The Regulation and Negotiation of Intellectual Property Rights

A.Y. 2021/2022
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the Workshop is to provide students of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication with the skills to recognize intellectual works that are the result of creative activity and human inventiveness and to learn the techniques for negotiating intellectual property rights. The course focuses on the management and commercialization of foreign rights of intellectual works, an activity that requires legal competences to understand the main contractual clauses, high linguistic competences to negotiate and promote works abroad, cultural, economic and historical-geographical knowledge of the country where the rights are traded. The study of Intellectual Property Law thus becomes a great field of cultural and interdisciplinary connection and an opportunity for future graduates to apply to companies belonging to the "New Creative Economy" and to international organizations that promote the protection of intellectual property all over the world.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the Workshop, students will learn the legal framework related to the various creative works protected by copyright and industrial law (patents, trademarks, design, trade secrets and unfair competition), they will deal with licensing contracts and publishing contracts, they will learn the concepts of technical-legal language necessary to negotiate agreements for the transfer of IP rights and to participate in international licensing and book fairs. They will also learn the principles of mediation for the resolution of international disputes (ADR) in the field of intellectual property and technology, which has recently been the subject of an agreement between the international organization WIPO and the Milan Chamber of Arbitration. Finally, they will learn the main features of blockchain networks and smart contracts.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Intellectual property as a set of legal and administrative tools aimed at protecting and enhancing the fruits of creativity and human inventiveness; Copyrights; The discipline of trademarks and trade secrets; Patents (module partially in English) and design with particular attention to fashion design; ADR and the discipline of traditional knowledge; Blockchain and smart contracts.
Prerequisites for admission
The graduate in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and the magistral graduate in Languages and Cultures for Communication and International Cooperation possess the linguistic, cultural and juridical competences to operate in the field of Intellectual Property, a valid strategic tool for large international companies but also for Italian SMEs. The Workshop is structured in two modules. The first one is dedicated to the knowledge and legal protection of the various works resulting from human creative/inventative activity. The second module is characterized by a more practical approach with specific insights, such as, for example, the management and marketing of foreign rights of intellectual works, an activity that requires legal skills to understand the main contractual clauses, high language skills for the negotiation and promotion of works abroad, cultural, economic and historical-geographical knowledge of the country where the rights are marketed.
Teaching methods
Lectures are held through PPT presentations and discussion of leading cases. Students are confronted with concrete cases and learn to argue in fact and law. The workshops include the simulation of a legal mediation in intellectual property and the analysis of copyright and licensing contracts. An Italian author has been invited to speak to the students on the topic of "literary work and creativity". The discussion is also conducted in English.
Teaching Resources
The material was entirely provided by the teacher and uploaded onto the Teams platform. It consists of the ppts shown in class, short essays, articles from specialized magazines, sentences (also in English), a vademecum on copyright in literary translation drafted by Strade with the collaboration of lawyer Maria Teresa Badalucco, vademecum on mediation drafted by UIBM (Italian Patent and Trademark Office), EUIPO (European Union Office for Intellectual Property), INNEXTA.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The achievement of the expected student learning outcomes is achieved through written self-assessment tests, oral case discussions, and analysis of the main clauses of contracts for the negotiation of intellectual property rights.
- University credits: 3
Professional training laboratories: 20 hours
Professor: Badalucco Maria Teresa