, endocrine and food ingestion regulation, behavioral control, vegetative functions.
Hemispheric specialization. Phonation and language. Learning and memory.
Electroencephalographic recordings and evoked potentials. Consciousness, arousal, physiology of sleep/wake cycle, circadian rhythms.
Prerequisites for admission
Successful completion of the following courses: Chemistry, Phisics, Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Istology and Anatomy
Teaching methods
Lectures (18 CFU)
Teaching Resources
Fisiologia medica - III edizione (a cura di Boron WF & Boulpaep EL), Edra, Milano, 2018
Purves D et al, Neuroscienze - V edizione italiana, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2021
altri testi:
Imeri L & Mancia M, Testo-atlante di Fisiologia umana - Neurofisiologia, CEA, Milano, 2006
Fisiologia umana (a cura di Grassi F, Negrini D & Porro CA), Poletto editore, Vermezzo, 2015
Hall JE, Guyton e Hall Fisiologia medica (XIII edizione), Edra, Milano, 2017
Piattaforma Teams
Team "FisiologiaUmana_SanPaolo_2021" per la didattica mista o sincrona totalmente a distanza (da remoto). Codice per unirsi al team: 2j2yxqh.
Su piattaforma Stream correlata sono disponibili i file mp4 delle lezioni svolte in modalità mista o sincrona, a distanza (da remoto) dell'anno precedente.
Team "esami_FisiologiaUmana_CdL_MedicinaSanPaolo" nel caso si dovesse rendere necessario svolgere le valutazioni dell'apprendimento (esami) a distanza (da remoto), Codice per unirsi al team: cz65q8e. Gli esami, come sempre, sono totalmente pubblici: qualsiasi persona dotata di un indirizzo e-mail nei domini "" o "" può unirsi e collegarsi in ogni momento al team.
Sul sito Ariel del corso sono sempre disponibili, dall'inizio del corso:
-i file pdf delle presentazioni usate a lezione
-i file mp4 delle audio-video lezioni Power Point dell'anno precedente
-altri materiali di utilità didattica.
Nel corso dello svolgimento dei due semestri, ogni aggiornamento relativo al corso ed alle sue modalità di svolgimento sarà disponibile nella "bacheca" Ariel del corso.
Si raccomanda di attivare, in tutte le sezioni del sito del corso, la funzione "gestione notifiche/notifica email". In questo modo si verrà subito ed automaticamente avvertiti per e-mail di qualsiasi nuovo file o notizia si rendesse disponibile.
Purves D et al, Neuroscienze - V edizione italiana, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2021
altri testi:
Imeri L & Mancia M, Testo-atlante di Fisiologia umana - Neurofisiologia, CEA, Milano, 2006
Fisiologia umana (a cura di Grassi F, Negrini D & Porro CA), Poletto editore, Vermezzo, 2015
Hall JE, Guyton e Hall Fisiologia medica (XIII edizione), Edra, Milano, 2017
Piattaforma Teams
Team "FisiologiaUmana_SanPaolo_2021" per la didattica mista o sincrona totalmente a distanza (da remoto). Codice per unirsi al team: 2j2yxqh.
Su piattaforma Stream correlata sono disponibili i file mp4 delle lezioni svolte in modalità mista o sincrona, a distanza (da remoto) dell'anno precedente.
Team "esami_FisiologiaUmana_CdL_MedicinaSanPaolo" nel caso si dovesse rendere necessario svolgere le valutazioni dell'apprendimento (esami) a distanza (da remoto), Codice per unirsi al team: cz65q8e. Gli esami, come sempre, sono totalmente pubblici: qualsiasi persona dotata di un indirizzo e-mail nei domini "" o "" può unirsi e collegarsi in ogni momento al team.
Sul sito Ariel del corso sono sempre disponibili, dall'inizio del corso:
-i file pdf delle presentazioni usate a lezione
-i file mp4 delle audio-video lezioni Power Point dell'anno precedente
-altri materiali di utilità didattica.
Nel corso dello svolgimento dei due semestri, ogni aggiornamento relativo al corso ed alle sue modalità di svolgimento sarà disponibile nella "bacheca" Ariel del corso.
Si raccomanda di attivare, in tutte le sezioni del sito del corso, la funzione "gestione notifiche/notifica email". In questo modo si verrà subito ed automaticamente avvertiti per e-mail di qualsiasi nuovo file o notizia si rendesse disponibile.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral and integrated exam covers the entire program of the course and includes two interviews with both teachers of the course itself. The two talks cover different parts of the program. The final evaluation will take into account, in an integrated way, the results obtained in the two interviews. The oral exam begins with the signing of the report by the student. The student can withdraw from the test at any time. At the end of the test, the outcome is immediately communicated. This communication implies the recording of the exam, which cannot be changed.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 90 hours
: 18 hours
: 18 hours
Borroni Paola Alice, Imeri Luca
Educational website(s)