Clinical Medicine 5th Year (qualifying activity)
A.Y. 2022/2023
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with:
i) knowledge on the most common internal medicine diseases including the most common cancer medicine ones;
ii) the skills that will enable students to perform a differential diagnosis and to define the therapeutic pathway of these pathologies;
iii) the knowledge necessary to develop a diagnostic and therapeutic pathway based on the principles of clincal methodology and evidence-based medicine.
i) knowledge on the most common internal medicine diseases including the most common cancer medicine ones;
ii) the skills that will enable students to perform a differential diagnosis and to define the therapeutic pathway of these pathologies;
iii) the knowledge necessary to develop a diagnostic and therapeutic pathway based on the principles of clincal methodology and evidence-based medicine.
Expected learning outcomes
Students must:
i) know how to elaborate - diagnostic hypotheses of the most common internal medicine pathologies through the anamnesis and physical examination of the patient - a diagnostic procedure through laboratory tests and instrumental examinations;
ii) critically interpret the required laboratory and instrumental reports to finalize the diagnostic process;
iii) set up the therapy for the most common internal medical conditions.
i) know how to elaborate - diagnostic hypotheses of the most common internal medicine pathologies through the anamnesis and physical examination of the patient - a diagnostic procedure through laboratory tests and instrumental examinations;
ii) critically interpret the required laboratory and instrumental reports to finalize the diagnostic process;
iii) set up the therapy for the most common internal medical conditions.
Lesson period: year
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
On the basis of the knowledge acquired in the courses of the previous years, in particular the courses of Semeiotics and Pathology of the Systems, the student must know the pathogenetic and pathophysiological bases, the risk factors and the prognostic factors of the diseases; their epidemiological, anatomopathological and semeiological, laboratory and instrumental characterization; the pharmacological basis of the therapies; how to evaluate the evidence in medicine
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is divided into two parts: a practical test, carried out visiting the patient, and an oral exam.
The following contents will be specifically evaluated.
Practice exam:
(a) Ability to collect and interpret the clinical evidence emerging from the story of patient and integrate it into specific clinical pictures.
(b) Interpretation of laboratory or instrumental tests and discussion of their meaning in the context of the patient
Oral exam:
(a) Discussion of symptoms or other pathological findings with attention to:
- the pathophysiological and pathogenetic aspects
- the definition of a rational diagnostic iter based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for setting the therapy in the treatment of the most frequent or most relevant clinical conditions learned during the three-year clinical period, with particular attention to the exposure of:
- methods of clinical use of the main drugs and their therapeutic efficacy
- main contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
The assessment of each of the two parts into which the exam is divided will be expressed in a mark out of 30; the final grade will be based on the average value of the two tests integrated by a discussion within the commission; it will also take into account the contribution offered by the student to the class discussion during the course lessons.
The following contents will be specifically evaluated.
Practice exam:
(a) Ability to collect and interpret the clinical evidence emerging from the story of patient and integrate it into specific clinical pictures.
(b) Interpretation of laboratory or instrumental tests and discussion of their meaning in the context of the patient
Oral exam:
(a) Discussion of symptoms or other pathological findings with attention to:
- the pathophysiological and pathogenetic aspects
- the definition of a rational diagnostic iter based on: epidemiological criteria, rational use of diagnostic resources, optimal risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio, expected prognosis
(b) Discussion of the criteria for setting the therapy in the treatment of the most frequent or most relevant clinical conditions learned during the three-year clinical period, with particular attention to the exposure of:
- methods of clinical use of the main drugs and their therapeutic efficacy
- main contraindications and side effects in the use of the most commonly used drugs
The assessment of each of the two parts into which the exam is divided will be expressed in a mark out of 30; the final grade will be based on the average value of the two tests integrated by a discussion within the commission; it will also take into account the contribution offered by the student to the class discussion during the course lessons.
Internal medicine "Palliative care"
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, clinics, day hospitals, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the Know how booklet for the fifth and sixth year which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
· Tutorial professional activities "Medical Clinical Practice Skills" - Training course carried out at the Hospital Medicine Departments following dedicated tutors, oriented towards the acquisition of Elementary Teaching Units relating to specific practical skills (ETU). This part is defined by a section of the Know how booklet for the fifth and sixth year which will be delivered to the students and signed by the tutor chosen to acquire each of the UDE.
Teaching Resources
Il corso non fa riferimento a testi particolari. Costante attenzione è rivolta durante le attività didattiche a fornire riferimenti per la consultazione della letteratura di aggiornamento disponibile online, con particolare attenzione alle riviste New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, British Medical Journal-BMJ; riviste edite dall'American College of Physicians; Cochrane Library.
Ogni lezione del corso presenta i riferimenti bibliografici essenziali circa gli argomenti trattati.
In termini generali, lo studente è costantemente invitato all'integrazione tra gli argomenti clinici trattati nel corso e quelli cosiddetti pre-clinici secondo i suggerimenti riportati nella seguente voce bibliografica:
- A.L. Spencer, T. Brosenitsch, A.S. Levine, S.L. Kanter. Back to the Basic Sciences: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Senior Medical Students How Best to Integrate Basic Science and Clinical Medicine. Acad Med. 2008; 83:662-66
Ogni lezione del corso presenta i riferimenti bibliografici essenziali circa gli argomenti trattati.
In termini generali, lo studente è costantemente invitato all'integrazione tra gli argomenti clinici trattati nel corso e quelli cosiddetti pre-clinici secondo i suggerimenti riportati nella seguente voce bibliografica:
- A.L. Spencer, T. Brosenitsch, A.S. Levine, S.L. Kanter. Back to the Basic Sciences: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Senior Medical Students How Best to Integrate Basic Science and Clinical Medicine. Acad Med. 2008; 83:662-66
Blood diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, clinics, day hospitals, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases.
Teaching Resources
· Corso di malattie del sangue e degli organi emolinfopoietici. Per gli studenti di medicina e chirurgia, scienze biologiche, biotecnologie (Italiano), Sante Tura - Esculapio Ed.
· Manuale di ematologia Edizioni, P. Corradini e R. Foà - Minerva Medica, Second Edition 2014
· Manuale di ematologia Edizioni, P. Corradini e R. Foà - Minerva Medica, Second Edition 2014
Blood diseases
MED/15 - BLOOD DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Podda Gianmarco
Internal medicine "Palliative care"
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Mastropasqua Ezio, Podda Gianmarco