Spanish I

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of the Spanish language through the analysis of the written and oral argumentative discourse. It is proposed to develop critical skills of reading and metalinguistic reflection; it includes a theoretical part and an applicative part, oriented to the critical reading of texts, with particular attention to the argumentative essay, and to the development of skills related to oral discourse. A special focus will be dedicated to the discursive genre of the debate, including through case simulation at the CTU.
At the same time, the consolidation of advanced syntactic structures will be promoted, also through the use of communication, and the analysis of the discourse markers used in Spanish to indicate the articulation of a text and to place it in the interpersonal dimension.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to have Spanish language competences matching C1+ level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). They will also be able to recognize and analyze the syntactic and lexical structures of an essayistic text, and to discuss effectively on specialized topics and about the themes of the course.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2021-2022 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.

Please note that all updates and information will be published on the course website (Plataforma de español) on the Ariel platform. Students are strongly advised to check the course website regularly so as to be up to date will all information and instructions.
Course syllabus
The course includes the following thematic units:

Unit 1 (40 hours, first semester)
Argumentation and persuasion. Argumentative structures. Irony. Polyphony. Argumentative texts. Characteristics of the essay and other written and oral argumentative genres (e.g. journalistic editorial, debate and interview).
Some aspects related to the elaboration of academic texts will also be addressed.

Unit 2 (20 hours, 2nd semester)
Critical reading of the essay "Usos amorosos de la post war española" by Carmen Martín Gaite: syntactical and lexical aspects; characteristics of the argumentative text.

For up-to-date information on the organisation of the courses and the activities proposed, students are invited to regularly consult the Plataforma de español of Ariel ( Within the Plataforma students can find materials related to the courses, bibliographical information and other news of interest.
For further information students are advised to attend professor's office hours.

The exercise classes aim to consolidate the acquisition of grammatical structures and to strengthen oral practice, also in specialist contexts.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is aimed at students who have a Spanish language proficiency at least equal to level B2 plus (preferably C1) of the European Framework.
Teaching methods
Lectures, language exercise lessons, team work.

Teaching Resources
- Lecture materials published on the Plataforma de español website (
- ESCRIBANO, A., Las voces del texto como recurso persuasivo, Arco/Libros, Madrid, 2009.
- FUENTES RODRÍGUEZ, C. / ALCAIDE LARA, E. R., La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Arco/Libros, Madrid 2007.
- CARRASCAL, B. (ed.) (2014), Argumentación y prensa, Universidad del País Vasco (cap. 1-2-3)
- REGUEIRO RODRIGUEZ / SAEZ RIVERA, El español académico. Guía práctica para la elaboración de textos académicos, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2013.
- MARTÍN GAITE, C., Usos amorosos de la postguerra española, Anagrama, Barcelona 1987.

Adopted text:
MIQUEL LÓPEZ, L., SANS BAULENAS, N., ¿A que no sabes...?, Edelsa, Madrid (a selection of pages is available at the university library).

LOZANO ZAHONERO, M., Gramática de perfeccionamiento de la lengua española, Hoepli, Milano 2011.

MOLINER, M., Diccionario de uso del español, Gredos, Madrid (ult. ed.).
VOX, Diccionario general lengua española, Bibliograf, Barcelona (ult. ed.).
ROSSEND ARQUES, ADRIANA PADOAN, Il Grande dizionario di Spagnolo. Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano Italiano-Español, Zanichelli (ult. ed.)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam includes a series of written and oral tests and an interview on the topics of the official course, which will take place as follows:

WRITTEN EXAMINATION: it takes place three times a year (May, September, January) and includes the following test:
- Test of grammar and lexical competence, to be carried out without dictionary. It includes questions of various types (multiple-choice questions, cloze-type exercises, transformation of direct speech into indirect), aimed at ascertaining knowledge of idiomatic forms (90 minutes)

ORAL EXAM: takes place six times a year and includes an interview on the topics of the official course, aimed at verifying the acquisition of the contents and the ability to reflect metalinguistically, as well as grammatical correctness and language property. You will also be asked to analyse in depth the morphosynthetic and lexical characteristics of the essay Usos amorosos, as well as to present your arguments on the reading of the work.

- Students attending the exams will be able to take part of the exams during the year, according to modalities that will be indicated in class.
- The written tests are preparatory to the oral ones and marks are valid for one year.
- The validity of interim tests is specified when the results are published.
- Registering of the final marks can be made only at the oral tests, after enrollment.
- To take the exams, both written and oral, it is essential to be enrolled.
- Enrolled students who decide not to take the exam, are kindly requested to unsuscribe in order to allow a better organization of the exam.
- The examination procedures are the same for all students. Non-attendants students are advised to attend professor's office hours at least once a year.
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Calvi Maria Vittoria Elena