Spanish Culture I
A.Y. 2021/2022
Learning objectives
The course aims to explore some of the main phenomena at the centre of the social and cultural debate in contemporary Spain (Transition culture, gender violence, feminism, precariousness, colonialism, immigration, etc.) from a multidisciplinary approach (literary works, movies, television programmes, theatre, media, etc.), focusing on the peninsular situation and on the specific context of Equatorial Guinea, both with regard to its colonial past and to more recent migration dynamics.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to describe some of the main phenomena at the heart of the social debate in contemporary Spain (Transition culture, gender violence, feminism, precariousness, colonialism, immigration, etc.), to illustrate properly how these issues appear in real contexts such as literary works, movies, television programmes, theatre, media, etc., and to analyse critically and autonomously the content of the works and essays proposed.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
With regard to the way in which lectures will be provided for the 2021/2022 academic year, more specific indications will be given in the next months, depending on how the pandemic situation evolves.
Course syllabus
(Re)thinking Contemporary Spain: Precariousness, Feminism and Immigration
The programme is divided into two parts of 20 hours each. The first will be devoted to the situation in Spain from the Transition to nowadays, paying particular attention to the cultural changes that have taken place and to the emergence of a critical approach towards the recent past and of some issues that have highlighted the vulnerability of certain collectives. The second will focus on Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony, tracing its history and dwelling on the current migratory dynamics between that nation and Spain, emblematics of some universal concerns related to immigration.
The programme is divided into two parts of 20 hours each. The first will be devoted to the situation in Spain from the Transition to nowadays, paying particular attention to the cultural changes that have taken place and to the emergence of a critical approach towards the recent past and of some issues that have highlighted the vulnerability of certain collectives. The second will focus on Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony, tracing its history and dwelling on the current migratory dynamics between that nation and Spain, emblematics of some universal concerns related to immigration.
Prerequisites for admission
A good knowledge of Spanish is required, as the course will be held in Spanish and most of the works and critical materials will be in that language.
Teaching methods
In accordance with the Rector's decree, lectures will be held in person with the possibility of following them via streaming and recordings will be made available to students for a short period of time (seven days). Frontal lectures will alternate with group work, both in class and to be carried out autonomously at home or on a specific online platform.
Teaching Resources
It will be the responsibility of the professor to provide a definitive programme before the start of the course, indicating in detail all the materials to be studied, on the ARIEL platform dedicated to Spanish Culture I-II:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination will consist of an individual interview (which includes questions asked by the professor, interactions between professor and student and the analysis and commentary of essays and works in the syllabus) aimed at assessing the ability to describe the social and cultural phenomena observed during the course and to illustrate how these issues are reflected in the works and critical materials proposed. Students will also have to show a critical and autonoumous approach to them, using appropriate terminology. The interview will be held in Spanish and the final mark is expressed on a scale up to 30. The exam will take place in presence or online, depending on the Rector's decree in force at the time. International students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact the professor as soon as possible. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the professor and the competent office.
Tuesday: from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Piazza S. Alessandro 1, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 2nd floor. It is also possible to arrange a meeting on the platform Microsoft Teams by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected]