Francophones Literatures

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course of Francophone Literatures chooses to focus on a different Francophony each academic year, presenting itself as a specialization training with respect to the literary courses of French of the Bachelor's Degree. For this academic year, francophone Caribbean will be focused. In addition to providing broad outlines of literary historical evolution of the Francophone Literature object of the course (with possible references to pre-acquired knowledge in French literature), lessons will focus, from time to time, on a specific topic. On the one hand, therefore, students will learn how to define a part of the history of literature; on the other hand, a monographic topic will always be focused on probing forms and contents of a genre of a Francophone literature; so the student will learn to use refined textual analysis tools and will become aware of the fact that starting from the analysis of literary works is It is possible to recognize and define a cultural and historical specificity of the Francophone universe.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: students will learn how to define a literary path, starting from the works and the historical, cultural and artistic framework of a defined period. Students will also have deepened the functioning of the narratology tools that allow the analysis of the literary text avoiding impressionistic readings. They will also have acquired knowledge of the historical-cultural evolution of Francophone Caribbean (Haiti, Martinique, Guadalupe, French Guiana) through some exemplary texts and verified the interaction between Literature and other disciplines (Anthropology, Cultural studies, History, Geography). Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: capacity for critical interpretation and interpretative autonomy applicable to any type of literary text. Opening of the student's subjective point of view in the direction of the culture of the other. Ability to set up transversal readings in the cultural, linguistic, artistic and historical-social frameworks, so to be able to compare different cultures in depth and to listen to cultures that are also significantly distant from those to which we belong.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is entitled: "Les mille facettes des cultures de l'Afrique noire: chocs, conflits, rencontres." It consists of three points that will be addressed in as many parts in progressive sequence:
1. "La période coloniale".
2. "L'âge des indépendances"
3. "L'Afrique noire et le monde contemporain."

In point 1, after rapidly tracing the development of Francophone literature from sub-Saharan Africa, attention will be directed to two exemplary novels that are as many accounts of everyday life during colonialism and the problematic cultural contamination, especially among young Africans in the colonial era.
Point 2 will shift the gaze to the moment when African states gained independence. Beginning, again, with an exemplary novel, it will focus on the tensions and forces at play in Africa having to manage its new political status, at a time when Tradition seems to have had its day.
Point 3 will address some aspects of contemporary Africa in the face of globalization, the social and religious legacies of the past, energy exploitation, and in the struggle for civil rights.
In addition to narrative content, in the analysis of each individual novel, great attention will be paid to the choices of genre type and the writing and composition techniques of individual authors.
The syllabus for this course runs through the end of February 2024.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held entirely in French, the materials and the bibliography of the exam mainly in French presuppose solid language skills. Students who do not know enough French will rarely be able to rely on Italian translations and profitably follow the lessons. Erasmus students or other forms of mobility are admitted as long as they too possess solid French language skills. In addition, a basic knowledge of the development of modern French Literature is a significant help to the student.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons; reading and commenting on significant passages taken from the works in the program; viewing and commenting on images (iconographic support), documentaries and short films.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on the online platform for teaching Ariel (Francophone Literatures), to which reference is made for further directions and other materials made available by the teacher (and which are an integral part of the syllabus). Below are the works of study for the various teaching units, the general bibliography and the specific bibliography for each unit. Texts whose reading is only recommended are explicitly indicated as such.
General bibliography
- Marco MODENESI, "Les mille facettes des cultures de l'Afrque noire: chocs, conflits, rencontres": supplementary materials for the Francophone Literature course A.A. 2022/2023 (handout by the teacher: materials are available from the teacher);
- Dominique COMBE, "Les littératures francophones. Questions, débats, polémiques," Paris, PUF, 2010
- Yves REUTER, "Introduction à l'analyse du roman," Paris, Colin, 2016 (recommended)
- Catherine COQUERY-VIDROVITCH, "Petite histoire de l'Afrique," Paris, La Découverte, 2016
Part 1
- Ferdinand OYONO, "Une vie de boy," Paris, Presses Pocket, 2006
- Cheick Hamidou KANE, "L'aventure ambiguë," Paris, 10/18, 2003
Part 2
- Ahmadou KOUROUMA, "En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages," Paris, Points, 2019
Part 3
- In Koli Jean BOFANE, "Congo Inc.: le testament de Bismarck," Paris, Actes Sud, 2013
- Mohamed Mbougar SARR, "Terre ceinte," Paris, Présence africaine, 2017

General bibliography
- Marco MODENESI, "Les mille facettes des cultures de l'Afrque noire: chocs, conflits, rencontres": supplementary materials for the Francophone Literature course A.A. 2022/2023 (handout edited by the teacher: materials are available from the teacher);
- Dominique COMBE, "Les littératures francophones. Questions, débats, polémiques," Paris, PUF, 2010
- Yves REUTER, "Introduction à l'analyse du roman," Paris, Colin, 2016
- Catherine COQUERY-VIDROVITCH, "Petite histoire de l'Afrique," Paris, La Découverte, 2016
Part 1
- Ferdinand OYONO, "Une vie de boy," Paris, Presses Pocket, 2006
- Cheick Hamidou KANE, "L'aventure ambiguë," Paris, 10/18, 2003
- Jean GETREY, "Comprendre 'L'Aventure ambiguë' de Chaikh Hamidou Kane," Kindle format
Part 2
- Ahmadou KOUROUMA, "En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages," Paris, Points, 2019
- Jean-Michel DJAN, "Ahmadou Kourouma," Paris, Seuil, 2010
Part 3
- In Koli Jean BOFANE, "Congo Inc.: le testament de Bismarck," Paris, Actes Sud, 2013
- Mohamed Mbougar SARR, "Terre ceinte," Paris, Présence africaine, 2017
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview, which opens with the reading and critical comment by the student of a passage, chosen by him/her, taken from one of the novels at program. The interview therefore includes questions asked by the teacher, interactions between the teacher and the student and further analysis and commentary on one or more aspects of the works at program. The interview has a variable duration but it is, on average, around twenty minutes and it is compulsorily held in French for the students of the LM of Lingue (Lingue e letterature europee ed extraeuropee) specialists of French; it is chosen by the student between Italian and French for all the other Courses. The interview aims to verify the knowledge of the texts read (works and critical bibliography), the ability to contextualize authors and works, the ability to expose, the precision in the use of specific terminology, the capacity for critical and personal reflection on proposed themes, the use of textual analysis methods illustrated during the lessons. Finally, it will also take into account language skills if the student speaks in French. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse it (in this case it will be verbalized as "withdrawn"). International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher promptly. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Modenesi Marco
2nd SEMESTER: tuesday, 3.30pm-5.30pm; wednesday, 9.30am-10.30am
Department of Foreing languages,literatures, cultures and mediations; 1, S. Alessandro Square, Milan