Anatomy of Domestic Animals

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide students with general notions of embryo-fetal development and the theoretical and practical notions of morphological and structural organization of cells, tissues and organs of domestic mammals and the main zootechnical interest. The course will also provide theoretical and practical, basic and specific knowledge, useful for the achievement of independent judgment, communication and learning skills useful for dealing profitably with the study of physiology , of the pathology, animal reproduction, welfare, breeding conditions, as well as the characteristics and quality of the animals according to the productions.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to know and understand the main characteristics and differences of the tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous), will be able to use the anatomical terminology appropriately and will be able to know and understand the organization, structure and function of the integumentary, digestive, male and female uro-genital apparatus; the student will be able to know and understand the general morphology, architecture and structure of bones and muscles, the structure of the vessels, the heart and the general organization of blood and lymphatic circulation, of the respiratory system and of the peripheral and central nervous system. Students will also be able to understand and understand the processes of gametogenesis, fertilization, segmentation and the aspects underlying the process of gastrulation in birds and mammals. Finally, the student will be able to know and understand the main differences regarding the placentation process in domestic mammals. The student will be able to critically apply the concepts learned, during the observation of histological preparations; will be able to describe the function of the main organs and apparatus; will be able to answer questions of medium/advanced level of general and systematic anatomy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
VET/01 - VETERINARY ANATOMY - University credits: 7
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours